I Contracted Myself


This Fafnir is a fierce man!

Wuming sighed inwardly, and then asked curiously: "Then why did he die here?"

"I don't know. I heard about the Dragon Valley in my last life, so after seeing the dragon-blooded worm, I guessed that it might be Fafnir below. But as for why I died here, that was already in my previous life. Things after death." Dugu Xingwai shook his head.

Lin Renmei looked at Wuming and asked, "Captain, shall we continue now?"

"Of course, continue. No matter whether Fafnir is a human or a beast, he should die honestly and forever. Why come out to cause trouble now." Wuming said lightly.

Dugu Xingwai pursed his lips, feeling that Wuming's words were a bit of a reference to Sang and Kui.

"Let's go!"

Wuming took the lead, controlling Mingwu to walk in the front.

As he walked, he asked: "Why can you tell that the resurrected dragon below is Fafnir when you see the dragon-blooded worm?"

"Because only Fafnir has the ability to control dragons, he can control all his blood descendants, but some can be completely controlled, and some can only be controlled slightly. Weak creatures like dragon-blooded insects, for Fafnir For me, he is the easiest thug to control," Dugu Xingwai explained.

Wuming nodded and said: "I see. In this case, the dragon resurrected below is indeed Fafnir with the highest probability."

"What ability does Fafnir have?" Lin Renmei asked.

Dugu Xingwai shook his head and said: "I don't know, I just heard that it is very strong and has the ability to control the five-color elements, so it is also called the Five-Color Dragon Lord."

As he spoke, subtle sounds came from around him.

Wuming and Lin Renmei stopped, paying attention to the surroundings of the passage, and then their eyes locked on several locations.


An idea appeared in their minds at the same time, and then they stepped back.

As soon as they retreated, huge and sharp bones crisscrossed out from both sides of the passage, passing right in front of them.

"It seems that Fafnir can still control bones!" Wuming looked at the bones in front of him and said with a smile.

Lin Renmei punched the bones and said calmly: "Does it want to stop us from going down?"

"It's already obvious." Wuming smiled.

It's normal if you think about it carefully. If it were him, he wouldn't want Lin Renmei to continue. The threat would be too great.

"Then let's speed up." Lin

Renmei said immediately.

Next, she took a deep breath, turned on the rampage mode, and ran down quickly, crushing the stairs along the way.

Fortunately, Wuming could fly, so he controlled Mingwu to follow Lin Renmei without missing a beat.

Instead of chasing after him, Dugu Xingwai walked slowly down, looked down at the dark stairs, and finally couldn't help but smile.

With such a powerful body, he seems to want it!


Fafnir is still in his bones.

His body was almost broken, with bones scattered all over Dragon Blood City. Most of his internal organs had been devoured by bacteria, leaving only his eyeballs intact.

At this time, he is attached to the dragon bone in the form of energy. As long as he gets enough blood, he can be completely resurrected.

"Spare me, spare me!"

A dragonborn caught by a dragon-blooded insect looked at the terrifying bone dragon in the cave in horror, with tears and snot all over his face.

But the next moment, a thin blood line drilled out of Fafnir's bones and penetrated directly into the Dragonborn's forehead. The Dragonborn's body twitched crazily, and then turned into a mummy.

Visible to the naked eye, after absorbing everything from the Dragonborn, Fafnir's front paws appeared a tinge of red.

The enemy is approaching, and he is very strong!

Fafnir has a sense of urgency. He must complete his recovery as soon as possible, otherwise he is likely to be interfered by the enemy.

The dragon-blooded insects around him were originally in a dormant state, but he woke them up because he sensed humans approaching the ground.

In a few minutes, these dragon-blooded insects will die of hunger without the enemy taking action.

Fafnir's only eye was looking at the surviving dragon-blooded worms on the ground. A sudden thought occurred. Dense nerve circuits drilled out of the bones and were accurately inserted into the body of each dragon-blooded worm. In the blink of an eye, all the dragon-blooded worms were sucked. Empty.

not enough!

Far from enough!

Fafnir roared in his heart, but there was no extra material in the ground.

Suddenly, he felt that Lin Renmei began to accelerate, and he understood that if he wanted to be resurrected, he had to make a choice.

"Damn it, I remember this grudge!"

Fafnir thought angrily in his heart, and took note of the auras of Lin Renmei and Wuming, and then simply gave up his remains.

in the case of

Reborn from the original bones, he can recover at least 70% to 80% of his strength, but now he can only take away a very, very small part, and I am afraid that his strength will be reduced to 10%.

But even so, it's better than being killed.

Having died once, Fafnir had no intention of dying again.

In an instant, all the essence in the keel rushed toward the eyes. In a blink of an eye, the eyes were covered with a large amount of red meat, forming a strange-shaped mass of meat.

After breaking away from the keel, he quickly moved toward the ground through the hollow keel.

There are many huge keels around Dragon Blood City, and the keel he is escaping from is actually one of them. As long as he keeps climbing up, he can easily escape through the keel to the outside.

In fact, if Wuming had not been sealed in Lin Renmei's body, he would have been able to reach the cave directly through the keel.

When Fafnir fled upwards, Lin Renmei and the others quickly ran downwards.

When they reached the end of the passage, they immediately saw a cave that was not dug by humans, and even saw many traces of dragging on the cave.

"Let's go!"

Wuming knew very well that those who were abducted were in great danger, but even if there was a one in ten thousand chance, he still hoped to save people.

In the cave, bones were everywhere.

The three of them moved forward in the pile of bones and soon found the first dead dragonborn.

Wuming took a look, suppressed the anger in his heart, and continued to move forward. Corpses were constantly found, and finally they came to the dragon bones.

"Is this Fafnir?" Wuming looked at the huge skull dragon head in front of him and asked.

Dugu Xingwai nodded and said, "There are five dragon horns... It is indeed Fafnir, but its dragon soul does not seem to be here. It may have escaped."

"Escaped?" Lin Renmei frowned and looked around, but did not see a way to escape.

The passage they came down from was theoretically the only exit to escape from the cave. Could it be that Fafnir was mixed in with the dragon bloodworms just now?

Wuming walked to the dragon bones, carefully observed the dragon bones, and then slowly cast his eyes on the largest ribs around. One of the broken ribs was directly inserted into the cave above, and the black fracture was exposed.

"I guess... he heard that these bones escaped." Wuming guessed.

Others might not think so, but he thought so at the first time. After all, he used the pure water body and pure blood body to drill through many gaps before.

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