I Contracted Myself

【041】Dragon Disaster

Finally, Dugu Xingwai left.

Wuming didn't say anything stupid to ask him to pay for Brother Long San's life.

After all, when Brother Long was flipping through the catalog of life, he already had the awareness of death in his heart.

On the way back, Wuming silently summarized what he saw and heard, and felt a sense of "sudden enlightenment" in his heart. The way Dugu Xingwai used his abilities gave him great inspiration.

In the beginning, he contracted himself by unexpected things, and his path became wider and wider. But now, because he has more and more abilities, he has lost the love and novelty of abilities in the past.

When he was weak, he could sleep and forget about eating and drinking for a "fire eater". Now that gaining abilities is as easy as drinking water, he seldom delved into his own abilities.

Back in Lin Renmei's body, Lin Renmei was eating Dragon Blood City delicacies at a food stall.

"Sister Renmei, try this turtle and fish soup. I loved it when I was a kid." Long Yu'er said enthusiastically.

Lin Renmei nodded, picked up the turtle and fish soup, and said to herself: "Captain Wuming, are you back?"

"Yeah." Wuming nodded.

Then, without Lin Renmei asking, Wuming played what he saw and heard in the form of a video for Lin Renmei to see. It has to be said that information control is really convenient. All the information he obtains can be easily conveyed to the target.

"Beyond Dugu Star? Is he the guy who caused the destruction of a world? Do you want to kill him?" Lin Renmei asked directly after reading it.

Wuming objected: "It's not necessary for the time being. The Dugu Star in that world may not necessarily be the Dugu Star."

In addition, Wuming has not found a way to destroy the extraterrestrial slate made outside Dugu Star. So far, the book is probably extremely difficult to destroy.

The catalog of life is immortal, and you can always be reborn outside Dugu Star.

Besides, those who have the power of ‘destiny’ outside Dugu Star are not that easy to kill.

Next, both of them put aside their affairs outside Dugu Star for the time being. Lin Renmei and Long Yu'er played in the city until evening before returning to the manor. As expected, Long Xiu was already at the manor.

He stood by the lake, looking worried.

"Good evening!"

Wuming controlled Ming Wu and said hello.

"It's not night yet." Long Xiu smiled reluctantly.

Wuming said with concern: "Looking at you, you seem to have something on your mind. Why don't you talk about it and listen to it?"



Just as Long Xiu was about to shirk, there was suddenly an explosion in the distance.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then the scene before the City Lord's Mansion couldn't help but come to mind.

Will someone transform into a dragon again?

Long Xiu immediately spread his wings and flew into the air. Sure enough, a red dragon that was only one-third the size of the red dragon was breathing fire at a house in the distance.

Screams and roars came one after another.

Before Long Xiufei could go to support him, suddenly there was the sound of a house collapsing from the other side, and a giant blue-steel dragon emerged from the house.

"A collective outbreak of dragon disease?" Long Xiu looked serious and couldn't help but look at the small lake in front of the manor.

Sure enough, the lake rippled, and then a giant dragon similar to a plesiosaur emerged from the water. It had red eyes and immediately locked onto the dragon show in the air. It opened its mouth and sprayed out two compressed water bombs.

Long Xiu was relatively flexible in the air. He could avoid the attack of the compressed water bomb with a slight turn, but his face was quite ugly.

The Catalog of Life was originally discovered by a group of mysterious enthusiasts and circulated on a small scale in a small circle. Later, large-scale dragon transformation occurred, and it was discovered by official forces.

In order to solve the dragon transformation disease, Long Xiu and the others had to study the life directory, and then they found a way to the true dragon level.

Although this method is wrong and may even lead to the complete transformation of the city lord into a dragon, many people still have unrealistic illusions about the life directory.

Long Xiu also had it before, but more because he wanted to find a way to save his wife and children, so he mingled with those people and made mistakes.

As a result, the solution to the Dragon Transformation Disease has not yet been found, but instead a certain monster residing in the life directory was resurrected.

They didn't even know what happened next. They just activated the final insurance and put down a dragon-breaking stone weighing several hundred tons, hoping to kill the opponent.

Long Xiu is very confused now. He not only suspects that the monster that took Brother Long San's body escaped and caused the current dragon disaster, but also suspects that all the dragons underground have been resurrected.

"Captain Wuming, what should we do?" Lin Renmei also flew into the air at this time and asked immediately when she saw dragons appearing in the city.

Wuming frowned. He also suspected that this was Dugu Xingwai's handiwork, but the dragon emerging from the bottom of the lake made him give up this idea.

After all, they are here. If Dugu Xingwai appears, he and Lin Renmei will definitely be able to detect the energy outside Dugu Xing.


"Subdue these dragons first, don't kill them if you can!" Wuming thought for a while and said.

Lin Renmei nodded and immediately punched the 'Plesiosaur' below. The force was just right. It only knocked out the 'Plesiosaur' but did not harm the opponent's life.

This is the benefit of the biological force field. Otherwise, with just one punch from Lin Renmei, Dragon Blood City would be gone.

"I'll study their status, and you go and deal with those dragons!" Wuming told Lin Renmei, then controlled the fog to fall to the ground and walked to the plesiosaur.

Although they are said to be plesiosaurs, they are actually just similar in appearance, but there are still a lot of differences in details.

For example, this dragon's scales are silvery white, and there are two small horns similar to croissants on its head, and there are many small crystal nuggets on its back.

Through information control, Wuming noticed that the power inside this dragon was very chaotic.

There was the power of ice elements, mixed with huge blood and qi, and finally a force similar to the earth veins kept coming from below, all absorbed by this dragon.

"It doesn't look like a real dragon resurrected, there is no trace of spiritual invasion, but why did it lose its mind?" Wuming was a little confused.

It's a pity that his body can't come out of Lin Renmei's body, otherwise he only needs to turn into royal blood and penetrate into the body of this dragon, and many situations can be directly understood.

"You seem very confused."

Suddenly, Dugu Xingwai appeared behind Wuming and said with a smile.

Although Wuming was surprised, Mingwu had no face at all, so he naturally wouldn't show his surprise on his face. He didn't look back, but reached out and touched the dragon scales, knocked on the crystal block, and then said: "Are you here to tell me that this is not what you did?"

"Hahahaha, you are really interesting. Although you know my name, I still have to introduce it to you. I am Dugu Xingwai!" Dugu Xingwai couldn't help laughing.

Wuming turned around and said calmly: "Rescue team, Wuming."

"Wuming? Interesting, is it that you don't have a name, or... don't want to tell me your name?" Dugu Xingwai thought.

Wuming smiled and said: "You just lost your name."


Dugu Xingwai nodded, and didn't mean to ask further.

Both of them cast their eyes on the unconscious 'Plesiosaur' again, and then Wuming looked at Dugu Xingwai, waiting for Dugu Xingwai's explanation.

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