I Contracted Myself


Dugu Xingwai smiled bitterly and said, "You are sure that I will tell you?"

"After all, you have to clear away the suspicion, right?" Wuming asked with a smile.

At this moment, what else could Dugu Xing say? He could only sigh faintly and nod in agreement.

Dugu Xingwai had just observed Wuming and Lin Renmei in the dark. He did not see Wuming's strength, but Lin Renmei punched the 'Plesiosaur' to death, which made him feel something terrifying and majestic. the power of.

That punch seems to make all living beings equal.

Dugu Xingwai could just walk away, but in this case, the big blame in Dragon Blood City might fall on his head. Once time passes, he won't be able to clean it up.

Although he is not afraid of death, he is not willing to bear the blame for no reason, so he only appears here after considering it.

"These people got the life catalog and held a lot of messy rituals. One of them was called Dragon True Law, which is a ritual that can awaken the power of the dragon in the body. As a result, they seemed to have made a mistake in some steps, so their own dragon power After being awakened, it was connected to the remains of the real dragon underground, and as you saw, the dragon was being resurrected," Dugu Xingwai explained.

Wuming frowned and said, "Is there a way to resolve it?"

"Of course there is, and it's very simple. Just kill the real dragon that comes back to life." Dugu Xing said with a smile.

He looked at the ground and continued: "The real dragon is underground, and if I remember correctly, this place should be the dragon tomb in the past. Although I don't know why these people built a city here, this place is not Feng Shui. Treasure land.”

"Then do you know what kind of dragon the awakened dragon is?" Wuming asked.

Dugu Xingwai shrugged and said amusedly: "I'm not an omniscient and omnipotent god. How can I possibly know what dragon they awakened? The only way to know the answer is to dig it out."

The problem is that both of them know this method is impossible.

This city is too big. Those dragon bones are buried deep under the entire city. If they want to dig out each other, the entire city may be reduced to ruins.

"Don't worry, the other party will definitely not be willing to be trapped, and they will find a way out sooner or later." Dugu Xingwai comforted.

Wuming was unconvinced. From the huge dragon bones around Dragon Blood City, one could imagine how huge those real dragons were. Whether they dug them out or dug them out, they could

It's obviously not a good thing for Fang to come out on his own initiative.

The best way is to kill the opponent directly underground.

"If we dig a tunnel leading to the location of the real dragon, and then kill it directly underground, is there any possibility of success?" Wuming thought for a moment, looked outside Dugu Star, and asked.

Dugu Xingwai looked up at the sky, and then said with a smile: "I just came here to prove my innocence. Now that the matter has been made clear, then...goodbye!"

"Wait, how do I know if what you said is true or false? If you really want to prove your innocence, why don't we go together?" Wuming said immediately.

Dugu Xingwai put away his smile and said calmly: "Wu Ming, do you think you can defeat me?"

This is the rhythm of falling out if you disagree.

Wuming knew very well that if he pushed further, Dugu Xingwai might really start a war with him here.

At this time, Lin Renmei fell from the sky. She looked at Wuming and Dugu Xingwai, who were at war with each other, and asked: "Captain Wuming, is he Dugu Xingwai? Do you want to take it down?"

"There is not only one catalog of life." Dugu Xingwai said quietly.

Wuming smiled and said: "Hahaha, misunderstanding, misunderstanding, how could I possibly want to pin you down? Since Brother Dugu has proven his innocence, he can leave at any time if he wants to."

"Hahaha, but I don't want to leave now." Dugu Xingwai also said with a fake smile.

Lin Renmei frowned and said, "You smile so fake, you don't look like a good person at first glance."

"Since Brother Dugu doesn't want to leave, let's stay together to see which true dragon has been awakened." Wuming said with a smile.

If there is only one life catalog, after Lin Renmei kills Dugu Xingwai, she only needs to store the life catalog in the rescue team headquarters forever, and Dugu Xingwai is equivalent to being sealed.

But there is more than one directory of life, so it would be difficult to kill Dugu Xingwai.

This is like Voldemort and Orochimaru, they are not easy to kill.

Next, Wuming called Long Xiu down from the sky. In fact, Long Xiu flew back after notifying his disciples. However, after seeing the outside of Dugu Star, he did not dare to act rashly, so he simply kept a vigil in the air.

Fortunately, Wuming and Lin Renmei suppressed Dugu Xingwai.

Long Xiu couldn't help but exclaimed in his heart that it was a dangerous situation. Fortunately, he invited Wuming and Lin Renmei to Dragon Blood City as guests, otherwise it would have ended badly.


It should be said that the city lord was already in ruins at the time when he was transformed into a dragon, and it was difficult to end the situation.

Long Xiu felt that inviting Wuming and Lin Renmei was definitely the wisest decision in his life.

Next, Wuming told Long Xiu the plan. Long Xiu immediately said that the entire Dragon Blood City would fully cooperate. After all, this is Dragon Blood City's own business. Wuming and Lin Renmei are willing to take action. Even if everyone in Dragon Blood City is not grateful, , at least it cannot be held back.

As for individuals who repay kindness with hatred, Long Xiu is confident that he will never appear in front of Wuming and Lin Renmei.

after one day.

The people of Dragon Blood City placed all the dragon-transformed residents in the main square, tied them up with a huge iron rope, and temporarily detained them.

It would be great if we really killed the giant dragon resurrected underground so that these dragon-turned-people could recover.

If not.

Then we'll deal with it afterwards.

Everyone knows that the so-called treatment is probably execution.

After all, these dragon-like people have lost themselves. Even if they want to return to nature, they may only destroy the natural balance and bring greater disasters.

Wuming and Lin Renmei can't care so much. At most, they just help to kill the real dragon underground and then leave Dragon Blood City.

They are willing to help out of humanitarian spirit.

The people of Dragon Blood City are also people.

Since they are here.

They can't just watch the city's people suffer and blood flow like a river.

Under the call of Long Xiu, a group of powerful dragon descendants gathered together. After reading the map of Dragon Blood City, they started digging tunnels at the Dragon Blood City dock.

Generally speaking, digging tunnels at the dock will definitely cause water to penetrate into the tunnel.

However, there are actually many different types of dragon descendants among dragon descendants, including thunder dragon descendants, fire dragon descendants, and ice dragon descendants, so it is better to have water infiltration. They can make the water freeze and stabilize the channel.

In addition, the dragonborns were strong and had great digging abilities. In just one day, a passage leading underground was quickly formed.

The excavation was still going on below, and there was no need to move the soil out. The earth dragonborns ate the soil as food.

After confirming that the passage was stable, Wuming, Lin Renmei and others entered the passage.

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