I Contracted Myself

【028】Team Form

Say nothing.

Zhang Ping turned around and ran away. The sea snakes and ocean people behind him were all dumbfounded.

The main reason was that Zhang Ping ran too fast. In the blink of an eye, the person disappeared. Not to mention the car lights, not even the car exhaust was left behind.

But then the Ocean Man clinging to the sea snake let out a loud yell, and the sea snake accelerated again, chasing Zhang Ping in the direction of his escape.

Pearl City.

A large number of residents were being relocated, and sea water had poured into the city, submerging the residents' knees. Many people were still struggling with their belongings at home, unwilling to part with this or that. The rescue team had no choice but to come forward to persuade them and pull the people away.

Zhang Ping returned to the city and found that the speed of personnel transfer was still too slow.

Less than 10% of the people have left now. Although the efficiency is actually very high, it is still too slow for the coming disaster.

"We can't take our time anymore."

Zhang Ping knew very well that the enemy was very strong, and this time it was no joke.

As he stood on the beach, his sixth sense kept reminding him that he might die in a real war. He had not experienced this feeling for a long, long time.

Once the opponent attacks, Pearl City will definitely not be saved.

Zhang Ping gritted his teeth, and a dense collection of deed gems immediately appeared behind him. He flew over the city, and countless gems fell from the sky. Those residents who were still dragging their feet were instantly absorbed into the gems, and then they continued to follow Zhang Ping. Flying forward, several urban areas were cleared in the blink of an eye.

He flew quickly over the city. Several strong men who did not know Zhang Ping saw this scene and thought that the enemy was just about to take action. The rescue team hurriedly stepped forward to explain, and then ran together.

Of course, not everyone is willing to believe in the rescue team. Some old stubborns of the Beast Control Zhu family expressed that they want to live or die with Pearl City, and some old people also insist on refusing to leave.

A few minutes later, Zhang Ping entered the mysterious sewer with countless gems and released all the residents in an orderly manner, leaving the logistics team to make arrangements.

"Zhang Ping, what's going on with the enemy? Have you got any data?" Chen Weihua found Zhang Ping and asked.

Zhang Ping wiped his sweat, shook his head and said: "I didn't see it, but I feel that the other party is very dangerous. There are also some data on its subordinates. Take a look."

Then he shared the data on seabirds, ocean people, and sea monsters with Chen Weihua.

"Living corpse?"

Chen Weihua couldn't help frowning when she saw it.

Speaking of living corpses, the first thing everyone thinks of must be Zuo Xiangming.

She looked at Zhang Ping, who shook his head and said: "It's not Zuo Xiangming, it should be the same type of ability, but the other party's ability is weirder than Zuo Xiangming's. Although it also creates living corpses,

But more like a living creature. "

Those ocean people really looked like they were alive, but the information control would not be false. Zhang Ping knew very well that all the ocean people were dead.

"How sure are you of dealing with it? If it doesn't work, just give up on that world." Chen Weihua looked at Zhang Ping and asked.

She hadn't seen Zhang Ping so nervous in a long time.

This shows that the enemy is very strong, so strong that it requires Zhang Ping's seriousness to solve it, and even... Zhang Ping cannot defeat it.

Chen Weihua knew very well that everything in the rescue team was built with Zhang Ping as the main focus. Once Zhang Ping was lost, the rescue team would fall apart.

Rather than sacrifice for a dispensable world, Chen Weihua hopes that Zhang Ping will not take risks.

"Don't worry, if you really can't defeat me, I will retreat." Zhang Ping nodded.

Now that he is responsible for the welfare of countless people, he naturally cannot take risks.

But he was curious about one thing.

Why is Apophis so strong?

This is so strange.

Apophis's body has been killed by him, and the current Apophis must have grown from a seed.

Theoretically, it would be difficult for Apophis to return to his original strength, let alone become stronger.

But now Apophis has indeed become stronger, stronger than before.

There must be a secret here that he doesn't know.

If he could figure out what was going on, maybe he could become stronger, too.

"Then issue the highest level mission and let those guys take action together!" Seeing that Zhang Ping was not going to avoid the battle, Chen Weihua said again.

Zhang Ping thought for a while and nodded in agreement.

Currently, in addition to Lin Renmei, the rescue team also has several powerful awakeners, namely Shi Jun, Bai Yating, Feng Laixian...

They come from different worlds and join the rescue team for different reasons. They even form a team together to become the top rescue team in the rescue team, specializing in taking on the most difficult tasks.

Among them, Bai Yating came from World Zero. After the investigation team was disbanded, she joined as an individual. She is the person who is most familiar with Zhang Ping in this team.

"Let Renmei come too, we may need her help." Zhang Ping thought for a while and mentioned it casually.

Chen Weihua's expression suddenly became serious and asked: "Then do you want to gather the team?"

"That's not necessary. It should be enough for someone to help." Zhang Ping replied.

The ultimate force of the rescue team is not Zhang Ping, but: the team!

‘Team’ is a code name.

They are composed of Lin Renmei, Zhang Ping, Liu Sishan, Chen Weihua, Cheng Xuejie and Zhang Shouzhong.

It is composed of Lin Renmei's indestructible body, Zhang Ping's king's blood, Liu Sishan's cell water, Chen Weihua's fighting mind, Cheng Xuejie's superhuman strength, and Zhang Shouzhong's fat energy.

In the past three years, there have been several major battles. Zhang Ping and his team fought as a team, and almost no enemy could stop their offensive.

It can be said that fighting is the killer of the rescue team!

"Well, if it really doesn't work, then call us decisively!" Chen Weihua saw that Zhang Ping had made up his mind, so he nodded.

After a while, Lin Renmei came to join him. Zhang Ping directly turned into royal blood and penetrated into Lin Renmei's body, and all his abilities were linked to Lin Renmei. Lin Renmei was instantly covered with the Nether Mist Armor, and at the same time, various data were constantly refreshed in Lin Renmei's eyes.

"This time the enemy is a bit tricky, Renmei, this is our first time to fight the other party, so we will focus on testing first." Zhang Ping said to Lin Renmei.

Lin Renmei is no longer the silly girl in the dungeon. She nodded confidently and smiled, "I know, Zhang Ping, you seem a little nervous."

"That enemy is very different. It gives me an indescribable feeling." Zhang Ping explained.

Apophis gave him a strange feeling, but he didn't know what was strange about it. It was like a pile of shit appeared in front of him. It was obviously not his own shit, but it felt like his own shit.


This metaphor is not quite right.

Zhang Ping really couldn't tell how to describe the feeling Apophis gave him now.

Anyway, his sixth sense had sounded the alarm, and the other party was very deadly.

After a while, Bai Yating and the other two also came to gather.

"Everyone is here, let's go!"

Lin Renmei greeted Bai Yating in a friendly way and spoke directly.


Pearl City.

The sea water has flooded the height of one floor.

Many people who were stubborn and unwilling to leave were hiding in the room, and Zhang Ping didn't have time to care about so much now.

"You deal with the small ones, and I'll deal with the big ones." Lin Renmei said to Bai Yating.

Bai Yating nodded and said, "No problem, if things can't be done, we will return to the headquarters first."

"Well, just do your best, and Zhang Ping can understand the specific situation through information control afterwards." Lin Renmei smiled.

After saying that, she jumped into the air with all her strength, and after a burst of sound, she flew directly towards the sea.

"Get to work!"

Seeing Lin Renmei leave, Bai Yating said to Feng Laixian and Shi Jun.

PS: The name of the protagonist has become a banned word, and my mind is in a mess and I am speechless.

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