I Contracted Myself


When Long Xiu learned the details, he immediately decided to send people to search for Fafnir.

He knew very well that Wuming and Lin Renmei would not stay in Dragon Blood City for too long. If possible, he hoped to solve the potential danger of Fafnir before Wuming and Lin Renmei left Dragon Blood City.

Wuming and Lin Renmei also joined the search with the idea of ​​"helping people to the end and sending Buddha to the west". Anyway, for them, if they didn't meet Fafnir, they would just be in the dragon. Travel around Blood City to see the scenery.

In the blink of an eye, three days flew by.

This has already exceeded the originally agreed time.

However, Wuming discovered something interesting recently, so he didn't care about it so much and continued to stay in Dragon Blood City.

It just so happened that Long Xiu wanted them to stay.

So not only were they provided with food and accommodation for the past few days, but the food was getting better and better day by day, as if they wanted to let them stay a few more days through delicious food.

Although Wuming also participated in the search for traces of Fafnir, he spent more time observing the dragon transformation disease. Those residents suffering from the dragon transformation disease showed some very interesting changes.

Dragon Blood City Square.

Wuming controlled Mingwu, grabbed the tail of a resident with dragon transformation disease, and then put the tail down.

Changes in the scales immediately appeared on the information record. The scales were uneven, and traces of the base runes were faintly formed between the bumps and bumps.

He recorded them one by one and gradually arranged them into order.

"Sure enough... Fafnir should have mastered some of the basic runes, and has a deep understanding of the part of the basic runes he has mastered."

Wuming glanced at the record of information control and thought to himself.

In this way, Fafnir's threat level has increased significantly. After all, mastering the basic runes is equivalent to mastering the superpower editor. No one knows what Fafnir has done with the basic runes.

In particular, Dugu Xingwai also said that Fafnir seemed to be mentally abnormal and suspected of being lost.

But Wuming also found some interesting things from these rules.

Because the usage is different, Professor Zhou and Fafnir also arrange the basic runes differently. A lot of information can be obtained by comparing the two.

Like editing superpowers!

Wuming returned to the manor, took a fish in the lake at any time, and then carved several numbers on the fish's scales.

Base runes.

"It's no use?"

Wuming originally thought that the fish would mutate immediately, but after waiting for a while, the fish was still a fish and no changes had occurred.

Then he thought of a key step, that is the observer.

His observation may not be enough, and the fish itself needs to observe these base runes.

"That should be fine."

Wuming took out a mirror from Dream City and placed it in front of the fish.

After about a while, the fish died due to lack of oxygen.

All right.

There are always successes and failures in experiments.

Wuming threw the fish far away, then caught another live fish and started the second round of experiments.

This time, he used his spiritual power to write the basic runes into the fish's consciousness, and at the same time wrote the basic runes into its eyes.

In this way, the fish can definitely observe the existence of the base rune.

"Come on, let me see the effect!"

Wuming looked at the fish in his hand excitedly, and then the fish's body began to shake crazily. Suddenly, a scale on its body began to grow in size, crushing the surrounding scales.


Before Wuming could be happy, the fish suddenly exploded, leaving only a palm-sized scale in his hand.

He picked up the scale and took a look. If he had eyes, his eyes would definitely light up now, because this scale is very close to the 'dragon scale', but it is far different in terms of hardness and extraordinary attributes.

Next, he conducted dozens of experiments with fish, and finally concluded that the reason why these fish exploded was because their flesh and blood essence was absorbed by their scales, and the remaining scales were too fragile, and their bodies were like A balloon bursts naturally.

To put it simply, it is mutated, but the nutrition cannot keep up.

Although superpowers are not scientific, sometimes they are very scientific. If you want to grow taller and stronger, you must take in enough nutrients. If you want to breathe fire, you must have fuel. If you want to freeze everything, you must have low temperature to absorb the excess. temperature.

If these fish want to become dragons, they naturally need huge amounts of energy.

"I think I know what Fafnir is doing!"

After Wuming figured it out, he immediately found Lin Renmei and said to Lin Renmei with a smile.

Then he told Lin Renmei what he had discovered. Lin Renmei thought for a moment, squinted her eyes and said, "Dragon blood has recently

The price of meat in the city has increased, and some hunters have complained that it is getting harder to hunt. Is Fafnir devouring wild beasts outside the city? "

"It's almost ten!" Wuming nodded.

Lin Renmei continued: "So as long as we look in the direction where the beasts die more, we will most likely find Fafnir!"

"Not bad!" Wuming agreed.

Without further ado, Fafnir must be desperately absorbing flesh and blood energy to restore his own strength. Once he recovers, it will be troublesome.

The two found Long Xiu and told him about the discovery. Long Xiu responded quickly and locked Fafnir's location in the Fulong Mountains through the information provided by his subordinates.

The Fulong Mountains are about three days' walk from Dragon Blood City. Dragonborns often hunt in the Fulong Mountains. However, during this period, the hunters who went to the Fulong Mountains never came back, causing the price of meat to rise seriously.

Hunters are supposed to be out and about, so it's not strange if they don't come back for a month, but if none of them come back, that's a problem.

We didn't think in that direction before.

Now that we know what Fafnir wants to do, we can reverse the situation and find that something is wrong with the Fulong Mountains.

After determining the range, everyone left Dragon Blood City and headed towards the Fulong Mountains.

On the way, Lin Renmei asked in a deep voice: "Fafnir is a man who turned into a dragon. Does he eat people?"

"Fafnir eats people. I heard about him eating people. At that time, he was crazy and thought he was a dragon, not a human!" Dugu Xingwai followed behind Wuming and said with a smile.

Wuming said calmly: "Then he deserves to die!"

Originally, he didn't have much intention to kill Fafnir, and even had the idea of ​​communicating with Fafnir, but if Fafnir really betrayed humans and even committed the evil of eating people, he must die!

"After so many days, Fafnir's strength has probably recovered a lot. You'd better be careful. He is not weaker than me. In some aspects, he is even stronger than me." Dugu Xingwai said with a smile.

Lin Renmei clenched her fist and said confidently: "That's great. I hope he can take my punch."

Although Apophis and the Dark King had already made her see what it means to be stronger than others, she has become stronger again during this period.

She will become stronger and stronger, until everything that once looked down on her can only look up to her!

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