I Contracted Myself

【019】Base Rune

"Have you ever played dominoes?"

Professor Zhou reached out and swept the table, and neatly arranged dominoes appeared on the table.

He smiled and said: "The world we are in now is not the only one, but there are countless similar or similar parallel worlds. These worlds are like dominoes, usually in a state of non-interference with each other."

"In other words, if someone pushes lightly, the world may fall like dominoes?" Zhang Ping looked at the dominoes on the table and asked with a frown.

He tried hard to activate his brain, and with the help of powerful mental power, his thinking speed immediately began to increase.

Professor Zhou nodded and said: "Yes, so we need to preserve the human fire so that human civilization can continue."

"The question is, will it definitely fall?"

Zhang Ping couldn't understand who had the ability to knock down the dominoes.

"Actually, dominoes are just a metaphor. We don't know what happened specifically, but a long, long time ago, a parallel world collapse event occurred. Our institute is the only organization that noticed and successfully escaped the destruction." Professor Zhou added.

Zhang Ping stretched out his hand and gently pushed the dominoes. The neatly arranged dominoes immediately knocked down the nearest dominoes. He raised his head and asked, "Do you think such an incident will happen again?"

"Yes, I will definitely start again." Professor Zhou nodded.

Seeing that Zhang Ping was already dubious, he smiled and said: "We have data from the Great Destruction Period here. If you are willing to join us, I can show it to you."

"Why do you want me to join? In this case, shouldn't the fewer people, the better?" Zhang Ping could see that Professor Zhou really hoped that he could join them.

Professor Zhou pointed at Zhang Ping's clothes and said with a smile: "You are very strong, beyond imagination. Normally, when an awakened person steps here, all extraordinary elements will lose their effect, but you can still maintain or even use your superpowers." , This is enough to show your strength."

"But you have those magical runes, so you still need superpowers?" Zhang Ping continued to ask.

Professor Zhou smiled and said: "Who told you that superpowers cannot be used in the base? The runes you are talking about are called 'base codes' and 'base runes'. This is a mysterious symbol that can directly leverage vacuum energy. , everything extraordinary in countless parallel worlds all comes from the underlying code.”

"That... what is vacuum energy?

What? "Zhang Ping raised his hand and asked after listening to Professor Zhou's answer.

Since it is a vacuum, how can there still be energy?

Professor Zhou did not doubt Zhang Ping's IQ this time. He had met many awakened people in parallel worlds and found that the education level in each world was plummeting. Most people really did not know what vacuum energy was.

He explained: “Did you know that space equals energy?”


Zhang Ping blinked, then shook his head, indicating that he didn't know.

Even in his previous life, he was not a genius. Not long after graduating from school, he gave back all the knowledge taught by the teacher.

If he had information control, he might be able to answer it, but without information control, like most ordinary people, he couldn't even recite ancient poems, let alone mathematics and physics.

He can only remember the poems like "Goose Goose Goose" or "Moonlight in front of the Bed" completely.

Professor Zhou was not surprised by this. He explained: “In fact, wherever there is space, there must be energy. Even if the space is a vacuum, there is still vacuum energy.

Vacuum energy is also called background energy and vacuum zero-point energy.

Most of the rules of our world, like the existence of most basic forces, are related to vacuum energy. Some strong men tear apart space in battles, but what they tear apart is actually vacuum energy.

The base runes can affect the properties of vacuum energy through different arrangements, thereby achieving incredible effects such as distorting reality and creating extraordinary things. "

In fact, the reason why these runes have two names is mainly because some newly joined awakened people cannot understand what a 'code' is. Therefore, the term "underlying code" confuses many awakened people, so there is another name, which is the base symbol. arts.

Professor Zhou himself was accustomed to calling this kind of runes the underlying code, but considering Zhang Ping's knowledge level, he finally changed his mind.

"To put it simply, is it a distortion of the rules of the world?" Zhang Ping came to a conclusion through his own thinking after hearing this.

Professor Zhou was stunned for a moment, then nodded with a smile: "You can also say that, but the base rune itself does not have extraordinary abilities. How can I put it... It is just a symbol in itself, and it will only have an effect if there is an observer. Whether it is a human being or an animal, the effects of the runes have already begun to occur when they observe the runes themselves. The clearer the runes are in the consciousness, the greater the influence of the runes.

big. "

"But the current awakened people should have never seen the basic runes, right?" Zhang Ping questioned.

No basic runes have appeared in Pearl City, but there are countless awakened ones in Pearl City.

Professor Zhou smiled and said: "That's because the basic runes are already hidden in human genes, and your subconscious has long been accustomed to the existence of the basic runes."

This is like a biological force field, which everyone has, but without Cheng Xuejie's help in awakening, it would be difficult for normal people to detect the existence of the biological force field.

The same goes for base runes.

"If all people have basic runes in their genes, then why can some people become awakened while others cannot?" Zhang Ping continued to ask.

Professor Zhou explained: "That's because the base rune hidden in the human gene is called the 'blind box rune group'. This is a rune group composed of the 'heart' rune as the core. It is also the most stable rune group that we humans have mastered. Some unrealistic ideas and some unattainable wishes will directly cause the base rune to become a recessive gene. After all, the rune that can distort the vacuum energy will have disastrous consequences once it goes out of control."

After listening to Professor Zhou's words, Zhang Ping thought of the picture he saw in the identification technique at the beginning. The mutations of the initial experimenters were varied and the cost was extremely high.

"Okay, now you know almost everything you should know. Are you interested in joining us?" Professor Zhou asked with a smile when he saw Zhang Ping looking thoughtful.

Zhang Ping came back to his senses and repeated the old words: "Professor Zhou, you seem to want me to join you?"

"Now I won't hide it from you. Our base needs powerful awakeners to maintain it. Every time a powerful awakener is added, there will be more safety during the next transfer process. You are strong enough. This is the fundamental reason why I invited you." Professor Zhou replied.

For such a large base, when the great destruction begins, each transfer requires a lot of energy. This energy naturally does not come out of thin air, but is paid by the awakened people together.

In the last transfer, two awakened people died in the process of repairing the base shell, so Professor Zhou originally planned to recruit awakened people again, but he was originally planning to recruit them after they awakened naturally. Now Zhang Ping happened to break in by accident, so he saved the effort of looking for people everywhere and taking assessments.

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