I Contracted Myself

【021】The situation turns around in a blink of an eye

Professor Zhou is not an awakener who is good at fighting.

In fact, most of the time in the past, he stayed in the laboratory alone, and the awakeners he came into contact with were all his test subjects. He was like a high god who could do whatever he wanted to all the test subjects.

Later, the base moved from one world to another, and he came into contact with many awakeners who accidentally broke in, but under the suppression of the base rune, these awakeners were like lambs to be slaughtered, and they had no power to resist him.

Therefore, he really had never suffered such a big loss as today.

The severe pain in his abdomen and the pain in various organs in his head made him extremely annoyed. He could no longer maintain his previous demeanor. There was only one thought left in his mind, that is, to kill Zhang Ping.

The tall man Lin Sheng responded, and immediately turned to look at Zhang Ping, twisting his neck and making a clicking sound.

"Asshole, I'm going to cut you into pieces today!" Professor Zhou stood behind Lin Sheng, taking out a tissue from his pocket to wipe the blood on his face, and said coldly.

Zhang Ping laughed and said, "You're talking as if you'll let me go if I don't hit you."

Suddenly, Lin Sheng kicked his legs and appeared in front of Zhang Ping as if he had teleported, and his huge fist hit Zhang Ping.

Although Zhang Ping's defense was not weak, he had never considered taking the attacks he could see, especially since there were a lot of base runes in this base, so he couldn't use his superpowers, and the opponent's superpowers had been strengthened. He would be the only one who would suffer if he went head-on.

He dodged Lin Sheng's fist sideways, and just as he was about to counterattack, his arm was entangled by the golden thread. He took a look at the golden thread on his hand, and then Lin Sheng punched him in the chin.

Fortunately, the defense of the bio-force field was strong enough, so he just took a step back, but was not injured.

But these golden threads are indeed a big problem. As long as he is entangled by the golden threads, he can't be Lin Sheng's opponent, unless he can think of a way to deal with Professor Zhou first and touch the effect of these golden threads.


Since observing the base runes will produce an effect, then I might as well not look at it.

Zhang Ping saw Lin Sheng coming again, and suddenly a light bulb went off in his head. He quickly closed his eyes, and then all parts of his body were hit by Lin Sheng, and even his bio-force field was shaken.


Clearing your eyes obviously does not make you immune to the suppression of the base rune.

Zhang Ping opened his eyes, sighed helplessly, and was about to accept Lin Sheng's challenge again, but found that his bio-force field had a hole.

"Surprised? Lin Sheng's ability is called 'Defense No More than Three'. Any defensive ability is useless in front of him. As long as you are hit by his fist three times, the opponent's defense will be invalidated next time!" Professor Zhou smiled proudly.

Lin Sheng frowned, but did not stop Professor Zhou from breaking the news. After all, Professor Zhou was his boss. If he angered Professor Zhou, he would not have a good time.

"Is that so."

Zhang Ping listened and simply put down his hands.

I thought there was a fight, but who knew that his own defense was demolished by the opponent, so what's the point of fighting?

Although his physical strength is exaggerated, he can't withstand the attack of super powers. The fist that completely ignores defense can make a big hole in his body with one punch, and there is no way to fight.

"Hahahaha, are you desperate? Lin Sheng, catch him!" Professor Zhou laughed when he saw that Zhang Ping seemed to give up resistance.

Lin Sheng looked at Zhang Ping suspiciously, but he still approached Zhang Ping carefully under Professor Zhou's order.

"Chanlong Zun, kill them!"

Zhang Ping looked at Lin Sheng and spoke directly.

Under normal circumstances, Zhang Ping tried not to rely on Chanlong Zun as much as possible, but if it was too troublesome or there was no other way, he would still use Chanlong Zun.

In fact, Chanlong Zun was also suppressed in this base, but because it was just a weapon and had no self-awareness, this suppression was quite limited.

When Chanlong Zun's eyes emitted green light, Professor Zhou and Lin Sheng discovered Chanlong Zun behind Zhang Ping. Both of them changed their faces, one stepped back decisively, and the other rushed forward decisively.

At this time, Chanlongzun opened his mouth and shot out a beam of light.

Lin Sheng, who was rushing forward, suddenly saw a white light, and then his skin was turned to ashes in the light, followed by fat, muscle, blood vessels, bones...


The beam swept through, cutting the whole room in half, and Professor Zhou ran to the corner outside the door and survived.

He sat on the ground with his buttocks, looking at the huge cracks shot out by Chanlongzun in horror, with only one thought left in his head, it's over.

"Are you still alive?"

Zhang Ping wrapped himself with telekinesis and slowly floated out of the room. When he saw Professor Zhou, he smiled and said.

"Zhang Ping, let me go, I can give you all the research materials, as well as the data of the Great Destruction, all of which are here. As long as you spare my life, they are all yours!" Professor Zhou said tremblingly.

He himself did not have much combat experience, and his willpower was even worse. In the face of life and death threats, he decisively gave in.

Zhang Ping looked at Professor Zhou and smiled, "Should I say thank you?"

"No, you're welcome." Professor Zhou replied awkwardly.

Zhang Ping's expression changed instantly, he put away the smile on his face, lifted Professor Zhou with one hand, and said calmly, "You're welcome, who said you wanted to cut me into pieces? You're not going to continue now?"

"I don't dare, I don't dare." Professor Zhou felt his arm hurt so much that he immediately begged for mercy.

Zhang Ping ignored his plea for mercy, and the next moment he quickly flew along the entrance passage, and after flying out of the base gate, he quickly flew to the sky.

After flying a distance, all the suppressed superpowers immediately came to life.


Zhang Ping closed his eyes, feeling the constantly updated data of the information control, and couldn't help laughing.

Then he looked at Professor Zhou in his hand, and before Professor Zhou begged for mercy again, his telekinesis hit Professor Zhou's head neatly. Professor Zhou rolled his eyes and fainted directly.

"Information control, copy all the information in his brain." Zhang Ping said calmly.

Green lines immediately drilled out of his body and quickly pierced into Professor Zhou's brain, and pieces of information were quickly transmitted to the energy transformed by information control.

Zhang Ping was idle anyway, so he turned on the light screen and flipped through Professor Zhou's memory at a hundred times the speed.

At first, Professor Zhou's memory was relatively normal. He only studied, took the postgraduate entrance examination, and became a professor. He was always a top student and was a complete nerd in the early stage.

But then he came into contact with the base rune, and everything began to change.

Endless human experiments and a large number of scenes of abusing test subjects flashed by. In the end, he developed a sequence group of base runes to enhance superpowers, received a large amount of capital injection from the consortium, and the research institute expanded rapidly.

Later, he got a special test subject, Ain!

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