I Contracted Myself


"Oh my, I thought I had succeeded in fishing."

Apophis clenched his fists and was about to try out his new strength when a voice suddenly sounded beside him.

It glanced coldly in the direction of the sound, and then a large number of tentacles grew from its back and directly wrapped around the target that made the sound.

Three meters away, Zhang Ping raised his hand, and a rotating black light flashed by, and all the attacking tentacles exploded instantly.

He said disappointedly: "I thought you could give me a little surprise, but it turned out to be just a fool."

"You are very strong, why not win together with me!" Apophis quickly stopped the bleeding, and the broken tentacles were recovered one after another. It looked at Zhang Ping and spoke slowly.

Zhang Ping was stunned, and then he laughed out loud. He laughed like a madman and couldn't stop.

"What's so funny?" Apophis couldn't understand Zhang Ping's reaction.

Zhang Ping laughed for a full minute before stopping. He looked up at Apophis and said lightly: "Fool, do you know what the pinnacle of all extraordinary things is?"


Apophis couldn't understand Zhang Ping's words.

But Zhang Ping didn't care. He raised his hand, and the illusory base rune was formed instantly.

Then he explained to himself: "The Lashao Universe is a typical one-energy world. The basic rules of this world are very monotonous, and the physical properties are unique, so there is no extraordinary soil."

"But the will of the strong has the power to distort the rules of all things. I happen to be such a strong man. So some creatures observed my existence and understood my will. So they used my true meaning as words and created an extraordinary system, which is the system you are using now."

"You used my will as the starting point, your own body and mind as fuel, and finally created the extraordinary, but in the end you are just imitating others, and your limit is only what you said. 'Top'. "

"But everything has a glimmer of hope. Some creatures, based on my true meaning, eventually broke through the shackles and became so-called transcendents. They integrated their own will into their own extraordinary power, which gave rise to existences like you."

"But... you are too slow. The whistling universe will not wait for you to grow up, and you have no chance to move forward. All the extraordinary things stop at the transcendents. I... am so bored!"

Zhang Ping talked to himself, and Apophis was a little confused.

But Professor Zhou, who was embedded in his forehead, had his eyes shaking wildly, obviously shocked by the 'truth' Zhang Ping said.

"Next... I'll give you a chance to see the pinnacle of the extraordinary!"

Zhang Ping looked at Apophis, with a meaningful smile on his face, and slowly opened his hands.

With him as the center, the field opened instantly, and the nature of space, time, and energy all changed.

Although they were in the deep sea, Apophis and all the creatures felt that they had left the universe, and even the world they had left, and they seemed to have become something else.

"According to my deduction, the awakeners and the transcendents are above the domainers, who use their own will as the cornerstone and their own superpowers as the framework to build their own domains.

The domainers are above...they are the holy domainers, who open up space, keep their own domains constant, and eventually transform into the holy domain. The holy domain is immortal and I am immortal.

Then there are the gods, who carry their own true meaning words with their souls, eliminate my will, and eventually give birth to the pure god domain. From then on, life span is no longer a limit, and the soul will also transform into a god soul.

Above the gods, there are the masters, who devour the world with their own god domains, feed themselves with all things, and replace the will of all things with the will of 'I'.

Above the masters is my current realm.

I didn't give this realm a name, because except for me, no one in the Lashao Universe can reach my realm. If I have to give it a name, it's Zhang Ping!

Now...do you understand the gap between you and me?"

Zhang Ping smiled and looked at Apophis and Professor Zhou on Apophis's forehead.

Neither Apophis nor Professor Zhou could speak. They didn't need to fight. Just by listening to them, they understood how big the gap between them and Zhang Ping was.

After understanding, Apophis and Professor Zhou were only in despair.

Zhang Ping suddenly laughed nervously, and after laughing enough, he continued: "Do you think I'm strong? Hahahaha, but I'm just an ant. My current strength is probably only one billionth of the past, maybe not that much. I'm a turtle in the pond, and you are the small fish in the pond. You think I'm big because you haven't seen a bigger fish."

"Master Zhang Ping, how to become a domainer, I'm willing to give everything, please tell me the method!" Professor Zhou

shouted loudly at this time.

Zhang Ping put away the crazy smile on his face, glanced at Professor Zhou indifferently, and said coldly: "I am not interested in teaching a fool how to practice, especially a fool who has studied my true meaning text for so many years but has no results."

Just when Professor Zhou was disappointed, Zhang Ping suddenly laughed maliciously: "But I want to help the world grow faster and add more fun to it!"

While speaking, he tapped Apophis in the void, and a group of true meaning texts were immediately imprinted in Apophis's consciousness, and then Apophis screamed in pain.

"Boring fool, destroy everything and make a big fuss!"

Zhang Ping looked at the screaming Apophis, sneered, and then left this world directly.

The reason why he appeared here was actually because Professor Zhou was killed. He mistakenly thought it was someone else who had done it himself, so he quickly moved over, only to see Apophis instead.

Because if Apophis does not overestimate his capabilities, he will be idle when he is idle, so he decided to let Apophis know how big the world is, and this is what he said just now.

Although Professor Zhou seems to be still alive, he is actually completely dead.

The current Professor Zhou is more like a moving corpse, essentially still a part of Apophis.

After Zhang Ping left, Apophis' body mutated again, with white fangs growing out all around, and two large curved demon horns growing out of his head.

Its mutation lasted for a full day. When everything settled, a terrifying force spread out around it, and the sea directly set off waves thousands of meters high.

"I'm so strong and yet so weak!"

Apophis opened his eyes and said to himself.

Strong, that is compared to his past self, weak, that is compared to Zhang Ping.

"Weak people must have the consciousness of being weak. Since that adult wants me to make a big fuss, then... let's make a big fuss!"

Then it surfaced from the bottom of the sea. With it as the center, the pale realm instantly opened up. The fish on the bottom of the sea grew tentacles one after another, turning into ferocious monsters and devouring each other, forming countless grotesque monsters.

The birds in the sky also grew tentacles one after another, and they all attacked each other with red eyes. Many birds even fell from the sky and merged directly into Apophis' body.

This is the realm of Apophis, the realm of win-win!

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