I Contracted Myself

【038】Dragon Transformation Disease

"I'm going to kill you, kill you!"

The pupils of the middle-aged man's eyes had become flat and long, and he was shouting excitedly with white air coming out of his nostrils.

Others also noticed the situation here, and those who were still awake gathered at the edge of the cell, all looking at the dark mist figure condensed by Wuming.

To be frank.

At this moment, Wuming felt like a mouse surrounded by a group of cats.

These people obviously still have human thinking, but their instincts have changed, and their instincts have a profound impact on them. In the contest between human nature and instinct, instinct has obviously prevailed.

"Interesting, because you are controlled by instinct, Long Xiu locked you up, right?" Wuming looked at the people present and asked.

It would be fine if Long Xiu was not mentioned. As soon as Long Xiu was mentioned, the people in the cage all screamed in anger and rammed the cage one by one.

"Let's go, I'll come to play with you next time!"

Wuming saw that these people could not provide more useful information, so he smiled and waved his hand, and returned to consciousness directly.

When his consciousness returns to his body, the dark fog will not dissipate, but will ignore all obstacles and return directly to his body, so it will not cause waste.

In Lin Renmei's room, when Wuming's consciousness returned, she immediately opened her eyes and asked, "What's going on outside?"

"I know where Long Xiu's family has gone." Wuming said with a smile.

Then, he told Lin Renmei what he had just seen and heard, and Lin Renmei listened thoughtfully.

Moonlit night, this may be what he is talking about.

Lin Renmei thought about it and asked, "Is it possible... that Long Xiu imprisoned his family and used his family for experiments?"

"Impossible, Long Xiu has a very high status in this city. You should be able to feel his transcendent status when you go out these few days. If he really wants to find a few test subjects, there are people to choose from, and there is no need to choose his own family." Wuming denied.

Lin Renmei nodded and did not refute Wuming's judgment.

These days, Long Xiu took them to tour the city. Their biggest feeling was that Long Xiu had a very high status. Anyone who met an official would be very humble in front of Long Xiu, as if they were afraid of offending Long Xiu.

"Captain Wuming, do you want to manage?" Lin Renmei asked at this time.

Wuming thought for a while and sighed: "I will find out in the next two days. If

... I mean if I can, I will try to save these people. If it is impossible, then we will leave according to the original plan."

"Well, I guessed that the captain would say that." Lin Renmei smiled.

Over the years, Lin Renmei was actually very grateful to Wuming for saving her from the dungeon and willing to take her in, so that she could have a place to atone for her sins and shine.

She knew Wuming very well and knew why the rescue team existed, so when she asked Wuming, she actually knew the answer.

"But be careful these days, I have a feeling that Long Xiu is going to take action." Wuming reminded.

How could Long Xiu invite them to Longxue City, provide food and accommodation, and accompany them to play and laugh without any purpose?

"If Long Xiu hadn't lied before, and the enemy really came to the door, it's not impossible to help." Lin Renmei smiled.

Wuming nodded and said, "That's right, it's just a punch, but try not to kill anyone."

"Got it." Lin Renmei responded.

Then, the two stopped talking and prepared to go to bed.

But it seemed that God deliberately didn't want the two to sleep tonight. Not long after, there was an explosion in the distance, and then a red light flashed outside the window.

"Okay, I'll get up." Lin Renmei sighed and sat up from the bed.

Wuming smiled bitterly and said, "Maybe Long Xiu will take action tonight. Let's go and see. If he is beaten to death, we will be in trouble."

After all, they are guests invited by Long Xiu. If Long Xiu gets into trouble, they will also be targeted.


Lin Renmei responded and then walked out of the room.

She wrapped herself with a biological force field, tapped the ground with her toes, and flew directly into the air, just in time to see the location where the red light was on.

"It seems to be the city lord's mansion over there." Wuming looked at it and said.

Long Xiu introduced it when he took them through the City Lord's Mansion.


A roar came from the direction of the City Lord's Mansion.

In the flames, a red dragon blasted the City Lord's Mansion and roared with pleasure at the sky.

Others might not be able to hear it, but Wuming, who has the ability to communicate with all things, knows very well what the dragon's roar means.

"Rebirth? Freedom?"

Wuming frowned slightly, then said, "Renmei, let's go over and subdue it first."


Lin Renmei nodded.

If this dragon rolls in the city for a few more times, I'm afraid there will be many casualties, so it must be subdued as soon as possible.

At this time, the temperature of the entire Dragon Blood City was rising sharply, and many residents who were awakened fled in panic. Some wanted to run out of the city, some wanted to run to the river, but some strong men ran in the direction of the dragon.

Lin Renmei was very fast and flew over the dragon in a blink of an eye. At this time, she and Wuming discovered that there were several people holding the dragon's body tightly under the dragon's feet, as if trying to stop the dragon from moving.

"Long Xiu is here too." Lin Renmei said.

Wuming glanced at Long Xiu on the ground and said calmly: "Knock out this big guy first."


Lin Renmei immediately swooped down and punched the dragon's head squarely. The dragon was shocked and fell to the ground.

Everyone looked at Lin Renmei in the air in shock, even Long Xiu opened his mouth wide.

"Long Xiu, what's the matter with this dragon?" Wuming condensed the dark mist, appeared behind Long Xiu, patted Long Xiu on the shoulder, and asked.

Long Xiu frowned and said, "He is the city lord."

"This thing is the city lord?" Wuming looked at the unconscious red dragon in surprise.

Long Xiu nodded and said, "I will tell you the situation later. Now I have to deal with the scene and evacuate the crowd to avoid causing greater panic."

"Well, then you go first." Wuming nodded.

Obviously, the people in Longxue City have something to do tonight. Lin Renmei and Wuming looked at it for a while, and then returned to the manor silently. It is estimated that they can rest tonight.

No words all night.

The next morning, Long Xiu appeared in the manor on time with breakfast.

The three of them simply had breakfast in the garden of the manor and explained the situation of Dragon Blood City.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to hide it from you. It's mainly because I just found out about it not long ago. This information comes from the deputy city lord Long Tu."

"That giant dragon is the city lord who has dragon disease. His consciousness has been devoured by instinct. During this period, I thought the city lord was replaced by someone, but in fact... he is terminally ill."

Long Xiu looked at Lin Renmei and Wuming and said with some distress.

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