I Contracted Myself

【043】Dragon Lord

Because the tunnel was temporarily excavated, and the water seepage areas were reinforced with ice elements by the Ice Dragonborn, the temperature inside the tunnel was extremely low, and there was even a layer of frost and fog on the ground.

Lin Renmei and Wuming walked in front of the passage, while Dugu Xingwai followed behind, secretly observing Lin Renmei.

Ever since Lin Renmei's biological force field developed the ability to block other people's detection, abilities such as identification techniques have been unable to detect her true identity.

Dugu Xingwai can sense Lin Renmei's danger through his sixth sense, but he doesn't know what kind of ability Lin Renmei is.

"Don't look at me!"

Suddenly, Lin Renmei turned around and looked at Dugu Xingwai in displeasure and said.

"Sorry, sorry, it's just that you are too beautiful." Dugu Xingwai immediately said with a smile.

Lin Renmei glared at Dugu Xingwai, and then continued walking forward. When Dugu Xingwai's eyes fell on her butt again, she suddenly turned around and punched Dugu Xingwai.

This punch did not touch Dugu Xingwai, but stopped just in front of Dugu Xingwai's nose.

It was a punch with little force, but it made Dugu Xing dare not even move.

He is not Apophis. If this punch really hits him, he will definitely die. No power can save him.

"Last warning!" Lin Renmei said coldly.

After saying that, she turned around and walked down quickly. Wuming said with a smile, "Do you dare to move?"

"Hmph, you are just pretending to be a tiger." Dugu Xingwai snorted coldly.

Wuming chuckled in a low voice, then followed Lin Renmei and continued to move down the passage.

However, they didn't go far when suddenly there was a huge vibration and footsteps below. Everyone stopped and watched, and a dragonborn was the first to run up.

"Run quickly, there are a lot of bugs behind you!" Dragonborn shouted immediately when he saw Wuming and others.

Wuming and Lin Renmei immediately moved out of the way. Although the dragonborn wanted to say a few more words, he did not dare to stop, so he ran past everyone and fled towards the ground.

Not long after he left, a large number of dragonborn fled up one after another.

After these people left, a large number of small red bugs came from the channel below like a tide.


Wuming immediately shared the properties of the bug with Lin Renmei.

These bugs are called 'dragon blood bugs', which are extraordinary parasites that live in the dragon's body.

But because the dragon itself is an extraordinary creature and has extremely powerful

It has elemental power, so even if dragon-blooded insects appear in the body, it can be killed quickly.

Only those old giant dragons, because of their weakened Qi and blood, are likely to be parasitized by dragon blood worms in large numbers.

The weakness of the dragon-blooded insect is actually very obvious, that is, it is afraid of various elemental forces. Fire and ice in nature are difficult to threaten it, but attacks from extraordinary elements are just the opposite and can easily kill them.

"Are you afraid of elemental attacks?"

Lin Renmei couldn't help but frowned after learning the information about the Dragon Blood Insect.

Although she is powerful in combat, she is not comprehensive and has many things she cannot do.

"Don't panic, just work hard and miracles will happen. Just fight." Wuming said with a smile. Just look at the identification information. If you really believe it, you will be fooled in minutes.

Lin Renmei nodded and said, "I'll give it a try!"

The discussion between the two people was actually a spiritual communication, and the real world only passed for a moment.

At this time, the dragon-blooded worms were rolling in. Lin Renmei immediately controlled the biological force field to expand slightly, and then punched the passage below. Countless dragon-blooded worms were completely wiped out by this punch.

"This power!" Dugu Xing's outer pupils shrank instantly and began to retreat.

The dragon's bloodworm has obvious weaknesses, but its advantages are also obvious, that is, its body is very hard, unimaginably hard, otherwise it would be impossible to get into the dragon's body.

Precisely because they are very hard and immune to most damage from nature, their numbers are so large that they can be called natural disasters.

Unless a powerful elemental master of the transcendent level takes action, the dragon-blooded insect is invincible.

But today I finally saw another solution outside Dugu Star, and that was pure violence!

This fist is too terrifying.

"Captain Wuming, these bugs are so disgusting, please think of a way." Lin Renmei punched crazily, but the dragon-blooded bugs coming up from below were endless, as if they couldn't kill them no matter how many they killed.

Lin Renmei was feeling aggrieved now. She didn't really go all out, mainly because their current location was actually below Dragon Blood City.

She punched down with all her strength. It wouldn't be a big deal if the tunnel collapsed, but things could happen in Dragon Blood City.

The biological force field allows her to adjust the power of her attacks as she pleases, but powerful moves will still cause natural phenomena. Just like her previous battle with Apophis, even if she didn't want to destroy anything, she still caused great damage.

"I'm coming!"

Wuming responded at this time, and the ability he had rented out temporarily returned.

In an instant, he controlled the flames to form armor on the surface of Lin Renmei's body, and then the fire element directly formed a crazy horizontal storm with Lin Renmei as the center.

Under the attack of the fire element, the dragon-blooded insects were quickly charred, and all the dragon-blooded insects in the passage were killed in the blink of an eye.


After the flames disappeared, various explosions began to be heard from the passage.

The passage was originally reinforced by ice. After the flames rolled through, the soil above became hard but also brittle.

Under the tremendous pressure, the fragile soil naturally cracked.

"Captain, what should we do?" Lin Renmei asked immediately as she saw a crack in the charred soil above.

Wuming sighed and said, "Let's retreat for the time being."

"No need to retreat!"

Suddenly, Dugu Xingwai ran back again. He held the life catalog and wiped it against the wall. The cracks on the wall immediately repaired themselves and had a hint of metallic luster.

If you are too kind to someone, you are either a traitor or a thief!

Wuming and Lin Renmei looked at Dugu Xingwai suspiciously, with distrust in their eyes.

"Don't look at me like that, it's just... I have guessed who the resurrected dragon is." Dugu Xingwai saw the two people looking at him like this and quickly raised his hand and said.

Wuming said calmly, "Why not tell me about it."

"The resurrected dragon, if I am not wrong, should be the dragon lord... Fafnir!" Dugu Xingwai said seriously.


Wuming and Lin Renmei frowned. They had never heard of it.

Generally speaking, many legends from ancient times should be able to be passed down to modern times, just like there are many old ballads passed down from generation to generation in Pearl City, and many myths that are difficult to distinguish between true and false.

Although Wuming and Lin Renmei have heard some interesting stories in Dragon Blood City these days, there is actually very little information about dragons.

"Fafnir, according to legend, is the source of dragons. He is a human being, and his ability is to turn into an ancient dragon, but later he seemed to be confused about his identity, and even lost himself in the identity of a giant dragon, so he lived alone, even lived with many alien beasts, and bred countless dragon blood creatures." Dugu Xingwai knew that Wuming and Lin Renmei must have never heard of Fafnir, so he continued to explain.

Whether it was Lin Renmei or Wuming, after hearing what Dugu Xingwai said, there was only disbelief on their faces.

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