I Contracted Myself

【023】Kill and save

In fact, Zhang Ping has little interest in the sequence group developed by Professor Zhou. Although having the sequence group can bend the rules, it is not enough in the face of the "large quantity and full control" type of attack.

If the sequence team was really that invincible, it wouldn't be crushed by Dragon Dragon Master with one shot.

However, he did not underestimate the base runes, he just wanted to obtain a better sequence group through the research of the rescue team.

Professor Zhou actually studied more than ten sequence groups, but these ten have the most obvious and stable effects. The remaining sequence groups are extremely uncertain and may even produce horrific side effects.

"Okay, it's time to save people!"

After Zhang Ping finished looking through Professor Zhou's memory, he then looked at the base below.

The reason why he killed Professor Zhou so neatly was mainly because Professor Zhou had done many evil things in recent years and arrested people for experiments in many worlds.

Even Zhang Ping in a parallel world was caught.

This is also the reason why Professor Zhou knew Zhang Ping, but Zhang Ping in that world died after Professor Zhou repeatedly 'used' it, and he died very miserably.

There are still many people captured by Professor Zhou in the base, and there are also many scum who are helping others to do evil.

Zhang Ping took a deep breath and decided to penetrate the entire base today!

A certain parallel world.

Zhang Ping shot a black energy bomb at Pearl City, and instantly the entire Pearl City was swallowed up by darkness. When the darkness disappeared, only a large circular pit remained on the ground.

"It's so boring and not challenging at all."

Zhang Ping yawned and said with some dissatisfaction.

Then he sensed something and looked towards the sea in the distance with a playful expression on his face.

"You dare to spy on me, you are so courageous!"

The next second, he fell into the sea and saw Apophis with countless heads in the sea.

Just looking at this thing gives people the feeling of being a villain. Normal people will only find it disgusting and will never like it.

"Interesting, are you interested in being my lackey?" Zhang Ping found Apophis very pleasing to his eyes, so he looked at Apophis and asked directly.

Apophis's bared answer was as dense energy bullets shot towards Zhang Ping from each tentacle.

"I hate it when people reject me!"

Zhang Ping put away the smile on his face, and a huge black shadow flashed past behind him. Apophis' body quickly turned black, and then shattered bit by bit in the darkness.


Interesting, interesting, I will play with you! "

Zhang Ping then sensed the aura of Apophis quickly appearing around the sea. Apparently Apophis was quickly resurrected through some means.

He immediately flew out from the bottom of the sea and stood in the sky, with a pair of huge black arms appearing behind him.

With a slight wave of these arms, the entire sea turned black, and at the same time, countless huge black waterspouts rolled up from the sea, raging across the sea.

Then he clicked and killed all Apophis' seeds while flying, as if he was playing a game and not serious at all.

Flying, he saw a small island.

"Is anyone there? I'll come in and pull him!"

Zhang Ping landed in front of the base, tore open the metal gate, and shouted towards the passage inside the gate with a smile.

After a while, he swaggered into the passage and said to himself: "Since this is a land without an owner, I declare that this place belongs to me!"

He walked through the passage, opened the first room, saw the old man in the nutrient tank, broke the glass and pulled the old man out of the nutrient solution.

"Wake up, wake up, wake up!" He shook the old man, and then patted the old man's cheek.

After waiting for a while, when he saw that the old man still didn't wake up, he simply threw the old man to the ground.

In fact, when he broke the glass of the old man's feeding tank, the entire base had already sounded an alarm. The piercing alarm and the flashing red light made him a little unhappy.

"It's obviously my base, how can you not listen to me? It's so rude."

He walked out of the room, and a black mist spurted out from behind him, paralyzing the entire base immediately.

The black mist entered each room along the gaps, advancing layer by layer. Many awakened people had just woken up, and before they had time to put on clothes and pick up weapons, they instantly lost their lives when exposed to the black air, and their bodies quickly turned gray-black.

Zhang Ping continued to walk forward, and all the people lying in the nutrient tanks quickly lost their lives wherever he passed.

When he came to Professor Zhou's room, Professor Zhou was wrapped with gold threads all over his body. He stared at him and said angrily: "Intruder, why do you want to kill innocent people indiscriminately?"

"Intruder? This is obviously my territory, but you are calling me an intruder on my territory?" Zhang Ping said angrily.

Professor Zhou was really angry with Zhang Ping. He had seen a lot of shameless people, but he had never seen anyone as shameless as Zhang Ping.

Obviously the war of words is meaningless.

Professor Zhou gritted his teeth and attacked Zhang Ping

, as soon as he rushed in front of Zhang Ping, he was slapped by Zhang Ping and was stunned.

"So weak, is this what you rely on?"

Zhang Ping squatted down, looked at Professor Zhou who fell to the ground, and said with disgust.

While speaking, he extracted the power from Professor Zhou's body, flicked the golden lines, and said with a smile: "It's not okay to mess with my true meaning, but for the sake of your interest, I'll help you. You're fine."

Then he condensed a ball of black energy with his fingers and injected it bit by bit into the golden lines. The basic runes in the original lines immediately twisted like tadpoles and gradually changed into another shape.

"Okay, go to other worlds and enjoy the gift I gave you!"

Zhang Ping slapped the golden line back into Professor Zhou's body, then stood up and kicked Professor Zhou into a crack, exiling him!

Next, he continued to have fun in the base.

Some awakeners who were not killed by the black fog were killed by him in despair, and some innocent experimental subjects who had just escaped and had no time to be happy were then beheaded by him.

After walking and stopping, he finally came to the bottom of the base, which is also the core of the entire base.

This base wants to go to other worlds, and it needs Ain's ability as a coordinate.

Ain lay in the nutrient tank at the bottom, like a sleeping princess.

"Ah, look what I found?"

"A pitiful flower!"

Zhang Ping looked at Ain, who was naked in the nutrient solution, and said with a smile.


On the other side.

Zhang Ping wiped his sweat, led the rescued experimental subjects, and broke through the base all the way, and finally came to the bottom.

The bottom layer was very small. Surrounded by a large number of machines, a girl was soaking in nutrient solution, her expression was calm, as if she was sleeping soundly.

Zhang Ping immediately opened the nutrient tank.

Zhang Ping smashed the nutrient tank with one punch.

Zhang Ping took the girl out of the nutrient tank and covered her body with the dark mist.

Zhang Ping pinched the girl's neck, turned his head, and a faint smile appeared on his face.

"Let's go!"


In one world, Zhang Ping held the girl and walked towards the exit of the base.

In another world, Zhang Ping threw the girl into the air, and then two huge black arms appeared behind him. The arms suddenly clasped together, and the girl's blood splashed from the palms, dripping onto the ground.

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