I Contracted Myself


Pearl City.

All experimental subjects were sent to the hospital and were looked after by members of the medical research team and logistics team.

Zhang Ping came out of the hospital and returned to the Logistics Resource Management Office. It happened that Chen Weihua had just finished explaining the task to a team member. She signaled the team member to do something, then walked up to Zhang Ping and said: "Zhang Ping, base rune Regarding the matter, I suggest you take it slow.”

"Why? Don't the rescue team have enough knowledge to study it?" Zhang Ping asked.

When he returned to Pearl City, Chen Weihua followed him to the hospital, but took a step in advance.

However, on the way, he transferred a copy of the valuable information in Professor Zhou's memory to Chen Weihua for Chen Weihua to study.

"Ordinary people have no way to study the basic runes. You can look at the information recorded by Professor Zhou in detail." Chen Weihua said.

While talking, the information control connected each other's brains, and then Chen Weihua transferred some of the information she had compiled to the light. Zhang Ping looked at it carefully, and then frowned slightly.

Professor Zhou originally had a team responsible for studying basic runes, but everyone in the team went crazy in the end.

Although Professor Zhou is replaced again and again, there are still more and more crazy people, and there are only ten researchers who can stay awake.

"No wonder only ten stable sequence groups have been developed. It seems that I underestimated the danger of the base runes. I agree with you. For the time being, only you and I know the base runes." Zhang Ping decided directly after reading it.

Originally, he wanted to use the power of the rescue team to study the basic runes, but now it seems that doing so will only destroy the rescue team.

"Sister Weihua, you'd better not study..."

Zhang Ping looked at Chen Weihua and was about to warn Chen Weihua not to study the basic runes in private.

Before he could finish speaking, a strong wind suddenly hit him.

Both of them couldn't help but squint their eyes slightly, shut up and wait for the wind to blow over.

However, the wind was unexpectedly strong, and even the clouds in the sky changed their shapes crazily, and were even blown away by the wind in the end.

"Clang clang clang!"

At this time, the warning sound from the watchtower sounded.

Zhang Ping and Chen Weihua looked at each other, and then they flew into the air at the same time, looking in the direction of the sea.

Something is coming!

Both of them felt a terrible pressure.

Zhang Ping's sixth sense was aching, and the alarm even sounded, telling him to evacuate quickly.

He took a deep breath and said, "Sister Weihua, I have a very, very bad premonition. Let all the people in the rescue team evacuate. By the way...as many people as possible in the city can evacuate."

"You can't stop it?" Chen Weihua said in surprise.

She knows better than anyone how powerful Zhang Ping is. Let alone a tsunami, Zhang Ping can sink even the mainland with his full strength.

But now Zhang Ping actually feels danger. How strong will the enemy be?

"I don't know, but I feel it's very dangerous. Take action!" Zhang Ping looked at Chen Weihua seriously and said seriously.

Chen Weihua understood that at this moment Zhang Ping was ordering her as the captain of the rescue team. She gritted her teeth and said, "Yes, I'll go right away!"

After saying that, she controlled the biological force field on her body to change its shape, quickly swooped down, landed at the Logistics Resource Management Office, and began to issue orders.

Zhang Ping took a deep breath and ignored the crowd underground. He flew out of the city and shrunk to the beach in an instant.

The wind was still blowing, and the air was filled with signs of danger.

Under the influence of communicating with all things, the surrounding stones, shells, and even the sea water told Zhang Ping that they were very scared and that something big was coming.

"Could he be Professor Zhou's accomplice?" Zhang Ping felt a little suspicious.

Although all the information in Professor Zhou's brain has been emptied by him, and the entire base has been penetrated by him, there is no guarantee that Professor Zhou has the habit of being a cunning rabbit. He may have some back-up plan hidden outside the base, or even arrange a back-up plan. Even his own memory was deleted to ensure that his back plan was foolproof.

Otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence that a 'big guy' came to the base where Professor Chuanzhou had just been killed.

About ten minutes later, the seawater surged in, hitting the land at an extremely fast speed, submerging the beach in an instant and knocking down the trees behind the beach.

The tsunami is coming!

Zhang Ping has already seen the huge waves in the distance. Under the impact of this wave, it is estimated that the seawater can surge to the Pearl City.

However, he had no idea of ​​​​stopping the tsunami, because the danger was not only the tsunami, it could even be said that the tsunami was not even an appetizer!


Suddenly, Zhang Ping's heart moved and he saw a large number of white birds flying towards him.

Although it is said to be a small bird, it is actually not small.

The wingspan is about one meter long, and they are all seabirds that live on the sea.

When these seabirds saw Zhang Ping standing in the sky, they immediately opened their mouths and made strange calls. Then their mouths suddenly split open, splitting their bodies into two, and a large number of tentacles rolled out of their bodies, forming a shape similar to Octopus lion head monster.

They rotated at high speed and shot out streams of white light towards Zhang Ping.

Zhang Ping avoided the white light, and then saw a big tree behind him that had not been knocked down by the sea water being hit by the white light and immediately turned to stone.


Not petrified.

Although it looks very petrified, if you look closely, you will find that the surface of the 'petrified' tree is gray-white.

This is being boned!

Zhang Ping knew very well that he did not have the superpower to be immune to this ability, so he took out a large number of king's gems from Dream City and threw them into the air. In the blink of an eye, a large number of shields appeared around his body.

The white light hit the shield and directly boned it.

Originally, Zhang Ping was surrounded by energy shields, which made him look very decent. However, after being attacked by the white light, the shields around him all turned into bone shields. People who didn't know him would definitely mistake him for a necromancer.

At this time, the seabirds flew into a range of one thousand meters. Zhang Ping had been prepared for a long time and immediately launched a counterattack.

The invisible telekinesis turned into spikes, which stabbed out fiercely after the seabirds entered the attack range. In an instant, countless 'octopus lion heads' were pierced by the spikes and struggled frantically in the air.

"They are not dead yet?"

Zhang Ping frowned slightly, and then cut the monsters in half.

But the seabirds were still alive even so. Instead, the tentacles rolled around the tentacles, and after twisting, they merged together to form a larger 'octopus lion head'.

"Does it have extremely strong vitality?"

Zhang Ping thought in his heart, and then the dark mist surged out of him, and at the same time, the energy of the glutton was released from his body.

The dark mist mixed with the glutton, and in a blink of an eye, it formed a huge palm, which swept away all the seabirds in front with one palm.

Before Zhang Ping could be happy, a tentacle suddenly shot out from the sea water below and quickly rolled towards him.

He immediately flew upwards to avoid the tentacle's attack.

He looked down.

There were also countless monsters under the sea water, and their number far exceeded the seabirds flying in the sky.

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