I Contracted Myself

【016】Mysterious Island

The sea is vast and the sky is wide.

A seabird soared in the sky, its eyes scanning the sea surface, looking for suitable prey.

On the blue ocean, a huge black turtle of an unimaginable size was riding the wind and waves, slowly moving in the water.

Zhang Ping sat on the turtle shell, holding a fishing rod in his hand, fishing.

Because everyone had something to do, he had to come out by himself, but he had been swimming in the sea for the past few days and was a little tired, so this time he brought the black turtle with him.

At least with the black turtle as a mount, he could also fish, barbecue, and sleep on the way...

Although Zhang Ping was on the sea, he actually knew the situation on the seabed very well, so he didn't need to worry about missing the seeds of Apophis.

It's just that the sea is vast, and finding seeds is not a simple matter. He is ready for a protracted war.

Suddenly, Zhang Ping opened his eyes, and the fishing rod in his hand quickly bent. Under the water, a big blue fish was biting the bait tightly and struggling frantically.

"Get up!"

Zhang Ping stood up from the turtle shell, and the next moment he exerted force with both arms, violently pulling the fish out of the water.

However, when the fish was pulled out of the water and rose to the air, a huge seabird immediately descended from the sky, grabbed the big fish and immediately flew into the air.

Zhang Ping held the fishing rod and was pulled into the air in a blink of an eye.

"Hahahaha, interesting, so interesting!"

Zhang Ping was stunned at first, and then laughed loudly in the air, letting the seabird take him flying.

The black turtle, which was originally moving slowly in the sea, suddenly turned into a ball of green light and quickly caught up with Zhang Ping, and finally fell into a gem in Zhang Ping's pocket.

In this way, Zhang Ping was carried forward by the seabird.

After flying for almost half an hour, a emerald green island appeared in front.

The seabird immediately swooped down and landed on the cliff on one side of the island. There was a bird's nest under the cliff, and three green bird eggs lay quietly in it.

"Safe landing!"

Zhang Ping landed on the ground, let go of the fishing rod in his hand, and immediately raised his hands.

But the next second, the seabird let out a sharp cry, flapped its wings and slapped Zhang Ping's head, and its sharp claws had pierced the big fish's head.

Zhang Ping bent down to avoid the seabird's attack, and then smiled: "Forget it, there are still three little


He originally wanted to let the seabird go, after all, the three bird eggs couldn't be left without the care of their parents after hatching, but before he finished speaking, the seabird attacked again with its wings, and when it turned around, it sprayed a stream of white feces at him.

Although he avoided both attacks, he was unhappy.

His eyes emitted a scarlet light the next moment, and the sky and the earth suddenly darkened. Two hot and bright red lights flashed by, and the seabird and the big fish turned into a dish directly.

The big fish was already cooked, emitting bursts of heat, and the seabird spread its wings, maintaining the posture before the attack, and the crisp skin reflected the oily sheen.

Zhang Ping did not use the laser eye, but another ability of the mutant eye, called the gourmet eye.

The gourmet eye is ineffective against dead things, but it has extremely high damage to living things. If you are shot by the gourmet eye, you will become a dish.

Zhang Ping took out a knife and fork, ate the seabird and the big fish, and then took out the three bird eggs in the bird's nest and threw them into the dream city as backup dry food.

So, you can't be too arrogant when you are a bird. You should forgive others when you can, otherwise you will be made into a dish in minutes.

"By the way, Apophis's matter can't be delayed."

Zhang Ping was excited and was about to explore this unknown island when he suddenly thought of Apophis.

He thought about it and simply summoned the Book of Good Deeds. After flipping through a few pages, he found a suitable summoned beast and summoned it directly.

[Transfer Koi: It can consume 10,000 good deeds to activate. After summoning it, it will pray for you in the water and bring you good luck. 】

After summoning the koi, Zhang Ping touched the koi's eyebrows, and the koi immediately understood what he was going to do.

After Zhang Ping put the koi into the sea, he moved towards the center of the island easily.

The island was not big, but the trees were quite lush.

Many trees that Zhang Ping had never seen grew together, and there were many fruits similar to coconuts and blueberries hanging on the treetops.

Zhang Ping picked some fruits and continued to move forward.

The surrounding grass and trees made way for him under the influence of telekinesis, and he slowly walked towards the depths.

"Woo, woo..."

"Quack, quack..."

"Aw, woo..."

The island was full of vitality, and the sounds of animals could be heard from time to time.

At the slightest disturbance, some herbivores would jump up and down, including colorful ducks, monkeys with fruits on their heads, and stags with colorful horns.

Zhang Ping found that there were more alien beasts here than he had imagined.


It should be said that there were no ordinary animals except alien beasts.

On land, although the alien beasts are rampant, there are still ordinary animals. However, there seems to be no soil for ordinary animals to survive here. All ordinary animals have become extinct, leaving only various alien beasts.

Zhang Ping grabbed a little frog that didn't have time to escape, and sure enough, a large amount of dark green toxins shot out from the frog's back the next moment.

These toxins quickly sprayed towards Zhang Ping's eyes in a spiral manner, and were finally blocked by Zhang Ping's telekinesis.

"Good ability, it belongs to me!"

Zhang Ping simply knocked the little frog unconscious with telekinesis, and then took away its ability.

Then he threw the little frog, which had lost its value, onto the leaves on the side and continued to explore this unique island.

He did not deliberately collect abilities. The current ability library of the rescue team was already quite rich, enough for the members of the rescue team to choose the abilities they liked.

But the animals he encountered around him were all mutants.

He could only reluctantly collect all the abilities of these mutants.

Perhaps because there were too many mutants, there were no normal plants on this island. On the way, Zhang Ping collected some fruits, one of which was a vermilion fruit. He ate it and his life increased by ten years.

Although ten years of life was not important to him, the fruit that could increase life must be valuable in any world.

He decisively packed the plant and put it in the Dream City, ready to transplant it to the rescue team headquarters.

When he thought that this adventure would end in this relaxed and happy atmosphere, a rusty steel fortress appeared in front of him.

This fortress was built under the mountain wall near the center of the island, revealing only the oval shell. A metal gate was printed with complex runes, and the surrounding mutants all subconsciously avoided it.

Zhang Ping's heart skipped a beat when he saw the runes.

He had seen these runes before in the images played by the identification technique.

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