I Contracted Myself

【024】Apophis and Professor Zeus

Sometimes, the flowers planted intentionally do not bloom, but the willows planted unintentionally create shade.

Exile is a very magical ability.

Especially if unintentionally, even the exile himself does not know where the exiled object will be exiled.

Professor Zhou felt that his body was being torn apart. One of his arms had turned into black lines. He wanted to control these lines, but these lines seemed to have their own ideas and were not controlled by him at all. Instead, some of them got into his body. In his ears, some got into his nostrils, and some even got into his anus.

And his other arm was even worse. Although it didn't turn into a line, it turned into a tree and was growing crazily. However, this tree was connected to his flesh and blood, and he couldn't do anything about it.

"Zhang Ping, I won't let you go even if I'm a ghost!"

With a roar of despair and resentment, he fell into the sea.

He wanted to struggle to surface, but his body didn't listen to him at all. He felt that his legs and even his third leg were mutating.

Obviously, this is related to Zhang Ping's modification of his sequence group.

When he was about to despair, many ocean people suddenly appeared in a mighty manner. These ocean people had a thin white line on the back of their heads, like controllable puppets.

"Lord Apophis, there are land people here!"

Suddenly, a marine man discovered Professor Zhou, immediately fell next to Professor Zhou, and shouted to the back.


In an instant, Professor Zhou's pupils shrank sharply. In countless worlds, Apophis is synonymous with terror. It is the tyrant of the ocean, the sanctioner of life, and the Pluto suspended above the heads of all living creatures.

It's over.

Professor Zhou could imagine his head hanging on one of the tentacles.

"He is really a land man, just right... We need a qualified guide, maybe he is suitable." Apophis walked forward slowly, looked at Professor Zhou and said.

Professor Zhou discovered that the Apophis in front of him seemed different from what he knew.

This Apophis maintains the body of the Ocean Man, and it seems that he has not yet determined his own image. There are countless thin lines behind it, and these thin lines are connected to the surrounding Ocean People. If he had not guessed, these lines may be Apophis's true form.

"Is this the larvae of Apophis?"

Professor Zhou thought to himself, and then he saw a thin line stabbing him quickly.


He knew very well the consequences of being stabbed by this line.

Driven by strong emotions, his arm full of lines quickly twisted into a fist and punched directly at the thin line.

When the fist collided with the thin thread, the thread collapsed immediately. Apophis quickly moved, and then saw the body he had just controlled collapse rapidly, and his head exploded in the blink of an eye.


Apophis stared at this scene and immediately let out a roar.

The next moment it looked at Professor Zhou lying on the bottom of the sea, its murderous intent increased sharply.

It didn't think about killing Professor Zhou just now, it just wanted to achieve a 'win-win' with Professor Zhou, but now it just wants Professor Zhou to die.

In an instant, the eyes of all the ocean people turned red.

"kill him!"

"kill him!"

"Venge the poster!"

The Ocean crowd was excited and roared around Professor Zhou.

"You want to kill me, but you are still young!"

Professor Zhou slowly got up from the ground, his legs had turned into a structure similar to an octopus.

Of course, his legs did not mutate into tentacles like an octopus, but like one of the arms, they all turned into lines.

In fact, these changes have not stopped, but have continued, and have even spread to the waist.

Professor Zhou didn't have time to think about what would happen if his body completely turned into lines. Now he needed to deal with these ocean people and Apophis with all his strength.

Although Apophis was only a larva, he still did not dare to be careless in view of Apophis' terrifying reputation in many worlds.

The next moment, Ocean Man and Professor Zhou started a melee.

These ocean people are not afraid of death. As long as their heads are not blown off, they can be reborn again in the next moment.

Although Professor Zhou intends to attack the Ocean People's brains, the Ocean People's combat experience has grown visibly with the naked eye, and it is getting harder and harder for him to kill these Ocean People.

After paying the price of more than a dozen Ocean people, Professor Zhou could no longer kill the Ocean people.

They have learned to attack in formation. Unless Professor Zhou's ability recovers, he will not be able to defeat the Ocean Man just looking at his current body.

The main reason is that although he can control the lines, they can neither be lengthened nor precisely controlled. At most, they can only be twisted together to form arms or other limbs.

Even if he conjures up four fists, it will be difficult to perfectly defend against all attacks from the ocean people.

In particular, some of the ocean men were armed. Several holes had been poked in his body by harpoons, and blood was flowing out.

"How can I

How can I die here? I haven't taken revenge on Zhang Ping yet, I haven't..."

Professor Zhou waved his fists feebly, his head filled with reluctance. The strong emotions caused his body to mutate rapidly, but it was still too slow.

Finally, a line suddenly penetrated his brain, and he realized that he was finished.

Apophis originally wanted to kill Professor Zhou, but after a fight, he changed his mind. Such a strong man must know a lot of things. Although he hates Professor Zhou, he must be more careful if he wants to achieve a win-win situation. Powerful, Professor Zhou has the possibility to make it powerful.

Great destruction?

Zhang Ping?

The next moment, Apophis got a lot of information from Professor Zhou's brain.

It was only then that it realized that it was not safe at all. If it didn't know about the Great Destruction, it would even die in a confused state, let alone win-win.

It must find a way to escape, to a place where the Great Destruction could not reach.

Apophis felt a strong sense of urgency in his consciousness at this time, and he also understood what he should do.

The ocean people were too bad, and he must get more people on land, especially the abilities of those awakened people, which was what he needed most.


Apophis muttered to himself, and the next moment his consciousness shifted to Professor Zhou's brain.

Before it continued to move towards Mingzhu City, suddenly a black line drilled into its body from Professor Zhou, and all the ocean people rolled their eyes and floated in the water as if they were dead.

"This land man is poisonous!"

Apophis' consciousness kept flickering, and through the experience he had gained in the past, he came to the simplest conclusion that he was poisoned.

Many ocean people will be poisoned if they eat the wrong things. It didn't expect that it would have such a day. Are all land people poisonous?

But just when it thought it was finished, many circles appeared on its tentacles, and the originally white tentacles turned into zebra-patterned tentacles.

At the same time, a huge force exploded instantly.

Its body expanded rapidly, gradually turning into a sphinx. At the same time, a large number of tentacles drilled out from its back, forming a pair of bat wings. The heads of those ocean people were all embedded in the film, which looked extremely disgusting.

As for Professor Zhou's head, it was now embedded in the face of the sphinx, just in the center of the eyebrows of the face, looking like a mole.

"Sure enough, only win-win is the only truth in the world!"

Apophis slowly opened his eyes, feeling the surging power in his body, and said to himself.

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