I Contracted Myself

【036】Can’t see through

Dragon Blood City and Pearl City have completely different styles.

If Pearl City has too much freedom, then Dragon Blood City has too many rules.

The houses are all neatly built, and the roads are divided into several roads. If you want to go anywhere, you can only take fixed roads. People who are not familiar with Dragon Blood City may not even know how to walk when they enter the city.

Wuming and Lin Renmei followed Long Xiu for a slow walk in the city. On the way, Long Xiu would introduce some of the situation in Dragon Blood City.

For example, the public transportation in Dragon Blood City is called Dragon Power Car. This is a metal car pulled by Dragon Power Beast. Its top speed is not much slower than the sports car on earth.

The Dragon Power Beast itself is a dragon-blooded creature.

Some people believe that they evolved from cows, but because their bodies have been completely transformed into dragons, it is difficult to see the parts that were formerly cows.

"Are you interested in taking a seat?" Long Xiu asked when he saw Wuming staring at the dragon cars passing by on the road.

Wuming was a little eager to give it a try and asked, "Is it convenient?"

"No inconvenience!" Long Xiu said with a smile.

Then he stopped a Longli car, put coins in after getting on the car, and signaled Wuming and Lin Renmei to get on the car.

After all three people got on the bus, the driver closed the door and then ordered the dragon force beast to continue moving forward.

There were already other passengers in the car, so Long Xiu and the others simply sat at the back of the car.

"It's been a long time since I've ridden a dragon carriage, I feel a little nostalgic."

Long Xiu was sitting by the window, with the breeze blowing in. He slightly put his hair behind his ears and said with a smile to Wuming.

He also found that compared to Lin Renmei, Wuming seemed to be easier to deal with.

Wuming nodded and said, "It feels good."

The windows of this Longli car are not equipped with glass, but a small modification has been made to the edge of the window, which can block most of the wind outside, and the wind that blows into the car is a breeze.

At least in the summer, it should be quite comfortable.

In fact, Mingwu controlled by Wuming had no feelings. The reason why he felt comfortable was because his senses were linked to Lin Renmei.

Lin Renmei feels cool and he feels comfortable too.

Next, Long Xiu had a lively conversation, chatting about various things in the city, such as the three nobles in Dragon Blood City, the most beautiful dancer in Dragon Blood City, and the top delicacies in Dragon Blood City.

Although dragonborn do not eat dragon-blooded creatures, there are many ordinary animals to choose from.

The Dragonborn's favorite is a giant fish called the Silver Scale Fish. This fish can grow up to thirty meters long and weigh dozens of tons. Not only is its meat firm, but it is also extremely delicious.

Every year, several dragonborns die in Dragon Blood City in order to catch silver-scaled fish.

But no dragonborn nobles thought there was a problem. They would give anything to eat silver-scaled fish.

"I'll take you to try silver-scaled fish when I get the chance. Unfortunately, the season for eating silver-scaled fish has passed now." When talking about silver-scaled fish, Long's eyebrows danced with excitement, and his tone became excited unconsciously.

Wuming was also a little curious. He secretly took note of the characteristics of the silver-scaled fish and planned to go to the sea to look for it when he had time.

But the premise of everything is that he can break the seal.

"We're here, get out of the car!"

As he spoke, Long Xiu glanced at the scenery outside the window and quickly shook the bell on the roof of the car.

After the Longli car stopped, the three people got out of the car.

Unknowingly, they had arrived at the center of the city, surrounded by high-end buildings. Long Xiu took Lin Renmei and Wuming for a while and finally came to an extremely luxurious manor.

"So you are still a rich man!" Wuming said in surprise as he looked at the beautiful buildings inside the wall.

Long Xiu scratched the back of his head and said with a smile: "I'm just inheriting the family property. I'm not the most powerful one. Please come in."

As he spoke, he opened the door to the house.

After entering the manor, the three of them walked slowly around a pond, going around in circles before arriving at the main house.

"If you two have anywhere you want to go or anything you want to know, you can tell me and I will try my best to arrange it." After Long Xiu entered the room, he said to Wuming and Lin Renmei.

Wuming nodded generously and said: "Okay, if so, why don't you take us to visit your house now? This is the first time I have seen such a luxurious house."

"Uh... Okay, please follow me." Long Xiu said with a bitter smile.

He saw that Wuming didn't care about the value of his house at all, but was just curious about the layout and structure of the house.

Next, he took Wuming and Lin Renmei to walk around the manor and introduced the uses of each house. It was only then that Wuming and Lin Renmei realized that this guy actually had eight wives!

Dragon Blood City is not monogamous, but polygamous.

And not every man can marry multiple women, they are based on blood

The number of wives is distributed according to the purity of the pulse.

The dragonborn with the highest purity can marry nine wives, then the one with the second purest purity can marry eight wives, the one with the third purest purity can marry seven wives, and so on.

The dragonborn with the lowest blood purity may not even have a wife.

"In other words, you are also considered a noble?" Wuming looked at Long Xiu and asked curiously.

Long Xiu smiled bitterly and said: "Actually, purity is just a scam in my eyes, just an excuse for the nobles to rule the common people."

"You seem to be very dissatisfied with the nobles?" Lin Renmei looked at Long Xiu doubtfully and asked.

Long Xiu shook his head and said: "I have no dissatisfaction with the nobles. I just feel that if Dragon Blood City continues like this, there will be a war sooner or later. By then, Dragon Blood City will inevitably be filled with blood and all lives will be devastated. This is something I don't want to see."

"I didn't realize that you are still a guy who cares about the country and the people." Wuming smiled nonchalantly.

The overthrow of the old system would definitely be accompanied by blood and sacrifice. He did not want to interfere too much with the affairs of Dragon Blood City. After all, there was no invasion of foreign enemies in this city, and no alienated beasts were raging.

Let humans decide on human affairs, and he is not qualified to interfere so much.

Next, Long Xiu arranged the two of them to the guest room and then left.

He is not a flexible employee without a job. Instead, he holds a high position and is considered the second-in-command of the intelligence organization in Dragon Blood City. Now that he has returned to the city, he naturally needs to inform his boss and make a small report.

"What do you think?" Wuming's consciousness transferred to Lin Renmei's body and asked.

Lin Renmei was sitting on a chair in the guest room, holding tea and observing the tea leaves in the tea. When she heard Wuming's question, she asked puzzledly: "What is it like?"

"This person is Long Xiu." Wuming said.

Lin Renmei shook her head and said: "I can't see through him. What he says is true and false. Some of his words are immediately known to be false, while others are known to be true as soon as they are heard. But some of his words are half true and half false. As for the truth and lies in front of it, it becomes difficult to judge.”

"And there is something wrong with this house." She just finished speaking, and then added.

The manor was very large, but it didn't have any servants. Long Xiu said he had eight wives, but they didn't see any of them.

After Long Xiu left the manor, the entire manor was extremely quiet, and it seemed like they were the only ones left.

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