I Contracted Myself

【033】Lin Renmei's expectations

The Dark King left.

He turned and left in a playful and wild laugh.

Lin Renmei stood there and dared not move. It took her a while to breathe a sigh of relief.

Just now, she really felt that she would die. Life and death were completely out of her control.

"Renmei, are you okay?" Wuming asked.

Lin Renmei breathed a sigh of relief and shook her head, "Captain, I'm fine, how about you?"

"I can't seem to get out of your body. Cut a wound and I'll try again." Wuming said directly.

He is now in the form of blood, circulating along the blood vessels in Lin Renmei's body. He tried to penetrate several times, but failed. It was as if he was the blood in Lin Renmei's body and could never leave Lin Renmei again.


Lin Renmei nodded, raised her hand and cut her wrist.

Blood flowed from her wrist, and she asked, "Captain Wuming, can you come out?"

"No, it's only your blood that's flowing out. I still can't get out of your body. I'm afraid the only way to separate is to find a way to solve the curse on you and the curse on me." Wuming said helplessly.

Then he controlled the blood to repair the wound on Lin Renmei's wrist. After the wound was repaired, he continued, "Let's go back now and ask Sister Weihua to check her body first."

"Yes." Lin Renmei nodded in agreement.

The two returned to the rescue team headquarters. At present, the rescue team is very busy because of the influx of a large number of people.

Lin Renmei found Chen Weihua, who was constantly directing the rescue team to arrange personnel to deal with various emergencies. When she saw Lin Renmei coming back, she wondered, "..."

What did she want to ask?

"By the way, where is the captain?" She slapped her forehead and asked immediately.

The next moment, she realized something and asked, "Did the captain use the nameless person? Why can't I remember his name?"

"Yes, the captain used that ability." Lin Renmei nodded.

Chen Weihua frowned and said, "What about him?"

"He's in my body. Things are a little complicated. Let's find a quieter place to talk about it in detail." Lin Renmei said.

Chen Weihua nodded and said, "Come with me. You go find Cheng Xuejie and tell her that she needs to take over the things here."

After that, she motioned Lin Renmei to follow and enter the building of the medical research team together.

After entering her private office, she immediately asked impatiently, "What happened? Even the captain needs to use that ability. Where is he? Is he okay?"

"Let Captain Wuming explain." Lin Renmei was asked so many questions at once that she didn't know where to start.

Wuming then activated the information control, and a line shot out from Lin Renmei, directly connecting to Chen Weihua, and then the picture began to play.

In fact, Wuming's name was originally in the information control, but that name is now a mess of garbled characters.

After Chen Weihua finished watching the replay, Wuming said, "That's what happened. I can't get out of Renmei's body now."

"Seal? I don't know much about this. Let's check Renmei's physical condition first. When everything is done, we will find a way to separate you." Chen Weihua said with a headache.

Without checking, she could actually guess that the level of the seal must be higher than expected.

Apophis is just a toy of the Dark King, and his strength is so strong that he is close to crushing Lin Renmei. If Wuming hadn't sacrificed his name, I'm afraid the rescue team would not be able to pass Apophis.

As the master of Apophis, the Dark King must be more terrifying and more terrible than Apophis.

"I'm not in a hurry. I can just take a break for a while. You guys go ahead." Wuming said with a smile.

Although his body is a ball of blood, his spirit can still find a way out, because his superpowers are not actually sealed, and his spirit can still be used after leaving his body.

Of course, when his spirit was out of his body, he could not interfere with reality and could only be a bored spectator.

"I'll arrange for someone to check." Chen Weihua nodded, then stood up and said.

After Chen Weihua left, Lin Renmei said a little embarrassedly: "Captain Wuming, if you have anything you want to do, you can tell me and I will try my best to help you."

"There is nothing special you want to do for the time being, just act according to your usual habits, don't worry about me." Wuming smiled.

Next, several female doctors came in to check Lin Renmei's body.

After a check, no problem was found in Lin Renmei's body, only the seal on her forehead could not be detected at all.

The symbol was clearly on her forehead, but various instruments could not lock the symbol, as if the symbol did not exist at all, which directly left all the female doctors helpless.

If you can't monitor, you can't understand, and if you can't understand, you can't crack it.

The female doctors retreated one after another.

Then Chen Weihua invited several awakened people who had studied seals to study the symbol on Lin Renmei's forehead, but they all failed without exception.

"Sorry, I'm afraid the rescue team is temporarily unable to solve the seal problem. Captain, you can only find a way to save yourself." Chen Weihua said helplessly to Wuming after sending away the awakened people.

Wuming smiled and said, "It doesn't matter. Anyway, Renmei's body is warm and I feel very comfortable. I'll take a nap first. Call me if you need anything."


Lin Renmei was a little embarrassed.

However, Chen Weihua smiled in a way that everyone understood, patted Lin Renmei on the shoulder, and whispered: "This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to be alone with the captain, so take advantage of it."


Lin Renmei rolled her eyes at Chen Weihua, and then said goodbye.

After leaving the medical research team, Lin Renmei returned to her residence. She had her own single-family house, and Cheng Xuejie's house was next to her.

In the rescue team, Cheng Xuejie had the best relationship with Lin Renmei, and the two often acted together.

"Captain? Captain?"

After returning home, Lin Renmei tried to call a few times.

"Did the captain really fall asleep?"

She saw that Wuming did not respond, and she couldn't help but guess in her heart.

Then she hesitated for a moment, decisively went back to her room to choose a few clothes, and went directly to the bathroom to take a shower.

She fought with Apophis with all her strength. Although the clothes were protected by the biological force field, her trouser legs and sleeves were blown up.

Now her upper body clothes are like sleeveless shirts, and her lower body pants have changed from long pants to shorts, and they are ragged. Naturally, she needs to take a comfortable hot bath and change into clean and comfortable clothes.

To be honest, Lin Renmei didn't know whether Wuming was asleep or not, but this situation would happen sooner or later, so she had to walk into the bathroom with trepidation.

Now she didn't have too many expectations, she just hoped that when she was defecating in the future, Captain Wuming would not suddenly speak.

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