I Contracted Myself

【037】Dungeon under the lake

In the next two days, Long Xiu would take Wuming and Lin Renmei to visit Dragon Blood City during the day, and disappear from the world at night.

Although Wuming and Lin Renmei felt that there was something wrong with Long Xiu, since he provided food and accommodation, they were too lazy to explore each other's secrets.

After all, everyone has their own secrets.

Long Xiu is an adult, and he is also engaged in intelligence. How could he not have any secrets?

At night, Lin Renmei went to bed. Wuming thought for a while and then said: "Renmei, I feel there should be no big problem in Dragon Blood City. Let's go back in two days."

The main reason for waiting for another two days is that there are indeed many interesting places in Dragon Blood City. They have nothing to do anyway, so they might as well play them all before leaving.

In fact, Dragon Blood City is not much more advanced than Pearl City, but as a dragon blood creature, Dragonborn can innately intimidate ordinary creatures and make them surrender to themselves.

Therefore, many scenes of symbiosis between humans and beasts can be seen in Dragon Blood City.

Wuming, in the spirit of "Come here, come here", naturally has to visit the entire Dragon Blood City before leaving.

"Well, although the food in the city is quite delicious, I don't know why, but I always have the feeling that everyone is too serious, and this city makes people uncomfortable." Lin Renmei nodded in agreement.

Wuming was surprised: "You feel it too?"

"How could you not feel it?" Lin Renmei rolled her eyes.

She was the one who was really active in the city, Wuming was just sealed in her body, how could she not feel what he could feel.

"By the way, tonight seems to be a moonlit night. Do you know what that means?" Lin Renmei suddenly asked.

Wuming asked in confusion: "What is a moonlit night?"

"When we went to the Snake Yard during the day, I heard someone say something like today was a moonlit night, but Long Xiu was around at the time, so I didn't ask you." Lin Renmei said.

Wuming said helplessly: "I didn't hear it. I was looking at those snakes at that time."

They visited the Snake Garden during the day. All the snakes there showed signs of dragon transformation. There was even a white snake. Except that it had no legs, it could be said to be a white dragon.

Wuming was a little greedy at that time, feeling that if White Snake could be contracted, it would be easy to use it as a mount.

Because of this, he didn't even pay attention to what the people around him were saying.

"Then it should be fine." Lin Renmei said helplessly.


Wuming smiled and said: "Get some rest early. I'm going to Guilailou tomorrow. I'm already looking forward to the taste of Dragon Turtle."

"Good night, the dragon turtle is the treasure of the store, so I won't kill it at all, and... dragonborn don't eat dragon-blooded creatures!" Lin Renmei complained.

Then she and Wuming stopped talking, and her breathing began to become even and steady.

But at this moment, a strange sound came from the manor. It felt like the sound of someone hitting a wall and then cracking his neck.

"What's the sound?" Lin Renmei opened her eyes in the darkness.

Wuming said calmly: "I'll go out and take a look. You wait here."

As he spoke, he controlled the dark mist to spread in the darkness, gradually approaching the direction from which the sound came.

A moment later, he saw a girl lying on the ground by the lake of the manor, struggling crazily. She seemed to have crawled out of the small lake. All her clothes were soaked, and she had long-term wearers on her wrists and ankles. The traces left by the shackles.

There is a dungeon in the lake!

Wuming immediately made a judgment, and then he saw the girl's body peeling off bit by bit as it hit the ground. After the skin fell off, she revealed white bone scales, and her head was also severely deformed. It looked a bit like a dragon's head, but also a bit like a dragon's head. Like a turtle head.


She raised her head, let out a hoarse growl, and then tried to leave.

But at this moment, Long Xiu fell from the sky and kicked her back to the lake with a melancholy look on his face.

"I kill you!"

The girl rolled around on the ground several times. After seeing Long Xiu, her back left the openings, and flames spurted out from the openings.

With a roar, her speed increased dramatically and she punched Long Xiu in the head. However, Long Xiu kicked her in the abdomen at a faster speed and rolled back to where she came from.

While rolling, a tail came out of her pants from behind, inserted into the ground to stop the rolling momentum, and stared at Long Xiu.

"Are you awake?" Long Xiu looked at the girl and asked again.

Without saying a word, the girl opened her mouth and sprayed flames at Long Xiu, and the long flames swept towards Long Xiu's head.

"Sure enough, it's still the case."

Long Xiu sighed, and suddenly his speed increased sharply. He appeared behind the girl in a flash and knocked the girl down with one punch.

He picked up the unconscious girl, jumped directly into the lake, and quickly rushed to

Swim to the bottom of the lake.

Wuming controlled the dark mist, using the darkness as cover, and also followed him into the lake. In a blink of an eye, he formed a form similar to that of a jellyfish, and followed Long Xiu leisurely.

As expected, there was a gap at the bottom of the lake. Long Xiu entered the gap, swam for a distance and resurfaced. He had arrived at a secret room.

There were many men and women imprisoned in this secret room. They were all unconscious and their bodies were highly alienated. The few who were still conscious saw Long Xiu and immediately let out an angry roar.

"Sorry, you have to stay here until the matter is resolved." Long Xiu put the girl back into a cell and said to the people around her.

Then, he stayed in the cell in silence for a while, then turned around and left with deep thoughts.

After Long Xiu left, Wuming emerged from the water and slowly crawled into the cell. He counted the women and found that there were exactly eight adult women and two children.

"Could this be Long Xiu's family?" Wuming thought to himself.

But why are they imprisoned? And looking at these people, it seems that the situation is not good. They are a bit like the werewolves in the story. Once they turn into werewolves, they will not recognize their relatives.

"Roar, who are you?"

Suddenly, a middle-aged man imprisoned in a cage noticed Wuming and asked with his eyes fixed on Wuming.

Wuming controlled the dark mist to turn into a ten-centimeter-tall little man and said, "Hello, I am a resident of Lilliput, my name is Zhang Ping."

"Lilliput? I have never heard of it. Can you come closer? Let me take a closer look at you." The middle-aged man stared at Wuming and said word by word.

Wuming noticed that the focus of his pupils was always in a trembling state when he spoke, which showed that his mental state was very unstable.

"Sorry, you look dangerous. I don't want to die young." Wuming retreated instead of advancing, and said falsely.

The main reason was that his so-called body was actually just made of dark fog. Even if it was really broken up, it would not be worth mentioning to him, so he had no worries at all.

He said this mainly to deceive the middle-aged man and see his next reaction.

"I said come here!"

Sure enough, the next moment the middle-aged man roared angrily, and threw himself to the edge of the cell, and his hand passed through the prison pillar to grab Wuming.

However, Wuming had just calculated the distance, and unless the middle-aged man stretched out his arms, it would be impossible for him to touch him.

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