I Contracted Myself

【049】The Upgrader

Originally, Fafnir's plan was to try to advance after being fully prepared, but in this situation, he would be dead if he didn't advance.

As a last resort, he could only forcefully advance and survive in death!

When he embedded all the base runes into the scales, the runes were all connected and seemed to come alive, twisting crazily.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

In an instant, countless cracks appeared on Fafnir's body, and he roared in pain with red eyes.

"Renmei, stop him quickly!"

Wuming saw this scene. Although he didn't know what Fafnir was doing, he knew that he couldn't let Fafnir continue.

In fact, there was no need for Wuming to remind Lin Renmei that she had already rushed up and appeared on top of Fafnir in an instant, striking Fafnir in the head with a kick.

If Fafnir is hit by this kick, his head will definitely explode.

However, Fafnir no longer had the extra energy to avoid Lin Renmei's attack, so he could only watch the kick fall.

Evolve me! ! ! !

Fafnir's eyes were splitting, and he was shouting crazily in his heart.


There was an earth-shattering explosion, and Lin Renmei kicked his eyes and brains apart. The huge body bombarded the ground. The entire Fulong Mountains instantly fell apart, and even the distant peaks were swept away by the shock wave.

Finally, the shock wave turned into a violent wind and swept across the continent, forming waves on the sea and rushing toward the Pearl City, which was being repaired on the other side of the continent.

Lin Renmei landed on the ground, exhaled a breath of hot breath, and looked at the headless Fafnir.

"Don't be careless, Fafnir is not dead yet!" Wuming reminded him immediately.

Fafnir was originally resurrected from a ball of flesh to his current appearance. He actually does not have the weaknesses of conventional creatures.

Of course, he was indeed seriously injured now. Not only was his brain blown out, but Lin Renmei's power also completely destroyed his internal organs. His bones were also full of cracks, and even his cell structure had problems.

But he was indeed not dead, and because he lost his brain, he saw the base runes that were seeping into his body from another angle.

"Blessings and misfortunes depend on each other, that's how it is... The last time I failed to advance, it was because I was not qualified enough. Now after legend fermentation, legend annihilation, resurrection again, causing disaster, I have become the legendary dragon!" Fife! Neil is alive

At the physical level, he saw the strengthening of himself by the base runes.

According to the settings of Dragon Blood City, he is actually equivalent to the level of a true dragon.

False dragon, half-dragon, true dragon, ancient dragon, ancient dragon...

Dragon Blood City divides people into three, six or nine levels based on the concentration of blood in the dragon's body. Don't look at Long Xiu being submissive in front of Wu Ming and Lin Renmei, desperately trying to please them. In fact, beings like Long Xiu are half-dragons. At the peak of his power, his strength is equivalent to that of a top awakened person.

The true dragon realm in the dreams of countless dragon descendants in Dragon Blood City is equivalent to the transcendent.

Fafnir is undoubtedly the top being in the ranks of true dragons, so he is the dragon among dragons and the veritable king of true dragons.

Now he takes a step further and becomes the legendary ancient dragon.

If we want to compare, it is the realm person mentioned by the King of Darkness, which is the level to which Apophis was forcibly promoted.

"Hahahahahaha, I understand, this realm should not be called the second super, it should be named... the upgraded one!" Fafnir could feel the changes in his body.

His status is sufficient and his advancement is unstoppable!

At this time, Lin Renmei punched Fafnir's body again. With this punch, Fafnir's body exploded, a big hole appeared directly on the side, and countless flesh and blood flew out.

"Getting hard!"

Lin Renmei frowned slightly and punched again.

She bombarded Fafnir's body with punch after punch, but even though Fafnir's body shattered into countless pieces, it was still surprisingly active, and the twisted base runes on the scales disappeared.


When Lin Renmei wanted to continue attacking, Wuming spoke.

Lin Renmei immediately stepped back, and then she saw the flesh and blood scattered everywhere seemed to be gathered together by gravity. In the blink of an eye, there was a twist, and a burly man with red skin appeared in front.

This man's skin was red, with dragon scales on his shoulders and cheeks. At the same time, he had two large black horns on both ends of his forehead, and his whole person exuded a violent aura.


Fafnir opened his eyes, his golden pupils first glanced at Lin Renmei, and then he laughed unbridled.

"Captain Wuming, what's going on?" Lin Renmei clenched her fists and asked in her mind.

Wuming found that the information control could no longer collect Fafnir's information, and said helplessly: "I don't know.

But he is a bit similar to Apophis now. We can't start a war here, otherwise everyone in Dragon Blood City will die! "

"I know, then I can find a way to lure him to the sea?" Lin Renmei asked.

Wuming thought for a while and said calmly: "Led him to the South Pole!"

In Antarctica, he has some skills that can narrow the strength gap between the two sides, and even have the opportunity to see through Fafnir's true identity.


Lin Renmei responded, then ran away without saying anything.

Before she left, she deliberately showed a look of fear, as if she had seen through the gap between the enemy and ourselves, and looked like she wanted to escape.

Fafnir was indeed fooled. He narrowed his eyes slightly and sneered: "Want to run away? Didn't you have a great fight just now?"

While speaking, he instantly appeared in front of Lin Renmei and kicked towards Lin Renmei's head. Lin Renmei raised her hands to block at a very fast speed, and then she felt a huge force coming from Fafnir's legs, and she fell into the ground involuntarily.


A thousand-meter-long pit was directly smashed into the ground, and Lin Renmei fell into the boiling magma and continued to sink.

"Something is wrong, my superpower seems to have lost its effect on him." Lin Renmei said to Wuming in her heart.

If her ability worked, Fafnir would definitely not be able to knock her down so easily. Fafnir's kick just now obviously had other superpowers, and the superpowers worked on her.

"Sure enough, he is very similar to Apophis. Let's find a way to escape to Antarctica first, and then we will fight him in Antarctica!" Wuming sighed first, and then commanded.

Lin Renmei nodded and immediately turned around to swim under the magma.

She is indeed not immune to the heat of the magma. Even if her body is strong, she will be burned by the magma. However, she has been maintaining a bio-force field on her body, and the strong bio-force field can resist the magma.

Above the pit, Fafnir thought that Lin Renmei would come out again, but after waiting for a while, he realized that Lin Renmei might have escaped through the big hole.

Just now, he was forced to survive by Lin Renmei, and even risked his death to force a breakthrough.

The hatred of blocking the road is irreconcilable.

How could he let Lin Renmei go now?

A flash of red light flashed in his eyes, and he immediately locked onto Lin Renmei who was quickly shuttling in the magma. After a sneer, he immediately jumped into the pit, and his body turned into a huge dark red ancient dragon, and quickly chased in the direction of Lin Renmei's escape.

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