I Contracted Myself

【020】Falling out

Zhang Ping pondered for a moment and said with a wry smile: "I am very grateful for Professor Zhou's affirmation, but I still have a lot of things to do, so... I'm sorry, I'm afraid I can't accept Professor Zhou's invitation."

"Well, that's a pity." Professor Zhou said with some disappointment after hearing Zhang Ping's reply.

He took off his glasses and wiped them, then put them on again, and then continued: "Captain Zhang, do you know? In my eyes, the security of the base is above all else, and any factors that may threaten the security of the base are Elimination must be eliminated. I don’t like to be a bad person, so anyone who breaks in by mistake will be given a chance to survive.”


Zhang Ping narrowed his eyes and realized that Professor Zhou was planning to turn against him because he refused the invitation.

He looked at Professor Zhou and asked, "In other words, you will kill everyone who refuses your invitation?"

"Otherwise? This is the last fire of mankind and the bottom line of civilization. Anyone who touches the bottom line... I will kill without mercy!" Professor Zhou looked at Zhang Ping and said seriously.

The reason why he was friendly to Zhang Ping before was because if Zhang Ping agreed to his invitation, he would be his companion in the future. But now that Zhang Ping has declined the invitation, there is no need to pretend to be a good guy.

Zhang Ping sighed and slowly got up from his seat.

"What, you want to fight with me?" Professor Zhou also got up from his chair, looked at Zhang Ping and said with a playful smile.

Zhang Ping said seriously: "Do you know? According to the rules set by the rescue team, killing is a serious crime. Although my hands are stained with the blood of many people, at least I can say that all the people I killed are Damn it, then... where are you, Professor Zhou?"

"Haha, for the sake of humanity's last fire, the people I killed were naturally the ones who deserved to die, and you... deserved to die!" Professor Zhou said with a calm expression.

The next moment, a large number of golden threads appeared throughout the space.

Zhang Pingren was stuck just around these golden threads, and his body was completely unable to move. If he moved even slightly, blood marks would be cut by the golden threads.

"Isn't it strange? Why can't you use super powers, but I can still use them? Different arrangements of base runes will have different effects, and the super powers in my body are all inlaid with new base runes, so not only Immune to the effects of the base runes in the base, and any superpowers that are not embedded with base runes are 'low-level' in front of my abilities."

Professor Zhou was sure of victory and looked at Zhang

Ping smiled and said: "If you fight me on my home court, you have no chance of winning from the beginning."

In fact, the principle is very simple. When superpowers collide with superpowers, the competition is not only the strength of the superpower itself, but also the degree of impact on vacuum energy.

This is equivalent to the so-called rule mastery in some novels. A cultivator who masters 1% of the rules will naturally not be able to defeat a cultivator who masters 10% of the rules.

"It seems you have convinced me?"

Zhang Ping knew very well that Professor Zhou told him this not because he wanted to leak the secret, but because he thought he was dead.

But Professor Zhou shook his head and sighed: "I just haven't talked to anyone for a long time, and I just want to show it off. After all, these are my research results, but I can only keep them in my heart like a secret. You know this kind of thing?" Is it painful?”

"I understand a little bit." Zhang Ping nodded as he thought about his experience of being trapped in the small space inside Dragon Dragon Master's body.

Professor Zhou suddenly shouted: "You understand nothing, you are not me, how can you understand my pain!!!"

Then he raised his hand, and the golden threads around him immediately approached Zhang Ping.

"Remember this in the next life, don't refuse my invitation, Zhang Ping!" He looked at Zhang Ping and said calmly.

Zhang Ping looked at Professor Zhou in surprise. He had never told Professor Zhou his name just now.

"The world is far more mysterious than you think, haha." Professor Zhou saw the surprise in Zhang Ping's eyes and smiled proudly.

After he finished speaking, the surrounding golden threads strangled Zhang Ping instantly, but Zhang Ping also activated his ability at this time, and the biological force field directly formed a Bagua-shaped shield, opening the golden threads bit by bit.

Professor Zhou frowned and said, "Can you still use super powers?"

"The world is far more mysterious than you think, isn't it?" Zhang Ping said with a smile.

The biological force field itself is an integrated offensive and defensive ability. With his current powerful body, the biological force field bred by him is naturally extremely powerful.

It can be said that although the biological force field is not a superpower, it is stronger than many of his superpowers.

"Hmph, even if you can survive for a while, you will still die in the end!" Professor Zhou snorted coldly, his eyes emitting golden light.

Dense golden threads continued to emerge, one after another entangled in Zhang Ping's biological force field.

Zhang Ping wanted to leave, but these gold threads were not only extremely strong, but also clearly

There was no point of strength at either end, but there was huge power, making it difficult for him to move even an inch.

Obviously, the superpowers enhanced by the base runes are indeed unique.

Although there was only one layer of dark mist left on Zhang Ping's body, it was enough to cover his shame. However, under the influence of the golden thread, many small cracks have now appeared.

After the nature of vacuum energy is distorted, it is equivalent to the underlying laws of space being changed. It can also be said that things like God's will and the way of heaven are on Professor Zhou's side. Zhang Ping will be in danger if he continues to mess around.

Zhang Ping took a deep breath, then mixed his mind power with the biological force field to form armor, and then kicked the ground with both legs. Bound by countless golden threads, he threw himself at Professor Zhou.

Catch the leader first.

As long as Professor Zhou is killed, these golden threads will fall apart.

Professor Zhou had never expected Zhang Ping to have such a strong explosive power. He was caught off guard and had no time to dodge. In an instant, he collided with Zhang Ping. In the blink of an eye, Zhang Ping punched him three times in the abdomen, and a mouthful of old blood spurted out of his mouth.


Professor Zhou's eyes turned red, and he gritted his teeth to control the rotation of the golden threads around him, and then twisted them into golden fists and hit Zhang Ping.

However, Zhang Ping seemed to have eyes on his back at this time. He immediately grabbed Professor Zhou's arms and twisted them, and directly used Professor Zhou himself as a shield to block the attack of the golden fist.

The fist made of golden threads fell on Professor Zhou's back, and a loud noise was heard immediately.

Under the strong force of the fist, both of them fell to the ground. During the rolling process, Zhang Ping punched Professor Zhou's head three times, hitting Professor Zhou's nose and face.

In fact, if Zhang Ping didn't have so many gold threads wrapped around his body, he could have blown Professor Zhou's head off with one punch. The problem was that he was wrapped in gold threads all over his body, and he could only exert one thousandth of his strength.

Just as Zhang Ping was about to kill him while he was sick and quickly deal with Professor Zhou, a tall man rushed over in time and kicked Zhang Ping on the right side, and Zhang Ping was kicked away directly.

"Professor Zhou, are you okay?"

The tall man immediately squatted down and helped Professor Zhou, who was dizzy from being punched by Zhang Ping, and asked.

Professor Zhou wiped the blood from his nose and gritted his teeth and said, "I'm fine, Lin Sheng, take him down quickly, I want him... to die!"

As he spoke, he looked at Zhang Ping with resentment, as if he wanted to eat Zhang Ping alive.

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