I Contracted Myself

【015】Busy growing up

Zhang Ping sent Apophis to the rescue team's laboratory, and some results were obtained the next day.

"Creatures like Apophis are so strange. They are not real creatures. Strictly speaking, they are more like Zuo Xiangming's living corpse." Chen Weihua found Zhang Ping and got straight to the point.

Zhang Ping put on his pants and asked, "You mean, Apophis might be Zuo Xiangming..."

"No, these are two completely different situations. The living corpse controlled by Zuo Xiangming is controlled by corpse poison, while Apophis is a very pure living corpse. I haven't figured out the principle of this yet. In short , Apophis is a corpse!" Chen Weihua said.

Zhang Ping scratched the back of his head and said a little disappointed: "I know this without you having to tell me!"

"You haven't understood the seriousness of the matter. Since Apophis is a corpse, are special drugs still useful? Maybe we should not focus on special drugs now, but should consider dealing with tsunamis!" Chen Weihua said.

Zhang Ping frowned and said, "You mean the tsunami is unstoppable?"

"Well, there is a possibility." Chen Weihua nodded.

She then added: "What I'm talking about now is just the worst possibility. Apophis will still continue to kill. It's best to collect more samples and come back."

"I know, but that sample is very special. Don't worry about it. I still want to study what it is like." Zhang Ping nodded.

Chen Weihua suddenly looked at Zhang Ping like an alien, with an expression of surprise.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Ping was looked at in confusion.

Chen Weihua said in surprise: "You actually want to study something? This surprises me."

"Tch, can't I be a little curious?" Zhang Ping rolled his eyes.

That Apophis is special because it gave birth to a ‘personality’, and Zhang Ping wanted to see what it would become in the end.

"Okay, I'll tell those bastards to be gentle and try not to hurt its life." Chen Weihua nodded.

After she finished speaking, she talked about other trivial matters for a while, and finally said goodbye and left.

It's not that she doesn't want to chat more with Zhang Ping, it's mainly because as the leader of two large groups, she is very busy, and being able to take time out of her busy schedule to talk to Zhang Ping is already considered a pretense of public benefit.

Of course, being busy is not without its rewards.

At present, apart from Zhang Ping, she can be said to have the most achievements in the team, and she is a truly rich woman.

After Chen Weihua left, Zhang Ping was not in a hurry to go to the sea to find Apophis. The main reason was that he had been soaking in the sea for the past few days and couldn't stand it anymore.


So he needs to be lazy for a while.

He closed his eyes, and the next moment his consciousness shifted to Liu Sishan, who was inspecting the new members who were exercising with his hands behind his back.

Liu Sishan is the leader of the new training team, and his main task is to train the new team members.

In fact, although there are many newcomers in the rescue team, they are veterans in other worlds, and their abilities are not bad.

Therefore, Liu Sishan must have enough strength to overcome these thorns.

At this time, the water flow around Liu Sishan was produced out of thin air, directly blocking the sound around him.

She said: "Zhang Ping?"

"Sister Sisi, are you interested in going to the sea to play together?" Zhang Ping immediately invited.

He did not dare to take other members of the rescue team into the sea, mainly because Apophis was very strong, and casualties might occur if he was not careful.

But if it is Liu Sishan, then there will be no problem.

Liu Sishan is now also a top awakener and has three superpowers. Coupled with her advanced skills, it is difficult for Apophis to hurt her, although she may not be able to kill Apophis.

However, after listening to Zhang Ping's words, Liu Sishan looked at the new members present and gritted his teeth and said, "No, you can go and play by yourself."

"Sister Sisi, the new recruits are never finished training. Let's go play together." Zhang Ping advised.

Liu Sishan said seriously: "If I train them more now, they will have more chances of surviving in the future. The rescue team has such a heavy task, how can they relax? Stop talking and go and have fun by yourself."

After saying that, she stopped caring about Zhang Ping and remained unmoved no matter what Zhang Ping said.

Zhang Ping persuaded and persuaded, but finally gave up helplessly.

His consciousness returned to his original body, and then he went to find Zhang Shouzhong. Who knew that Zhang Shouzhong was leading a group of apprentices to study some super robot.

"You said this thing is a robot? It's obviously a Gundam!" Zhang Ping looked at the huge mecha through Zhang Shouzhong's line of sight and complained directly.

Zhang Shouzhong said disgustedly: "Don't make any noise, I'm busy. If you have anything to do, we'll talk later."


Zhang Ping was speechless and had to find Cheng Xuejie who was practicing.

Not surprisingly, he was defeated by Cheng Xuejie and had to return to his true body in despair.

"Everyone is busy."

Zhang Ping sighed. In fact, he really wanted everyone to go out for a walk together, just like when he took the risk to fight against Tian Changhu.

They were still very weak at that time, and

Just full of enthusiasm.

Nowadays, everyone has their own important things to do. Instead, there are less gatherings and more separations. Sometimes it is not easy to say a word.

This is probably the price of growth.

I have grown!

In Wave City, Apophis slowly opened his eyes.

The body it is currently using is that of Yu Chenghai. This young body seems to have endless vitality, allowing it to understand many things.

Sometimes, you can't understand just because you don't have it. You will understand it when you have it.

For example, pain, before people have experienced pain, they cannot imagine what pain feels like, nor can they understand the pain of others.

Only when a knife cuts into one's own body can one know the pain and understand the pain.

The same is true for Apophis. In the past, his body was modeled after plants, and he would quietly take root in one place, hunting and waiting in an endless cycle.

But this time, it learned to win-win, so it shared a body with Yu Chenghai.

After possessing a body, it understands many things, including diseases, injuries, heartbeats, hunger, fear...

At the same time it realizes it's boring!

It then asked Yu Chenghai: "Yu Chenghai, what do you think I should do?"

"Lord Apophis, I don't know what you want to do. If it is what you want to do, then it is what we all want to do." Yu Chenghai replied.

It's the same as saying it.

Apophis sighed, then called all the ocean people together and asked: "I feel very bored and want to have some... fun. Tell me something interesting."

"Killing people is fun!" said an inmate who was incarcerated.

But the next moment he was criticized by other ocean people for being autistic, Apophis said: "I don't like killing, I like win-win, so don't kill!"

"Then let more people feel the greatness of Lord Apophis, so that more people can win together?" said an old man.

Apophis controlled Yu Chenghai's body. He touched his chin and thought, "This sounds good. Is there a more specific goal?"

"Landlanders!?" said a child.

There have always been various legends about land people in Wave City. For example, children running to the water will be captured by land people.

Therefore, everyone is both curious and afraid of land people.

Now that Apophis is backing them, maybe they can catch some land people for fun!

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