I Contracted Myself

【018】Professor Zhou

In fact, Zhang Ping has already noticed that these passages are not straight lines. Their angles are actually changing all the time. After repeated changes, they finally spiral downward.

In short, Zhang Ping is no longer on the ground, but underground on the island. It's just that he doesn't have superpowers, so he doesn't know how many meters underground he is.

It has to be said that Zhang Ping usually relies too much on superpowers, and all problems in this regard are left to information control to operate. Now that superpowers can't be used, he is completely helpless.

When Zhang Ping continued to move forward, in the depths of the fortress, a half-human, half-mechanical man suddenly opened his eyes.

"Is there an intruder? Have you passed the cordon?" A red light flashed in the man's eyes, and the extremely secret cameras around the passage locked on Zhang Ping.

The man got up from his clothes, walked directly to the control console on the side, and pressed the first red button.

If it is an alien beast, then expel it. If it is a human, it is necessary to wake up the professor, and the professor will judge whether it is an enemy.

In the depths of the fortress, in a nutrient tank, the old man slowly opened his eyes, and the nutrient tanks around him were immediately discharged.

He landed at the bottom of the nutrient tank, and the glass opened quickly.

"Are there any human invaders?"

He walked aside and picked up his clothes, muttering to himself while putting them on.

Then he picked up his watch and took a look, sighing: "Unknowingly, hundreds of millions of years have passed. When will this day end?"

Having said that, he didn't want to die.

After putting on his clothes, he walked out of the room, and Zhang Ping happened to grope over, and the two met in the passage.

This is not a coincidence, but a calculated necessity. When the mechanical man wakes up, it means that the invader has walked a certain distance, and if it is a human, then wake up the professor.

Excluding the time for dressing, the professor will meet the invader when he comes out.

Of course, sometimes the invader will be on the right hand side, and sometimes the invader will walk faster and may be on the left hand side.

"Haha, young man, hello!" The professor looked at Zhang Ping and suddenly said with a smile.

Zhang Ping became cautious instead and nodded, "Hello, can you tell me what's going on here?"

"Why not? Come with me and let's talk. I also want to know the changes in this world." The professor agreed with a smile.

Zhang Ping actually thought about a lot, for example, the antiques in this base were the people or descendants of those people he saw in the identification


He thought that he might fight when he met the owner here, but the old man didn't seem to be prepared to use violence to drive him away.

After thinking for a moment, he decisively followed the old man to see what the old man said.

The two walked into a room one after the other. After the old man sat down, he smiled and asked, "Would you like some tea? Sorry, I just woke up and can't eat yet. If you have any needs, you can tell me directly."

"Okay." Zhang Ping sat opposite the old man and nodded in response.

The old man crossed his hands and observed Zhang Ping carefully. Then he found many small details, such as Zhang Ping's perfect body that didn't look like a mortal, and Zhang Ping's clothes were also very unique, as if they were made of mist, and energy overflowed from time to time.

Because the fortress has runes that prohibit superpowers, these energies are suppressed on Zhang Ping's surface, but they never disappear.

"This young man... is very strong!" The old man finally concluded.

Then he smiled and said, "You can call me Professor Zhou. I wonder what you should call me?"

"Then call me Captain Zhang." Zhang Ping saw that Professor Zhou did not say his full name, so he simply did not say it himself.

However, Professor Zhou did not care about Zhang Ping's name, and smiled, "Captain Zhang, I believe you have a lot of doubts now, you might as well say it, if I can answer it, I will definitely answer it."

"Actually, there is no doubt." Zhang Ping touched the back of his head and smiled a little embarrassedly.

The smile on Professor Zhou's face could not help but freeze slightly. He had something in his heart but didn't know how to say it. Why didn't this young man play by the rules?

"How about I ask casually?" Zhang Ping asked weakly.

Professor Zhou smiled reluctantly, "You can think about it carefully. Is there really no problem?"

"Have you eaten?" Zhang Ping asked awkwardly.

His IQ was originally at the level of an ordinary person, especially with information control, everything was left to the information control to handle, and he hadn't used his brain for a long time.

Suddenly someone came out and asked him to ask questions, what the hell was he asking!

Professor Zhou didn't realize that Zhang Ping hadn't thought of the question yet, and thought that Zhang Ping was deliberately waiting for him to speak first, so he frowned and gritted his teeth and said: "Let me tell you straight, this base is called the Fire Base, and its purpose is to continue the fire for mankind. The people sleeping in this base are all elites from all walks of life, and there are all kinds of powerful superpowers."

"Awesome!" Zhang Ping exclaimed.

Professor Zhou looked at Zhang Ping and said bluntly: "If you are willing to join us, I can give you four places."

"Join you?" Zhang Ping said in surprise.

Recruiting him without saying anything, and giving him four places, it's too abrupt.

Professor Zhou asked in confusion: "Aren't you curious about why you want to continue the fire of mankind?"

"Uh...you say!" Zhang Ping was stunned and continued.

At this moment, he actually didn't have much information to listen to Professor Zhou, but was reflecting on himself. It is normal for the body to be faster than the brain when acting, and people often don't realize that their thinking ability has declined.

Now that he has lost his superpowers, he realizes that he has really become stupid. Once a large amount of information floods into his mind, he cannot react at all.

Normally, information control will process all information at the fastest speed and deliver it to his brain in the most understandable way. It will then assist in analyzing every thought in his brain and draw conclusions in a blink of an eye.

It was like feeding food into his stomach without him even needing to chew.

Three years have passed by and he has become accustomed to being pampered by information control. Without the help of information control, he feels like a useless person.

Professor Zhou didn't say anything. He looked at Zhang Ping suspiciously, suspecting that Zhang Ping had an intellectual defect.

He thought for a while and asked: "There are 45 goldfish to be placed in the fish tank. Each fish tank can only hold 8 fish. How many fish tanks are needed at least?"

"Are you doubting my IQ?" Zhang Ping narrowed his eyes and looked at Professor Zhou with an unkind expression.

Although he has become stupid because he relied too much on information control in the past three years, it does not mean that his IQ is defective. It is just that his brain is used less, so he is not sensitive to information.

In fact, this situation is not unique to him. If you don't think about it for a long time, everyone will subtly become stupid. If you are older, the probability of suffering from dementia will increase significantly.

So everyone, remember to use your brain!

Seeing Zhang Ping looking at him with an unhappy expression, Professor Zhou realized that he had misunderstood something. He couldn't help but laughed and said awkwardly: "Let's get back to the topic. The existence of the Fire Base is to continue the human race..."

"You just said it." Zhang Ping interrupted.

Professor Zhou swallowed his throat and laughed dryly: "Then I'll tell you the truth. Don't be scared."

Please start your show!

Zhang Ping nodded and signaled Professor Zhou to speak quickly.

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