I Contracted Myself

【045】Second super state

Fafnir is very fast.

When Wuming, Lin Renmei and the others arrived at the cave, he had already drilled through the keel and came to the ground.

He was originally just a ball of soft flesh, but after he came out, he immediately twisted and transformed, turning into a red monster that looked like a wolf but not a wolf, or a dragon but not a dragon.

This is the form of one of his descendants, named Red-spotted Dragon Wolf.

After completing the transformation, he quickly ran down the keel, bounced a few times before falling to the ground, and then pounced on a dragon beast that was eating grass.

Dragon-blooded beasts are very common dragon-blooded creatures around Dragon-Blooded City. Untamed dragon-blooded beasts are very wild and will take the initiative to attack when encountering enemies. Even some carnivorous dragon-blooded creatures may be killed by one of their attacks. .

However, in front of Fafnir, the dragon force beast seemed particularly powerless.

Fafnir's biting action was actually a fake action. When the dragon beast lowered his head and prepared to counterattack, he quickly appeared under the dragon beast's neck.

Pfft, pfft, pfft!

Three sharp thorns spurted out from Fafnir's back, directly piercing the dragon beast's neck.

The attack is very fast and only takes a few seconds from start to finish.

The dragon beast fell crookedly, and Fafnir immediately rushed forward to eat the meat. His body twisted and shook, and turned into an even larger dragon-born creature, the dragon-eyed tiger with long teeth!

Next, he hunted crazily to replenish himself with nutrients, and his body shape continued to change, and finally turned into the appearance of a giant dragon.

"I...Fafnir is alive again!"

He flew into the air, locked onto the prey and pounced down. He stepped on the prey that was killed by a single blow and let out a melodious dragon roar.

Then, he lowered his head and continued to eat meat.

This time his body did not change, but various basic runes gradually appeared on the scales on his body.

He had also studied the basic runes, even more deeply than Professor Zhou. Although his sexual interests were a little distorted after being lost, it did not mean that he became a brainless monster.

On the contrary, he is actually very smart. After obtaining the basic runes in a ruins, he spent most of his time studying the basic runes.

It's a pity that he made a mistake and was attacked by a group of unscrupulous descendants, so that he lost all his achievements.

basket for carrying soil.

This time, he will definitely break through the Transcendent and reach a new realm.

"My original research was not wrong."

"Although the power of the awakened one has its own part, it is mixed with a trace of disharmony."

"After advancing to a transcendent, that trace of disharmony completely disappeared. This is why many people speculate that a transcendent is already the limit."

"But the existence of the basic runes has proved that there is definitely a way to go beyond the transcendent."

"Now I use the base runes to add a layer of blockade on top of my abilities. When this layer of blockade is completely integrated by me, I will gain the power to surpass the transcendent. This is the second super state!"

Fafnir couldn't help but think to himself after eating the meat.

He has realized that the lowest level of power of the awakened person comes from the basic runes. Since the first layer of basic runes can be completely transformed into his own by advancing to become a transcendent, naturally he can add another layer, and even continue to do so. Add it up.

This system is truly perfect.

Transcendent, second super state, third super state, fourth super state...

The road to the strong will be endless, and Fafnir will eventually reach a realm that no one has imagined!

Perhaps because of his previous failure experience, this time he quickly built the first layer of base rune blockade on the dragon scales. He was already a master in this aspect, and there was no bottleneck at all.

After completing the construction, he quickly flew into the air and began his next round of feeding.

Once these basic runes are completed, they will directly take effect. He must pay a price if he wants to gain power. Just like the awakened person in the beginning, obtaining superpowers often comes with a price, but depending on the potential, the price may be large or small.

As for the initial energy of the ability, it is accumulated by the awakened people day and night before awakening.

Fafnir has no patience to wait, so his second level of runes directly absorbs his own physical strength and energy to improve himself. If he cannot supply energy in time, he may even be drained of life by the base runes.

"Damn guys, wait until I complete the second super state before I kill you!"

Fafnir was flying in the air and saw two dragonborns hunting on the ground. A fierce light flashed in his eyes, and he immediately jumped from the sky.

And Jiang, directly crushed the two dragonborn to death.

Now he is over seven meters tall, with red scales all over his body, and a golden gem growing on his forehead.

If Wuming saw his current image, he would definitely exclaim: Ouch, it's you, Dragon Dragon Master!

After eating the Dragonborn, Fafnir soared into the sky again, and then he saw someone flying out from the sea in the distance. He squinted his eyes, and did not immediately look for trouble. Instead, he landed low-key on the ground and passed through the woods. Cover yourself.

"I need more food, more energy!"

Fafnir gritted his teeth, his body deformed, and his wings retracted back into his body, changing from a body suitable for flying to a body suitable for running in the forest.

Next, he pounced on almost any animal he saw, whether it was herbivores or carnivores, they all fell into his mouth and became his advanced power.

Dragon Blood City.

Wuming and Lin Renmei came out of the tunnel, both of them were in a bad mood, after all, Fafnir escaped in the end.

Of course, it was not completely without gain. At least after Fafnir escaped, they didn't need to worry about Dragon Blood City being destroyed by the resurrected Fafnir.

"Captain, what should we do now?" Lin Renmei looked at Wuming and asked.

Fafnir didn't know where he had escaped to. If he entered the sea, even if they wanted to wipe him out, they might not be able to do so.

In fact, Fafnir really considered entering the sea, but there were too many variables in the sea, and he was not familiar with the sea, so he didn't dare to go in the end.

"That's it for now. I'll put some eyes out to look for it. If I can't find it, then there's nothing I can do." Wuming thought about it and said helplessly.

It's not that he doesn't want to find Fafnir, the problem is where Fafnir ran to, they have no idea, the world is so big, it's too difficult to find a piece of meat that may be very small.

"Everyone, how is the situation?"

Long Xiu fell from the air at this time and asked embarrassedly.

He actually went down with Wuming and the others before, but later he fled with the Dragonborn.

After coming out, he hid in the distance and watched until he was sure that Wuming and the others were fine, then he flew over to get information.

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