I Contracted Myself

【040】The Secret of Eternal Life

[Identification successful]

[Name: Dugu Xingwai]

[Race: Human]


【Lifespan: 10000】

[Level: Top Transcendent]

【Level: 78】


[The way of civility and martial arts: using spiritual power as pen and ink, you can write words on all things, and use words to control objects. 】

【Advanced skills】

[Intermediate level - Four Treasures of the Study: Consume mental and physical energy to create pen, ink, paper and inkstone, which can greatly enhance the effect of writing. 】

[Advanced - A piece of paper: Consume half of your physical strength and a piece of paper to remove all negative effects, and can also remove barriers and seals. 】

[Top level - Wen Ruyi: Consume all mental energy, write down the target's name, and then control the target's fate through words. 】

[Characteristics of the Transcendent:]

[Elementary level - text of truth: By understanding all things, one can understand its true meaning, and use the true meaning as ink to write the text of truth. 】

[Intermediate level - Life Catalog: Consume physical strength to manifest a "Life Catalog" in which the truth of all life can be recorded. All creatures in the Life Catalog will be unable to escape the fate set by the holder. 】

[Advanced - Tablet of Sinking: Consume physical strength, study the sunken person, and turn their twisted spirit into words and inscribe it on the stone tablet. The sunken person recorded in the tablet of sunk will be controlled by the holder. 】

[Top-level - Five Yun Slate: After consuming physical strength, after understanding all the rules, the 'Slate of Form', 'Slate of Feeling', 'Slate of Thought', 'Slate of Action' and 'Slate of Consciousness' are condensed. 】

The appearance is still that of Brother Long San, but the person has changed!

Wuming controlled Mingwu to huddle in the shadow, looking at the attributes outside Dugu Star, he was shocked. If he had hands and feet now, he would definitely feel cold.

Extraterrestrial slate...

It turns out that "Beyond the Star" does not mean "Beyond the Planet", but "Beyond the Dugu Star"!

"Brother Long San? Are you okay?"

At this time, Long Xiu glanced at the body of Brother Long on the ground, then looked outside Dugu Xing and asked.

The others gradually moved closer together, looking warily outside Dugu Xing, vaguely smelling danger. Something was wrong with Brother Long San.

"Brother Long San? Your name is so unpleasant." Du

Lone Starwai looked at the life directory in his hand and said Youyou.

When the old man who originally kept the life directory heard this, he frowned and said, "No, Long San may have lost control. Control him first!"

After saying that, he quickly stepped back, and several young men directly surrounded Dugu Xingwai. One of them reached out and grabbed the life catalog in Dugu Xingwai's hand.


Dugu Xingwai frowned, then held the book in one hand, raised the other hand, and lightly drew a stroke in the air.

The young man who reached out to take away the life directory suddenly froze. Before anyone could react, he suddenly looked ferocious, turned around and slapped the young man next to him.

"So you call this state out of control, but this is not out of control, but the power of fate!" Dugu Xingwai said with a smile.

Then he grabbed his face and pinched it slightly, and his whole face began to change, from a sickly and rugged man to a beautiful man with red phoenix eyes and slightly thin cheeks.

At this time, the dragon disciple suddenly took action, and one of his arms turned into a blue dragon claw, appearing behind Dugu Xingwai as if it had penetrated time and space.

Dugu Xing smiled outside and gently touched his hair. His hair suddenly turned silver, and countless stars shone like the Milky Way.


The dragon disciple's hand almost touched Dugu Xingwai, but was blocked by an invisible force.

"You know? Everyone has his own destiny, but not everyone can control his own destiny. The function of this book is to collect life and control its destiny." Dugu Xingwai looked at the dragon disciple in the distance, Said with a smile.

Wuming thought of the appraisal results and immediately understood what Dugu Xingwai meant.

Most people probably use this ability to control others and alienated beasts, but Dugu Xingwai uses it to control himself.

In this way, it actually has the same effect as his own contract!

"The destiny I have set for myself is to transcend everything and finally reach the pinnacle of all things. This is my... magic method of eternal life!" Dugu Xingwai continued.

As long as this book exists and as long as there are living beings in the world, then when other living beings hold this book and continue to read this book, they will be reborn in the living body and live another life!

He has countless opportunities to find the way to break through the transcendent, and countless time to find the way to transcend everything and reach the apex of all things.


After listening to Dugu Xingwai's words, Long Disciple realized that Dugu Xingwai was not Brother Long.

He yelled, tore his arm off, turned around and ran away.

Long Xiu reacted faster than Long Disciple and started running away after saying those words outside Dugu Star.

"Why are you running away? Because of fear. Why fear? Because all creatures that don't know fear are dead. Look, isn't this very reasonable?" Dugu Xingwai looked at the people running away and said to himself with a smile.

After saying that, he looked at the dark mist hidden in the shadows, which was so small that it was difficult for ordinary people to distinguish it.

Wuming's heart tightened, and he realized that he might have been discovered outside Dugu Xing. He thought for a while, then came out of the shadows generously and asked: "Then tell me, what are your plans in this life?"

With Dugu Xingwai's strength, if he really wanted to kill Long Xiu and Long Tu, there would be no chance for them to escape.

The incident happened suddenly, and everyone was too shocked and panicked. Instead, they ignored the fact that Dugu Xingwai actually had no reason to kill them.

"The goal of this life? Maybe it's to break through the transcendent. I also want to see if there is any way after the transcendent." Dugu Xingwai smiled.

Wuming continued to ask: "Then... do you think you are still a human?"

"Of course!" Dugu Xingwai said as a matter of course.

Then he looked at Wuming, stretched out his hand gently, drew a few strokes in the air, and smiled: "Your question is very dangerous. If I answer no, will you kill me?"

"I don't have the ability to kill you." Wuming answered honestly.

He can't, but Lin Renmei can!

Although Dugu Xingwai's abilities are stronger than Apophis, and he even has the power to interfere with fate, for some reason, Wuming feels that Dugu Xingwai is not as good as Apophis.

The threat of Apophis to Lin Renmei is even greater than that of Dugu Xingwai.

Because of this, Wuming believed that if Dugu Xingwai and Lin Renmei fought, it would definitely be Dugu Xingwai who died.

"I understand, don't worry... I'm not the kind of person who likes to kill innocent people. Unless they block my way, the ants on the roadside are just insignificant scenery on my way forward. I have no intention of trampling on them." Dugu Xingwai's mind was clear and he instantly understood the meaning of Wuming's words.

After saying that, he smiled and asked, "Then this righteous man, can I leave now?"

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