I Contracted Myself


Apophis did not expect Lin Renmei to defeat his attack head-on.

Under its surprised gaze, Lin Renmei punched it on the chest. It originally wanted to guide Lin Renmei's power into the surrounding space, but who knew that this time Lin Renmei's power would be incredible.

ten times?

A hundred times?

A thousand times?

Apophis had no time to calculate how much Lin Renmei's strength had suddenly increased. In the next second, his chest exploded, his huge body was shattered in an instant, and countless pieces of flesh squirmed crazily in the air.


There was a loud bang.

Lin Renmei landed on the sea and dented the sea with one foot before stopping.

Her body shook, and the tentacles around her that were trying to cling to her were shattered, and then she looked up at Apophis in the sky.

Although Apophis was in tatters, he was still full of life and had not suffered much damage at all.

"Dragon Lord, attack!"

Wuming immediately had an idea, and Dragon Master behind Lin Renmei immediately launched an attack on the minced meat in the air, beams of light continuously bombarding Apophis' flesh and blood.

"Captain Wuming, I need elemental power." Lin Renmei said to Wuming in her body.

Wuming nodded and said, "Okay!"

After saying that, as soon as he thought about it, Dragon Dragon Lord immediately wrapped around Lin Renmei's arm, gradually forming a half-armor form. At the same time, a stream of flames spurted out from Dragon Dragon Lord's mouth and wrapped around his arm.

Lin Renmei immediately exerted force with her feet, kicked off the biological force field with her toes, and her whole body instantly appeared in the sky, punching Apophis's rapidly recovering body. Apophis suddenly let out a scream, and his whole body suddenly It shattered into pieces, and many small pieces of flesh were quickly carbonized in the flames.


Apophis glanced at Lin Renmei, and the next moment he gritted his teeth and launched the win-win field. The surrounding flesh and blood gathered in the field against the rules and thought of its location.

"Still want to be resurrected? What a wonderful idea!"

Lin Renmei squinted her eyes and immediately raised her arm. Dragon Dragon Master sprayed a beam of light upwards, destroying the pieces of meat wherever it passed.

In fact, Apophis was careless.

The intact Apophis could still compete with Lin Renmei, but he underestimated Lin Renmei's strength, so his body was shattered.

Now it can't exert much of its strength at all, and its defeat is only a matter of time.

"grown ups,

help me! "

Apophis also realized his situation, so he shouted loudly after spurting blood.

It was a pity that no one came to save it. Lin Renmei did not relax and destroyed its exploded flesh bit by bit, determined not to leave any hidden dangers.

This state won't last long. If Apophis escapes, she may not be able to defeat Apophis next time.

We can't let the nameless captain launch the nameless one again.

Moreover, no one can activate the nameless person to get a huge increase. The nameless captain originally had a high enough reputation. After sacrificing his original name, he gave her the huge power now.

Now that the unknown captain has lost his name, even if he wants to sacrifice, it will take a long time to gain enough fame.

Next, Lin Renmei carefully guarded the corpse, determined not to give Apophis a chance, and after spending a full 5110 hours, Apophis was completely wiped out.

In fact, the amplification effect had expired midway, but Apophis was too weak to resist Lin Renmei.

"Finally solved!"

After Lin Renmei was sure that Apophis was dead, she finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It had been a long fight, more exhausting than any she had fought before.

"Okay, let's get ready to go home!" Wuming said with a smile.

But just as they were about to leave, a black crack suddenly appeared.

A man who looked exactly like Wuming slowly walked out of the black crack. He was wearing hippopotamus pajamas and a nightcap with a chick pattern on his head. His face looked like he had not woken up.

"Isn't it right? I just finished strengthening this precious thing, and this precious thing is dead?" The man said with a disappointed look on his face as he looked at the remains of Apophis floating on the sea.

Lin Renmei couldn't help but feel nervous and asked, "Who are you?"

"Ask me, for the sake of killing this precious thing, I will tell you mercifully. I am...ah, who am I?" The man was about to say his name, and then He was surprised to find that he couldn't remember his name.

Then he said angrily: "What did that bastard do to lose our names?"


Wuming had a vague feeling that the person this man was scolding seemed to be him.

After all, this man looks too good for him

They are similar, but their temperament is completely different. He is more cheerful and sunny. Although the man in front of him pretends to be easy to deal with, his eyes cannot hide it from others. He is not a good person!

"Forget it, it's just a name, little girl, you can call me...the King of Darkness!" the man said with a smile.

Lin Renmei was stunned and complained: "The King of Darkness? Your name is so arrogant. You will be beaten if you do this."

"Hahahahahaha, interesting, interesting, and that guy in your body, come out and let me see what the person who can kill the toy I made looks like." The King of Darkness smiled.

Wuming had no choice but to get out of Lin Renmei. He had a feeling that if he didn't come out, both he and Lin Renmei would be killed in an instant.

Only by listening to this man's words can you survive.

"A ball of blood? Change back to your original appearance!" the Dark King said dissatisfied.

Wuming had no choice but to transform back into human form. The King of Darkness came up to Wuming and looked at him carefully, then touched his chin and muttered to himself: "Your face looks familiar, a bit like the person I'm looking for. He...his name is What's the name?"

Then, the Dark King discovered that because he couldn't remember his own name, he couldn't remember that person's name, and then because he couldn't remember that person's name, he couldn't remember who he was looking for.

"Should I find someone?" The Dark King touched his chin and said to himself.

Wuming said, "Can we leave?"

"Forget it, I don't want to think about it anymore." The King of Darkness was interrupted by Wuming, so he decisively gave up thinking.

He looked at Lin Renmei and Wuming, and suddenly smiled evilly: "Leave? Do you still want to leave now? Since you destroyed my toys, then you will pay with your life to compensate."


When Wuming heard this, he immediately pulled Lin Renmei back.

But then he discovered to his horror that there was no way to retreat. The concept of "retreat" seemed to be lost.

The King of Darkness laughed and said: "Hahahaha, I lied to you, you seemed to be having fun. Since you killed my toy, I will give you a curse. You will never be able to leave each other. You are her blood, and she It’s your body, you will never be separated!”

As he spoke, he reached out and slapped Wuming, returning Wuming to his blood form, and then pressed it into Lin Renmei's body.

The next moment, a symbol appeared between Lin Renmei's eyebrows, sealing Wuming.

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