I Contracted Myself

【034】Long Xiu

late at night.

Members of the aftermath team returned to the temporary camp exhausted.

Several middle-aged awakened men gathered around the campfire and chatted about topics that men like.

Amidst the noise, there was suddenly the sound of explosions in the distance, and everyone stopped what they were doing and looked into the darkness in the distance.

Because of the battle between Lin Renmei and Apophis, the land in this world has been razed to the ground, and the aftermath team needs to send a large number of manpower to rebuild.

After the city is rebuilt, the people who temporarily live in the rescue team headquarters will return here and start their lives again.

However, although there are no threats on land, it does not mean that there are no threats in the sea.

In fact, only one of the seeds of Apophis died, and there were more seeds lurking in the sea, developing quietly.

And because the land has split into several pieces, many creatures in the sea have been disturbed. Nowadays, some creatures will crawl out of the sea from time to time, so the rescue team specially sent awakeners to clean up the creatures that crawled out of the sea.

"It seems that the rescue team is very busy tonight."

After the explosion stopped, a big man from the aftermath team laughed.

"Isn't there Lady Lin Renmei escorting us this time? It should be very safe." A female awakened person asked curiously.

The big man touched his beard, held the hot drink and said with a smile: "I just saw it. Master Lin Renmei left in the opposite direction. The person guarding the beach now is Team Leader Bai Yating."

"Sir Lin Renmei went inland?" A young man with dark circles under his eyes asked in surprise.

The female awakener was also curious: "Why did Master Lin Renmei go to the interior?"

"How do I know this? Master Lin Renmei must have more important things to do, but please don't be careless tonight. If the rescue team cannot suppress the monsters in the sea, we still have to protect ourselves!" said the bearded man. .

Although under normal circumstances, the aftermath team is not responsible for fighting, but when fighting is needed, the aftermath team is capable of fighting.

While everyone was chatting, there was another explosion from the direction of the sea...

On the other side, there is light in the darkness.

On the flat ground, there was only a pile of rocks burning with flames.

Lin Renmei was sitting cross-legged next to the fire, looking down at the flames, when a man in a cloak slowly walked from the darkness.

, only a pair of eyes exudes golden light in the darkness.

"Hello, I am the investigator of Dragon Blood City, Long Xiu." The man walked to the side opposite Lin Renmei, sat down, took off his mask, and greeted with a smile.

Lin Renmei looked up at Long Xiu and found that there were several dragon scales growing under his eyes, and the hairline was not all hair. Instead, the hair and dragon scales grew at intervals, and finally formed a pattern similar to dreadlocks. hairstyle.

"Rescue team, Lin Renmei!" Lin Renmei thought for a while and said.

Long Xiu breathed a sigh of relief and asked curiously: "Can you tell me what happened here? Our city leader observed an earth-shattering battle taking place here, so he sent me to investigate."

"A monster in the sea invaded, and then a battle broke out." Wuming said at this time.

Long Xiu was startled by the sudden appearance of a male voice. He was about to jump up when he realized that there was someone sitting next to Lin Renmei.


This is not human!

Next to Lin Renmei, a group of black mist condensed into the shape of a human being. If you look carefully, you will find that the ever-changing black mist keeps changing into the shapes of various skeletons, as if there are countless dead buried inside.


Long Xiu swallowed his saliva and subconsciously stimulated his blood vessels to speed up the blood flow. Only then did he suppress the fear in his heart.

He smiled reluctantly and said: "Sorry, this... this gentleman, I didn't notice you just now."

"It doesn't matter, my sense of presence is relatively low originally, and it is even lower at night. It's normal that you didn't notice me. My name is Wuming, please give me some advice." Wuming said with a relaxed smile.

Although his true body was sealed in Lin Renmei's body, it didn't mean that he really couldn't come out.

Now he uses Mingwu as the carrier and his own mental power as the skeleton to temporarily construct a body. Although he cannot be too far away from Lin Renmei, he still has the ability to interfere with the outside world.

Next, Long Xiu wanted to show his goodwill. Wuming and Lin Renmei were very curious about Dragon Blood City, so the two sides had a conversation.

This Dragon Blood City is a city that does not exist in other worlds. Both Lin Renmei and Wuming wanted to know more about it. Finally, under Long Xiu's enthusiastic invitation, the two agreed to visit Dragon Blood City together.

Of course, the two also shared a lot of information about Apophis

Tell Long Xiu, but he never said who defeated Apophis from beginning to end.

A night of silence.

Early the next morning, the three of them set off for Dragon Blood City.

On the way, Lin Renmei asked Wuming through her mind: "Captain Wuming, do you really think this Long Xiu is special?"

"Yes, I can feel his aura from afar. Maybe I can find a way to escape the seal in Dragon Blood City." Wuming replied.

Although Long Xiu did not show any hostility, nor did he show any skills.

But the fact that he can come here in such a short time is enough to show that his strength is not bad, and he is at least a top awakener.

Of course, Wuming is not sure that Longxiu is an awakened one.

Because Long Xiu's aura is different from that of the Awakened, and Long Xiu must be wearing some kind of equipment that blocks identification techniques, the nameless identification techniques are completely ineffective against Long Xiu.

"Long Xiu, can you tell me about Dragon Blood City?" Wuming controlled the dark fog to float forward and asked at this time.

Last night, everyone was not familiar with each other, so Wuming and Lin Renmei restrained themselves from asking too many sensitive questions, but now that everyone is going to Dragon Blood City, it is not excessive to ask about the situation in Dragon Blood City.

"Dragon Blood City, also known as the City of Ten Thousand Dragons, is said to have been built on the ground where countless dragons died in battle. Later, our ancestors lived in Dragon Blood City, and gradually many magical changes occurred in their bodies, such as growing dragon horns, dragon eyes, and dragon scales, and greatly improving their strength.

Our ancestors believed that this was a blessing from the dragon, and from then on they called themselves dragon descendants." Long Xiu introduced with a smile.

Then he lifted his cloak, revealing the wings curled up on his back, and said a little embarrassedly: "This is too far from Dragon Blood City. If we want to get back to Dragon Blood City as soon as possible, we can only fly. I wonder if you two..."

"I can fly!" Lin Renmei said calmly.

Wuming also smiled and said: "I can fly too, Long Xiu, just fly with confidence, we can keep up."

"That's great." Long Xiu breathed a sigh of relief.

He had originally thought that if Lin Renmei and Wuming couldn't fly, then he could only carry one person each and fly with them.

Next, he spread his wings, said hello, and flew straight into the sky. Lin Renmei and Wuming quickly followed and flew quickly towards the direction of Dragon Blood City.

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