I Contracted Myself

【022】Sequence group

Ain, code name: Sleepwalker.

During an experiment, she accidentally became a vegetative state, but she also gained superpowers: a sleepwalking diary.

This super power generates a diary around Ain, and new words appear every day. The content is like Alice in Wonderland, absurd and bizarre.

But gradually some of the contents were confirmed in reality, and Professor Zhou realized that this ability was not simple.

Through Ain's ability, Professor Zhou learned that there are countless parallel universes outside the universe, as well as prophecies that the world is about to be destroyed.

There is no need to tell the following story. It is nothing more than building a base, escaping from one world after another, and finally meeting Zhang Ping.

"Great destruction?"

After Zhang Ping confirmed the authenticity of the information, he sighed helplessly.

This was definitely the greatest disaster among the various natural disasters he knew, and he had no idea how to rescue it.

Fortunately, there is still time before the next great destruction, and he can find a way to save all lives before the great destruction begins.

At worst, he can also build the mysterious sewer into a doomsday ark to allow as many creatures to survive as possible.

After half an hour, the copying ends.

Zhang Ping killed Professor Zhou directly and simply controlled the flames to burn Professor Zhou's body to ashes.

In the ashes, a ball of golden energy shines brightly. If you look closely, you will find that this ball of energy is a thread composed of golden threads, and there are a large number of basic runes in the lines.

This is Professor Zhou's ability-the line of reason.

Once the thread of rationality is pierced into the brain, the rationality will be drained out in an instant, and the result will be that he becomes Professor Zhou's puppet.

After the base runes are strengthened, the thread of rationality generated by this ability retains its original ability, but the hardness and toughness of the thread are greatly improved, making it almost impossible to break.

However, Professor Zhou's basic rune strengthening direction is not the hardness and toughness of the thread, but the exclusivity of other abilities.

For example, Zhang Ping wants to control Professor Zhou. If Professor Zhou's ability is not implanted with the basic rune strengthening sequence group, Zhang Ping knocks out Professor Zhou with one punch, and the contract gem can easily control Professor Zhou.

However, because Professor Zhou's ability is implanted with the base rune strengthening sequence group, which is extremely exclusive, it is difficult for the contract gem to take effect on Professor Zhou unless the contract gem is also implanted with the base rune strengthening sequence group.

The basic rune strengthening sequence group is actually equivalent to strengthening one's own super power at the rule level.


Although this kind of enhancement cannot definitely beat the super power without enhancement, until the gap is not too big to a certain extent, there is no doubt that having the base rune enhancement sequence group will definitely crush the ability without the base rune enhancement sequence group.

Currently, Professor Zhou has stably mastered the ten basic rune strengthening sequence groups through research.

[001: I think at ease; a sequence group composed of ten basic runes, after implantation, the ability is slightly improved, and at the same time, the resistance to superpowers and immunity to mental control are strengthened. 】

[002: Authority extension; a sequence group composed of six basic runes. After implantation, the effects of superpowers will be extended in three directions: 'timeliness, distance, and type'. 】

[003: One Throwing Ultimate; a sequence group composed of eight basic runes. After implantation, the super power can only be used once a day, and the power is at least 10,000 times stronger. 】

[004: The meaning of Wuwu: A sequence group composed of nine basic runes. After being implanted, the superpower will absorb the thoughts of the surrounding life and evolve. Note: The effect is stable, but has great uncertainty. 】

[005: The power of Simplified and Traditional Chinese: A sequence group composed of eleven basic runes. After implantation, the longer the superpower charging time, the greater the power, the shorter the charging time, and the smaller the consumption. 】

[006: Confused Road: A sequence group composed of eighteen basic runes. After implantation, the superpower will undergo secondary mutation and evolve into a new ability. Note: It is possible to become stronger, but it is also possible to become weaker. 】

[007: Egg of Reproduction: A sequence group composed of twenty basic runes. After implantation, the super power will be split into eight sub-system abilities. Each sub-system ability will consume the energy of the main ability to maintain. When the energy is disconnected, the sub-system abilities will quickly die and turn into eggs of resentment, permanently occupying one of the seats. 】

[008: Mirror Light: A sequence group composed of twenty-two basic runes. After implantation, the superpower will split into opposite abilities. 】

[009: When encountering three, it will be issued: a sequence group composed of thirty-three basic runes. After implantation, every time the super power is used three times, a miracle coin will be generated. After the coin is consumed, the power of the super power will be certain next time. maximize. 】

[010: Abolition of abilities: After the sequence group composed of three basic runes is implanted, the super powers will gradually disintegrate and eventually be abolished. 】

Professor Zhou is actually very interested in many sequence groups, but

After careful consideration, I still chose the 001 sequence group.

After all, he never thought of himself as a combatant. He did not need too high combat effectiveness. Maintaining himself, immune control was more important.

Although there is no regulation on how many sequence groups an awakened person can be implanted, the problem is that many awakened persons in the past suffered mental breakdowns when implanting a second sequence group and eventually turned into monsters.

For a second implantation, the chance of success is too low.

The reason is that there may be a conflict between the two sequence groups, or the two may be mixed together, resulting in the collapse of the sequence group and becoming "garbled code".

Professor Zhou naturally would not take risks, so he did not implant the second sequence group.

"One ability can only be implanted into one sequence group. I have so many abilities, I wonder how many sequence groups can be implanted?" Zhang Ping couldn't help thinking after figuring out how to implant the sequence group.

The base rune needs a carrier to be implanted into the body of the awakened person. In the past countless years, Professor Zhou has been recruiting new awakened people, and then awakened people have been dying, and there are few materials left for implanting the sequence group.

Zhang Ping estimated that the materials were not enough for his own use. If he wanted to popularize the entire rescue team, he could only rely on the rescue team to collect materials together.

According to the information in Professor Zhou's memory, each implantation of the sequence group needs to be used to carry the spirit fragments of the base rune, the liquid soul, and the ice spirit core to ensure that the implanter will not go crazy. As for the remaining materials, they are relatively common materials and are not worth mentioning.

Spirit fragments can only be obtained from creatures with extremely strong mental power, and the way to obtain them is to completely crush the target's spirit in a mental collision.

But even so, the probability of obtaining spiritual fragments is still very, very low.

Professor Zhou traveled through countless worlds and only collected a few hundred fragments, and he has been consuming them in the following years, basically in a state of not making ends meet.

As for liquid souls, they are also extremely rare, but Zhang Ping has no shortage of them.

In the clean world, all spirits can condense liquid souls. As long as Zhang Ping asks, he can provide one or two cans.

The last ice spirit core can only be produced by some elemental alien beasts in the South and North Poles.

Zhang Ping has never been to the South and North Poles, so he doesn't know if there are ice elemental alien beasts in the South and North Poles of these worlds.

PS: I shouldn't write sequence groups. It takes up words, but I have to rack my brains...

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