I Contracted Myself


"Run, there's a murderer here!"

Apophis noticed the humans and made a strange sound.

It is too aware of how strong its tentacles are, and this human will definitely be hanged by the tentacles like the previous ocean people.

"There is a murderer, where is he?"

Suddenly, the human stopped and looked around, then looked at its location and asked.

Apophis was stunned. The other party understood its words and discovered it?

It said weakly: "The murderer is me, no, no, the murderer is my tentacle, it's none of my business!"


Zhang Ping looked at Apophis in the distance and was speechless.

He has the ability to tell whether other creatures are lying, so he really believed what Apophis said just now.

Who would have known that Apophis would turn a corner and give such a bizarre answer.

There's something wrong with this Apophis!

Zhang Ping thought silently in his heart.

The Apophis he found this time had a very strange body.

In addition to the huge head that is connected to the head of a marine man, its eight tentacles are very thick and look like a ferocious and terrifying giant sea snake.

And the suction cups on its tentacles each have spikes.

Once the target is attached and the spikes pierce into the target's body, it is estimated that most creatures will be unable to break free.

Of course, these are no threats to Zhang Ping. What is really strange is the state of Apophis. It calls itself a murderer, but it seems to be excusing itself.


It's so abnormal.

Zhang Ping thought for a while and asked, "So are the tentacles part of your body?"

"This... is!" Apophis hesitated, then answered honestly.

Zhang Ping continued to ask: "If a person kills someone with his right hand, can he excuse himself by saying that his right hand killed someone, so just cut off his right hand?"

"Uh...that won't work." Apophis gave the answer based on the knowledge in the ocean man's brain and his own judgment.

Then it visibly lost, because that meant it killed someone.

As a murderer, according to the consensus of ocean people, it must pay for life with one life!

In other words, it's dying.

Zhang Ping showed a surprised expression. This was the first time he saw an alienated beast with such rich emotions.

So far, except for the alien beasts such as Little Theron, which often mix with humans, most of the alien beasts in the wild behave very purely and do not have too many emotions.

"Since you committed a crime, what do you think?" Zhang Ping asked.

Apophis said sadly: "Am I going to die?"

"Not necessarily. In fact, you can still find a way to atone for your sins." Zhang Ping said with a smile.

Although this Apophis killed an ocean man, it was indeed an unforgivable crime, but if it could cooperate with the rescue team and make a great contribution, it would not be impossible to spare its life.

Apophis was very smart and immediately realized Zhang Ping's goal.

Every Apophis has an instinct, which is to protect other seeds. At this moment, the instinct instantly takes over.

All the tentacles grew white exoskeleton armor, and then shot towards Zhang Ping like a howitzer.

Zhang Ping dodged, just in time to avoid the impact of Apophis, and said in surprise: "Did I say something wrong?"

However, Apophis could no longer think. His brain had been occupied by instinct, and he had only one thought, which was to kill the humans in front of him who were trying to harm him.

When its attack was avoided by Zhang Ping, all the tentacles twisted in a spiral, changed direction directly, and exploded with huge force again, hitting Zhang Ping's direction.


Zhang Ping's mental power quickly weaved an invisible net towards Apophis.

But the moment his telekinesis net collided with Apophis, Apophis body deformed violently, and telepathy could hardly fall on it. It was like a drop of oil traveling through steel, directly piercing the steel.

"Immune to telekinesis or immune to all powers?"

Zhang Ping was a little surprised, and then used Mingwu to try to resist.

This time it was blocked.

Apophis hit the mist, and his body suddenly turned into a pile. Then he twisted his body again, trying to change direction, but before he could escape, the mist wrapped him heavily.

"I think we can continue to communicate!" Zhang Ping tried to say as he felt Apophis running rampant in the dark mist ball.

However, Apophis did not respond to him, but continued to rush mindlessly, trying to escape the cage formed by the dark mist.

"It seems that I said something wrong, which triggered some of its passive abilities!" Zhang Ping carefully recalled all the details just now, and finally came to a conclusion.

He tentatively said: "I am not your enemy.

Man, I'm not going to kill the other seeds! "

"Hey, what's wrong with me? What kind of place is this? It's so dark!"

Apophis recovered instantly, and then found himself in a completely dark environment, and said in a panic.

Is it really possible?

Zhang Ping was dumbfounded at this moment. Apophis' passivity seemed a bit easy to deceive.

"I'm going to kill all Apophis!"

Zhang Ping thought for a while and then spoke to Ming Wu Qiu.

Sure enough, Apophis immediately hit the ball of mist frantically, seeming to have returned to the state of attack just now.

"I won't kill Apophis!"

"Eh? It's so dark!"

"I want to kill Apophis!"

"Bang bang bang!"

Zhang Ping originally wanted to experiment a little more, but then he felt it was fun, so he played for a while.

After playing enough, he stopped and said with a smile: "No, no, I won't kill Apophis!"

"Is this the hell that humans call? It seems that I'm dead." Apophis was finally freed this time. It looked at the dark environment, and then thought about how it always lost consciousness, and thought a little sadly.

Killing people means paying with one's life.

It guessed that it might have been killed by that human.

Because that human was really not simple, he was not afraid of it and could understand what it was saying.

At this time, the dark fog suddenly dissipated.

Zhang Ping smiled and said: "I'm very curious about you now. I want to take you to a place. I hope you don't resist, otherwise don't blame me for not warning you in advance!"

"I... I'm not dead yet?" Apophis looked at Zhang Ping and asked in surprise.

Zhang Ping smiled and said, "I can only tell you that you are not dead for now. As for whether you will die or not, that is none of my business."

He had seen the medical research team doing experiments, and the scene was too horrible.

In the past few years, the medical research team had also tried to take advantage of him. After all, he was the only infinite awakener in the rescue team. How could those crazy researchers not be curious about what secrets his body was hiding?

However, Zhang Ping was the founder of the rescue team. No matter how curious the medical research team was, they could not do anything to him. At most, they could only use money to hire Zhang Ping from another world to do experiments.

Thinking of the style of those crazy researchers, Zhang Ping suddenly felt a little sympathetic to Apophis, who was about to become a test subject.

Apophis saw Zhang Ping's gaze and subconsciously shuddered.

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