I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: City of Heavenly Foxes [044] Lin Benshi

In half an hour, the awakened ones guarding the south wall killed nearly 10,000 living corpses, and the corpses piled up like mountains outside the city wall.

However, the Awakeneds also suffered hundreds of casualties. Many injured Awakeneds did not evacuate, but received treatment in the rear, and would attack again once they could fight.

Five thousand people VS 80,000 living corpses.

This is definitely an extremely difficult challenge.

Even if the zombies stood still, it would take several hours to deal with so many zombies.

What's more, these living corpses are extremely fast and charge wildly. They climbed onto the city wall several times. If Bai De and other strong men hadn't reacted quickly enough and took action to deal with these living corpses in time, once they were in disarray, that would be the real disaster. A catastrophe.

At this time, Feng Laixian's pupils suddenly shrank.

He locked his eyes on a living corpse and said in disbelief: "It's actually... him!"

Under the city wall, hundreds of meters away, a living corpse staggered forward. It walked calmly with a stiff smile.

"Master, that is..." Bai De also saw the familiar living corpse, walked to Feng Laixian, and said in shock.

Feng Laixian said in a deep voice: "Well, it's him, Lin Benshi, senior brother!"

"Didn't Lin Benshi disappear thirty years ago? How could he appear among these living corpses? Could it be..." Bai De clenched his fists and gritted his teeth.

Feng Laixian closed his eyes and sighed deeply. He said softly: "No matter what, he was once the senior brother of our Beast King Boxing Gym. Let me give him a ride this time."

The living corpse below is named Lin Benshi. He was once his senior brother and the father of Lin Kedi, the commander of the patrol team.

Thirty years ago, Lin Benshi was ordered to go out to investigate a disappearance of an awakened person, but there was no news at all. Pearl City sent people to search many times, but no trace of him was found.

In the end, Pearl City defined Lin Benshi as missing, not dead.

Feng Laixian didn't expect to see her senior brother again in this form today.

The eldest brother who had introduced him back then and treated him kindly, with a gentle and easy-going personality, has now become such a desolate person.

At this moment, Feng Laixian's ambition burned with raging anger. He originally only wanted to defend the city and didn't care about anything else, but the person behind the scenes had already angered him.

"Hide well, rats in the sewers, you'd better not let me, Feng, know who you are!"

Feng Laixian narrowed his eyes, and the next moment he jumped directly from the city wall. When he landed outside the city wall,

A terrifying roar came out directly from behind the ground.

Ahead, a large number of living corpses gradually twisted amidst the roaring sounds, and their bones were gradually shattered by the shock, leaving only a pile of rotten flesh paralyzed on the ground.

Feng Laixian tore off her shirt, and the surrounding temperature rose rapidly.

Even the awakened ones on the city wall can feel a burning breath coming towards their faces.

"Senior Brother, Junior Brother will give you a ride!"

Feng Laixian looked at Lin Benshi floating in the distance and said seriously.

In the distance, Lin Benshi still had a stiff smile, and his eyes were glowing with green light. In an instant, his speed increased sharply, his hands clawed at the air, and he instantly attacked Feng Laixian with a whistling sound.

When the two sides fought, Lin Benshi used the Phoenix Claw style, while Feng Laixian used the Giant Crocodile style.

Both of these are claw skills, and the former is an advanced skill of the latter.

But in this exchange, Lin Benshi's fingers were broken, and at the same time, several large holes were 'bitten' on the edge of his arm by Feng Laixian's fingers.


The two of them lifted their feet off the ground at the same time, spinning in mid-air.

Feng Laixian imitated the crocodile's death roll, while Lin Benshi rolled along with it to offset the attack.

The two sides turned around and landed. Lin Benshi suddenly opened his mouth and his gray tongue popped out. Feng Laixian had to let go and retreat.

"The combat experience is still there, is the body instinct?"

Feng Laixian looked at Lin Benshi wagging his tongue and thought to himself.

He remembered that Lin Benshi's ability was body alienation, which was an ability that was very suitable for Beast King Fist. Through continuous alienation, one day he might even completely surpass humans and become a real monster.

For example, Lin Benshi's tongue can be ejected like a chameleon, and there are a large number of tiny venomous stingers on the tip of the tongue. Once hit, it will be infected with thousands of different viruses in an instant, making it extremely difficult to deal with.

Lin Benshi's skin can withstand high temperatures and even has functions similar to those of cold-blooded animals. Once the surrounding temperature is too high, his blood will become colder and increase its own activity by absorbing the outside temperature.

Several of Feng Laixian's attack methods were actually restrained by Lin Benshi.

But Lin Benshi has been dead for too long, while Feng Laixian is still alive and has practiced more than thirty years more than Lin Benshi, so he suppressed Lin Benshi in the first fight.

However, Lin Benshi's ability is very suitable for the Beast King Fist. Feng Laixian wants to use the Beast King Fist to send him off to the last stop, which is not easy.

"Come again!"

Feng Laixian took a deep breath and then roared.

His roar directly shocked the living corpses that were approaching to death. Lin Benshi also took several steps back, but there was no damage, but his clothes were torn a lot.

In fact, Lin Benshi was already a top awakener thirty years ago, and Feng Laixian was seventeen years younger than him.

Strictly speaking, Feng Laixian and Lin Benshi's son Lin Kedi are from the same generation. It's just that after Feng Laixian joined the Beast King Boxing Gym, he and Lin Benshi were brothers, so they were counted as the same generation.

Feng Laixian stepped on ape steps and came to Lin Benshi's right side in an instant. Both sides were attacking each other with their fists like tigers coming out of their cages. However, this was just a cover. They seemed to be attacking in front, but in fact they took the opportunity to kick each other's legs with their back feet. weakness.

One strike and then retreat.

Feng Laixian frowned, Lin Benshi's foot would turn.

He didn't kick Lin Benshi just now, but Lin Benshi kicked him. Fortunately, his body was much stronger than Lin Benshi, so this kick was nothing to him.

He took a breath and roared: "Big Brother, let's do it again!"

Then he attacked again, and Lin Benshi seemed to have found some instincts in his life. What moves he used, Lin Benshi also used the same moves, and the two sides continued to dismantle each other's offensive.

On the wall, Bai De watched the battle below intently, and felt that he benefited a lot. The Beast King Fist, which had not been improved for a long time, seemed to have a lot of new understandings at this moment.

"Master Feng is wasting his energy like this. What if a stronger zombie appears?" An awakened person came to Bai De and asked worriedly.

Bai De stared at the battle below and replied, "The owner of the gym didn't use his full strength. Don't worry, the owner knows what's going on."

He knows Feng Laixian's strength better than anyone else.

Now Feng Laixian is just using pure Beast King Fist to fight Lin Benshi. Feng Laixian's own ability has never been used. Otherwise, once he uses his ability, with Lin Benshi's current strength, he will be wiped out in an instant.

The Beast King Fist Gym has stood firm for decades, on the one hand because the Beast King Fist Gym has the true secrets, and on the other hand, Feng Laixian's strength is enough to suppress all disobedience.

In fact, it is not without benefits for Feng Laixian to fight Lin Benshi now.

Many zombies are attracted by Feng Laixian, so the pressure on the awakened on the city wall is greatly reduced.

The most obvious thing is that the casualty rate has dropped sharply, and the medical staff can finally take a breath and take the opportunity to eat compressed food to restore their physical strength.

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