I Contracted Myself

【047】True Dragon King

Fulong Mountains.

Fafnir's huge body no longer requires hiding.

He was entrenched on the largest mountain, using his size advantage to directly devour some approaching creatures.

Normally, with his current size, most creatures would run away madly when they see him, but in his current form, he has the innate ability of a chameleon, so he and the mountains are almost integrated, and there is only a moment when he takes action. of disharmony.

"A little while longer should be enough!"

Fafnir calculated the biological energy in his body and thought to himself.

He can't wait to try to enter the second super state and step into a realm that has never been seen before or will never come after.

But because he had learned the lesson of his first failure, he could endure the restlessness and continue to accumulate more energy.

Suddenly, he sensed a threat approaching, his eyes opened from the closed state, and his narrow pupils looked in the direction of the threat, instantly locking onto a few tiny figures.

"The ghost is still lingering. If that's the case... then I'll use you as my final nourishment to ascend to the new world!"

Fafnir's heart was filled with murderous intent, and his body immediately began to deform. Not only did it become more similar to a mountain, trees even grew on its surface.

Perfect disguise!

This is the ability of one of his descendants, and it is just right to use it now.

On the other side, Wuming, Lin Renmei and others entered the Fulong Mountains and immediately smelled a strong smell of blood, with blood stains left in many places.

"Why didn't you think of this before?" Lin Renmei asked Long Xiu when she saw the blood stains on a tree.

Long Xiu did not defend themselves. They did ignore the Fulong Mountains. Mainly because they subconsciously believed that the enemies were hiding around Dragon Blood City, and they were eyeing Dragon Blood City.

Who would have thought that the enemy would no longer be nearby, but instead would lie dormant on the side of the Fulong Mountains.

"Okay, now is not the time to pursue the responsibility. Find Fafnir as soon as possible." Wuming said at this time.

It's a pity that he can't use many of his abilities now, otherwise he would be able to find Fafnir quickly. For example, the mutant eye has many abilities to find people, but he has no eyes now, so naturally he can't use the mutant eye's ability.

"Maybe we should bring a hunter here. The hunter must be far more familiar with the Fulong Mountains than you and I." Long Xiu slapped his forehead at this time and said with some annoyance.

Lin Renmei rolled her eyes, feeling that Long Xiu was just an afterthought.

"Okay, okay, let's move on." Wuming and Xini said.

Next, everyone went deep into the mountains and gradually moved towards a mountain.

Countless information is constantly collected by the information control. Wuming can see many creatures being eaten through the light that only he can see.

"Something's not right!"

Wuming suddenly stopped, looked at everyone and said.

Others didn't know why, and Wuming didn't explain it. Instead, he shared Guangxun with Lin Renmei, and Lin Renmei felt something was wrong after reading it.

The monsters that hunt creatures are always changing.

"Everyone, please pay attention. Fafnir is probably very good at disguise and may appear around us at any time." Wuming thought for a while and said directly.

Dugu Xing smiled and said: "It is said that the dragon master is ever-changing, so he can have children with creatures of different sizes. Now it seems... I am afraid that this is really the case."

In fact, he also collected a lot of information about Fafnir hunting in the forest, but it was not as detailed as Wuming.

Suddenly, Wuming raised his head and looked at the distant mountain peaks. If he had eyes, he would definitely squint at this moment.


Wuming whispered.

In an instant, two mountains appeared in the information control, and they were quickly compared.

When they flew from the other side of the continent, they actually passed through the Fulong Mountains, but they were a bit far away from the Fulong Mountains at that time, but the information control still recorded the surrounding information.

This information is now useful.

When the two photos were compared, Fafnir's outline was directly exposed.

Wuming glanced at the photo and smiled: "I found him, get ready to fight!"

As he spoke, he ordered the information controller to continue collecting Fafnir's information, improve Fafnir's data, and try his best to know himself and his enemy.

Fortunately... Fafnir had just been reborn and didn't even have any decent equipment on him, so he couldn't resist the appraisal spell at all.

[Identification successful]

[Name: Fafnir]

[Race: Human·King]


【Lifespan: 90000】

[Level: Top Transcendent]

【Level: 79】


[Five-color dragon body: Can be transformed into a five-color dragon, control the power of five elements, and at the same time, the vitality is greatly increased. 】

【Advanced skills】

[Intermediate level - Overload Breath: Consume more physical energy and greatly increase the power and range of the dragon's breath. 】

[Advanced-Magic Dragon Scale: Greatly strengthen the defense of the dragon scale. At the same time, the dragon scale can absorb the energy of nature and form a red magic shield on the surface to resist damage. 】

[Top level - Dragon Nature: There is no reproductive isolation between oneself and any living creature, and the offspring born at the same time all have part of the dragon's blood. 】

[Characteristics of the Transcendent:]

[Elementary - Extraordinary Life: The vitality is further strengthened, and the physical body, nourished by the vitality, will have effects such as 'regeneration', 'immunity to disease', and 'immunity to temperature differences'. 】

[Intermediate - Huge Size: The dragon's body will grow again, and there will be no limit to its size. If the strength is not enough to support the size, the growth will stop temporarily. ]

[Advanced - Dragon Soul: The soul will change in the direction of the dragon soul, immune to abilities such as "mental control" and "soul control", and the defense against mental attacks will be greatly improved. ]

[Top-Elemental Dragon Heart: The heart is transformed into an elemental structure, the control over elemental energy is greatly improved, and the blood can accommodate more elemental power. ]

[King's Attributes:]

[True Dragon King: All creatures with dragon blood in their bodies will submit to you and dare not go against your will. ]

[King's Skills:]

[Dragon's Hundred Faces: You can freely change your own form and use the special abilities of this form! ]


Very strong!

After reading Fafnir's attributes, Wuming had to admit that Fafnir's strength was very strong.

He silently shared Fafnir's attributes with Lin Renmei, and after reading it, Lin Renmei clenched her fist.

"Captain, if we can't beat him, then sacrifice my name!" Lin Renmei said directly to Wuming.

The last time he fought Apophis, Wuming had already sacrificed his name. Now if he wants to sacrifice, he can only sacrifice Lin Renmei's name.

"Let's see what happens. We may not be able to beat him!" Wuming said calmly.

Sacrificing a name requires a certain level of fame.

Lin Renmei's fame in the rescue team is no less than his. If she sacrifices, her strength should be able to beat Apophis.

However, if possible, Wuming does not want Lin Renmei to sacrifice her own name.

After all, Lin Renmei's life experience is miserable enough. If she loses even the name given to her by her father, it will be too miserable.

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