I Contracted Myself

【035】Dragon Blood City

after one day.

The flat land gradually became undulating.

In the past, people believed that the sacred mountain "Black Mountain Prison" was a creation of God, blocking the east and west sides.

In the east, the earth is devastated. Under the Black Mountain Prison of the Holy Mountain, there are piles of tree debris brought by countless shock waves. Countless corpses are mixed in these debris, exuding a fishy smell.

On the other side of Black Mountain Prison, green trees are growing vigorously, and countless birds are rising and falling, presenting a prosperous scene.

In the lush woods, many animals with dragon horns, dragon scales, and dragon eyes are looking for food. A saber-toothed tiger with golden hair and dragon horns on its head is hiding in the grass, staring at the five-colored tiger that is eating grass not far away. deer.

The five-color deer's antlers emit five-color light. It doesn't care about its surroundings at all and is concentrating on eating the tenderest grass in the morning.

Suddenly, the saber-toothed tiger jumped up from the grass and quickly attacked the colorful deer.

The five-colored deer raised its head belatedly. Just as it was about to run away, it was attacked by the saber-toothed tiger. Before it could utter a cry, its throat was bitten off. The colorful antlers gradually became dim.

"What a fat tiger, it's for breakfast today!"

Suddenly, a woman's voice came from above, and the saber-toothed tiger's hair suddenly exploded. As soon as he released his mouth and put down the colorful deer, a finger was inserted into its head from top to bottom.


Long Xiu wanted to stop him, but before he could finish his words, he saw that Lin Renmei had killed the saber-toothed tiger.

He opened his mouth, and finally sighed feebly, then fell to the ground and watched Lin Renmei's skillful peeling and cramping.

"What's wrong?" Wuming landed next to Long Xiu and asked in confusion.

Long Xiu whispered: "In the eyes of Dragonborn, all creatures with dragon blood are brothers and sisters, so we never do anything to dragon blood creatures, nor do we eat dragon blood creatures."

"But obviously this tiger did not regard the poor little deer as its compatriot." Wuming pointed at the dying five-color deer and said with a smile.

Long Xiu was speechless. In fact, in his opinion, this rule was indeed obedient. Dragon-blooded creatures in nature have always had the habit of devouring each other. Only dragonborn would not eat dragon-blooded creatures.

Of course, although he thought the rules were strange, if he really wanted to eat them, he would definitely not be able to eat them.

Just like goldfish and swallows, this kind of

Most people can't eat animals either.

At this time, Lin Renmei had cut off all the meat from the saber-toothed tiger. After piercing the meat with a wooden stick, she quickly split open a big tree and built a bonfire.

Although she does not have the ability to create flames, making a fire is just a piece of cake for her, and she can make the wood burn with a little effort.

"I'm going to pick some fruits." Long Xiu said when he saw that Lin Renmei was obviously not moving so quickly.

Wuming watched Long Xiu walk into the woods, and then sat next to Lin Renmei, as motionless as a doll.

Inside Lin Renmei's body, Wuming said, "I smell a conspiracy."

"Captain, what's his plot?" Lin Renmei focused on the barbecue and asked nonchalantly.

Any conspiracy must ultimately rely on strength to speak for itself. With her and Wuming's strength, as long as there is no existence like the King of Darkness, she is confident to fight.

"I don't know." Wuming replied.

He just felt that Long Xiu was too hospitable. He met people of unknown origin in the post-disaster area and took them to his home unsuspectingly.

If Long Xiu is not short-sighted, then he must have an agenda.

Along the way, Wuming could be sure that Long Xiu was not a heartless person, so he must have a conspiracy.

About fifteen minutes later, Long Xiu came back with many fruits.

He sat next to Wuming and asked, "Mr. Wuming, do you want to eat some fruit?"

"No, I don't need to eat." Wuming said decisively.

Then Long Xiu looked at Lin Renmei and saw that Lin Renmei was eating meat and obviously had no interest in the fruits he picked. The corners of his eyes twitched slightly, and in the end he had no choice but to lower his head and eat the fruit he picked.

After finishing breakfast, the three of them continued towards Dragon Blood City.

Now they are very close to Dragon Blood City, and they should be able to reach their destination in about an hour's flight.

In the air, Long Xiu hesitated and said: "You two, actually I have a merciless request."

"Since it's an unkind invitation, it's better not to say anything, so as not to embarrass everyone." Wuming interrupted.

Long Xiu gritted his teeth and said: "I suspect that our city lord has been replaced. The real city lord is imprisoned in the city lord's mansion. I hope you two..."

"Sorry, I'm not interested in these things." Lin Renmei interrupted.

If a foreign enemy invades, such as alien beasts massacring humans, then they will definitely come to help in the spirit of humanity.

But when humans kill each other and fight for power, their rescue team will never interfere, unless the struggle of these people has involved the life and death of countless innocent people.

"I'm sorry, I was so excited." Long Xiu heard Lin Renmei's cold voice and felt as if a basin of ice water had been poured on his head. After he calmed down, he apologized directly.

Neither Lin Renmei nor Wuming responded, so the three of them flew the last section of the road in silence.

"You two, the Dragon Blood City is ahead." Long Xiu looked forward and said, breaking the silence.

Lin Renmei and Wuming looked forward. After crossing a high mountain, a majestic city came into their sight.

On the ground, a winding river flows from one end to the other. In the middle of the river, a city is built across the river. On the towering walls are hung countless beast bones, and outside the walls are huge bones. It looks like the city is on a huge dragon's claw.

Magnificent, spectacular, and miraculous!

This is the first thought that flashed through Lin Renmei and Wuming's minds after seeing Dragon Blood City.

"You two, we have to go down. Flying is prohibited over Dragon Blood City." Long Xiu said at this time.

The two immediately followed Long Xiu to land, and finally landed on the stone-paved road outside the city gate, and then they walked towards the city gate.

At the gate of the city, several soldiers wearing scale armor holding bone spears were checking the things on the entrants.

"Those people don't seem to be dragon descendants?" Wuming found that some of the people entering and leaving had no characteristics of dragon descendants at all.

Long Xiu smiled and said, "Of course there are non-Dragon Clan members, but they are basically people from villages around Dragon Blood City. Some of them yearn for the prosperity of Dragon Blood City and often go to Dragon Blood City to buy and sell goods."

"Lord Long Xiu!"

At this time, the soldiers guarding the gate saw Long Xiu and immediately stood respectfully, and then spoke at the same time.

Long Xiu nodded, and then said calmly: "They are my friends."

"Since they are friends of Lord Long Xiu, there is no need to search them. Please come in." One of the soldiers who seemed to be the superior smiled flatteringly.

Long Xiu nodded with satisfaction, and then motioned Wuming and Lin Renmei to follow and go directly into the city.

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