I Contracted Myself


These words are very twisted and weird, and seem to have some mysterious power over the creatures.

Zhang Ping put away all kinds of complicated thoughts and slowly approached the metal door after making sure that the surrounding area was safe. Then he felt that the energy in his body seemed to be suppressed.

If he usually displays 100% of his strength, now he may only be able to display 10%.

When he tried to touch the door with his hand, the energy in his body was almost solidified, and he could barely mobilize one percent of his power.

But of course there was a reason why he dared to do this.

Although his superpowers have been suppressed, his physical fitness and mental strength have not been suppressed. These belong to him and are not superpowers.

Therefore, his mental power is still strong, and his physical fitness that has become stronger has not collapsed.

"Is this to prevent the invasion of alienated beasts?"

Zhang Ping thought to himself, and then tried to open the metal door.

But after he pushed hard for a while, the door remained motionless. Instead, the ground he was standing on was sunken by his steps, forming two deep footprints.

Even without relying on super powers, he is a super strong man among humans.

Like a steamroller, he could easily lift more than a dozen.

"I don't believe I can't push it!"

Zhang Ping gritted his teeth, and the next moment the biological force field was activated, forming a Bagua-shaped floor directly under his feet. He stepped on the ridges of the biological force field, pressed the metal door with both hands, and the telekinesis transformed by his mental power also hit the door.

There are two types of his telekinesis, one is telekinesis brought by superpowers, and the other is telekinesis derived from powerful mental power.

The first type of telekinesis cannot be used now, but the second type of telekinesis can still be used.

With the blessing of two powers, Zhang Ping pushed the metal door open little by little. The air inside was not dull, nor did it have the smell of time.

"Has anyone been here?"

Zhang Ping looked at the passage inside the door and found that there was no dust on the ground, so he couldn't help but squint his eyes.

This shows that this place may not be abandoned, and there may be unknown enemies inside.

Zhang Ping thought for a moment and finally sighed.

Come all come.

If you just leave in despair


He will definitely have insomnia tomorrow, worry about gains and losses, and always think about this ghost place.

“As the saying goes, everything comes when it comes.”

Zhang Ping muttered and then walked into the passage.

Because all his superpowers were suppressed, he didn't dare to be careless at all and took every step very carefully.

The outside of this steel fortress is stained with rust, but the inside is very well maintained. There is no trace of rust at all, and the air is very clear and not stuffy.

The owner of the fortress seems to be a minimalist. There are no extra decorations inside the fortress. Only the upper part uses some kind of technology to transmit the external sunlight in, so that the fortress will not be dark.

After walking for a while, Zhang Ping came to the circular fork. There were doors one after another on the metal body in the middle. Each door was marked with the room number, but the characters used were a bit old, and Zhang Ping did not notice it. the meaning of these words.

"Is there anyone there?" Zhang Ping shouted softly.

For a moment, when he saw no one responded, he walked to a door and knocked, then tried to open the door.

Maybe the owner of the fortress never thought that anyone would come in, so these doors were not equipped with door locks. Zhang Ping opened the door with a slight twist of the doorknob.

Zhang Ping glanced at the doorknob and then gently pushed the door open.

There was only a huge metal nutrition tank in the room. A large number of infusion tubes with unknown effects fell from the ceiling and were connected to the bottom of the nutrition tank. They were continuously replacing the nutrient solution for the nutrition tank.

In the nutrition tank, an old man with wrinkled skin and a big belly was closing his eyes and spraying bubbles from his nostrils.

Without saying a word, Zhang Ping directly used the identification technique, and then showed a look of surprise.

This old man turned out to be not an awakened person, but an ordinary person. Moreover, he was about to die and was extending his life in this way.

Zhang Ping studied around the nutrient tank for a while, and suddenly felt a bit like a monkey circling around humans.

Can not Understand it!

The technological content of this nutrient tank is definitely not low. The problem is that he can't understand the principle of either the nutrient tank itself or the mysterious nutrient solution inside. However, this base seems to have the effect of suppressing superpowers. He can't analyze it even if he wants to. .

After confirming that there was nothing he could do with the gadget for the time being, he sighed slightly and turned to

Leave the room.

Then, he looked at each room one by one. Sure enough, these rooms were all the same. They were all filled with various nutrition tanks, and there were various old guys lying in the nutrition tanks.

These old men extend their lifespan in this way, as if they are expecting to live again one day in the future and truly live forever.

Zhang Ping guessed that these old men were either former capitalists or some people in power.

After checking the last room, Zhang Ping looked at the other end of the circular fork. He was coming from the front, and the exit at this end continued to extend toward the fortress.

In fact, now he can choose to leave directly.

The problem is that we have come this far, and if we don’t continue to explore further, there is always a feeling of unwillingness.

Zhang Ping sighed and continued walking forward. After walking for about two minutes, he came to a roundabout intersection with a metal pillar in the middle and door after door.

At first, he suspected that he was trapped in a cycle, but after opening the door, he knew that this was not a space cycle, because the people lying in the nutrient tanks in the room were different.

This time, most of the people lying in the nutrient tanks were women, and most of them were young and beautiful.

They lay naked in the nutrient tanks, with bubbles constantly coming out of their nostrils. Several women had no scars on their bodies, and their temperaments were elegant and noble. It was obvious that they were not girls from ordinary families.

"The status of women here should be higher than that of the old men outside!" Zhang Ping concluded.

If there is an enemy invasion, the first to be killed will definitely be the old men outside, and then it will be their turn here.

So is there anything else a little further inside?

Zhang Ping did not check all the rooms in the second ring, but walked directly to the front. Sure enough, there were new rooms in front.

Based on Zhang Ping's exploration, the structure of this fortress can be roughly guessed to be the structure of '=⊙=⊙=⊙='.

But Zhang Ping did not know how many rings there were, and how many people were sleeping here, waiting for the day to see the light of day again.

Later, Zhang Ping simply stopped checking those rooms and walked through passages and rooms one after another, gradually moving deeper into the fortress.

These rooms were no longer of much value, and the real answer must be ahead.

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