I Contracted Myself

【027】That gentleman

It's not good!

If it was just a tsunami, Mingzhu City would definitely not be in big trouble.

But there are countless monsters hidden in the tsunami, that's different.

Zhang Ping didn't want to waste his energy on these monsters. He wanted to deal with them in the simplest way possible, and then deal with the upcoming big guys with all his strength.

But now there is no way.

He must stop these monsters and buy time for the residents of Mingzhu City to evacuate!

"Chanlong Zun, go all out!"

Zhang Ping shouted in a low voice, and then his mind moved, and the dark mist turned into countless sharp blades and fell.

He knew very well that pure physical attacks were ineffective against these monsters, but with the glutton's ability mixed in the dark mist, these monsters would be seriously injured even if they didn't die.

Chanlong Zun opened his mouth at this time, and a beam of light fell into the sea. In a blink of an eye, countless seawater was evaporated, and after a while many monsters surfaced.

Next, Zhang Ping and Chanlong Zun went on a killing spree, strangling all the monsters hidden in the sea water.

He also found that although these monsters were difficult to deal with, they seemed to be just ordinary fish in nature, and they only became what they are now under the influence of some unknown force.

These monsters still looked like fish on the surface, but their inner appearance had long been completely changed.

Their bodies were filled with white tentacles. Once they found the enemy, their bodies would change drastically. Seabirds would become octopus lion heads, and these fish would have their scales spread out, with dense tentacles coming out from the gaps between the scales. If you look closely, they looked like fish full of parasites.

It was a bit disgusting and a bit scary.

However, Zhang Ping didn't have time to think about it now. Although he and Chan Longzun were both trying their best to strangle the monsters, there were really too many monsters. After killing one wave, there was another wave, which was almost endless.

Gradually, Zhang Ping realized that the enemy might want to kill some of the strong humans in this way, and then sweep across the land with the force of thunder.

He gritted his teeth, then gave up the attack, and just let Chan Longzun continue to bombard.

In fact, the killing efficiency of Chanlong Zun is very high. Every time it launches an attack, it can kill a large number of monsters. However, it needs to face the sea, and there are too many monsters in the sea.

After Zhang Ping stops attacking, there will definitely be some fish that slip through the net and enter the inland, or even reach Mingzhu City.

But now Zhang Ping can only trust the strong men in Mingzhu City, and believe that they are also capable of killing these monsters.

"Who is the enemy?"

Zhang Ping looked at the zebra-patterned tentacles floating on the water, and couldn't help thinking secretly in his heart.

Originally, he just guessed that it was Professor Zhou's accomplice, but now thinking carefully, he can't be 100% sure that it is the enemy on Professor Zhou's side. It may also be Apophis.

The reason why he didn't consider Apophis just now was mainly because Apophis's body had been killed by him, and the remaining seeds were only at the level of top awakeners, and it was impossible to launch such a terrifying attack.

But these tentacles and tsunamis reminded him of Li Huatao's dream.

Too similar.

Except that the ocean people have not appeared yet, the current situation is very similar to Li Huatao's dream.

If this is the disaster in Li Huatao's dream, then Apophis is also a huge suspect, but Zhang Ping still can't understand how Apophis can do all this and how he suddenly becomes so powerful?

Above the sea.

Apophis stood on the sea and observed Zhang Ping through the monster.

It had already killed its way to the land, but after discovering Zhang Ping, it stopped.

It always felt that Zhang Ping's face gave it a very familiar feeling, but it couldn't remember where it had seen Zhang Ping, and then it thought of that adult.

That's right.

It has forgotten what the adult's name is and what he looks like.

So, while it ordered the monster to attack, it controlled Professor Zhou to think, what exactly is the adult's name?

"I can't remember, why can't I remember?"

Professor Zhou on Apophis's forehead screamed hysterically from time to time, like a madman.

"Why am I afraid of him?"

Apophis did not continue to think about the adult's name, but instead looked at Zhang Ping in the distance.

It just looked at Zhang Ping, and two extremely contradictory emotions would surge in its heart. On the one hand, it seemed as if a demon was instigating it to kill Zhang Ping quickly, and on the other hand, there was also a demon telling it that the other party was very dangerous and terrible.

The killing intent was boiling.

But Apophis couldn't take the first step.

Intellectually, it was not afraid of Zhang Ping, and could even sense Zhang Ping's strength.

Zhang Ping was very strong, but after all, he was just a top awakener.

The awakener was just the cornerstone of the extraordinary.

It was the lowest existence in the entire system

, and it had entered the world of the domainer with the gift of that adult.

Theoretically, it could crush Zhang Ping to death with just a flick of its finger, so the demon that kept telling it that Zhang Ping was very dangerous and terrible was problematic!

But it was useless!

It knew that it was stronger than Zhang Ping, but it still didn't dare to move.

It seemed to be instinctive. It was indeed afraid of Zhang Ping, and this fear was unfounded fear.

"The order of that master must be carried out."

Apophis took a deep breath, then fluttered his wings slightly, and the heads embedded in the wings fell to the sea surface one after another. Then a large number of tentacles quickly emerged from the necks of these heads, and the dense tentacles twisted together to form a complete body in an instant.


A marine seemed to wake up, raised his hand and shouted wildly.

Other marine people responded one after another. They dived into the sea water and moved towards Zhang Ping at a very fast speed.

"Win-win field, open!"

Apophis thought for a moment, and then opened the field again.

The pale energy swept across, and the plants on the seabed mutated one after another. A huge seaweed turned into a dark green sea snake and caught up with the marine people. Many marine people clung to the seaweed giant snake and made various meaningless shouts.

The seaweed giant snake grew dense bone spurs on its body. These bone spurs fell off and directly formed harpoons. The marine people got weapons and became more excited.

On the other side, Zhang Ping could feel a vague sight coming from a very far distance, but the distance was too far.

Although his mutant eyes had evolved into eagle eyes, he still couldn't see the other party, but the other party seemed to be able to see him, which was enough to show that the other party was very strong.

At this time, his ears moved, and he immediately looked up to the distance. A huge sea snake was attacking at a very fast speed.

With a thought, he immediately shot a beam of light at the sea snake.

The sea snake was annihilated in the beam before it could get close, but then the sea suddenly exploded, and a larger sea snake emerged from the water.

This sea snake was covered with dense seaweed, and many marine people clung to the sea snake with one hand or one foot, shouting wildly.

"Marine people have appeared too."

Zhang Ping dodged a thrown harpoon, grabbed the harpoon handle with one hand, and thought to himself.

Now, he had basically determined who the enemy was.

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