I Contracted Myself

【050】Position Suppression

Lin Renmei's speed is actually still faster than Fafnir, and her strength is stronger than Fafnir.

As long as she doesn't fight Fafnir in close combat and her abilities aren't suppressed by Fafnir, she has the upper hand.

The problem is that after Fafnir advances, he looks a bit like Apophis, but he seems to be different from Apophis. Although he doesn't have the same large-scale suppression power as Apophis, he far surpasses Apophis in close combat. , the suppression on her became even stronger.

After escaping and chasing each other in the magma, Lin Renmei deliberately slowed down and exploded from time to time, tempting Fafnir to chase her. Gradually, they reached the end of the magma. Lin Renmei punched the earth's crust and flew upwards quickly. , Fafnir chased after him.

The two sides instantly flew out of the ground, crashed into the ice, and appeared above the Antarctic.

The cold wind howled and the ice and snow drifted.

Fafnir transformed from the ancient dragon form back to the human form and squinted his eyes. Only then did he belatedly realize that Lin Renmei was not running away, but had deliberately led him here.

"I see, is this your ideal battlefield?" Fafnir smiled, opened his hands, and said lightly.

Lin Renmei did not hesitate, and her body was instantly covered with a layer of ice armor. At the same time, the surrounding wind and snow gradually turned into arrows, all pointing towards Fafnir.

"What a boring little trick!"

When Fafnir saw this scene, he still looked disdainful.

He raised his hand and snapped his fingers, and countless thunder snakes suddenly appeared in the sky. At the same time, the ice and snow turned, all pointing towards Lin Renmei.

"I am a five-color dragon, and I am born to control elements. Are you too confident if you want to use the power of elements against me?" Fafnir said with a smile.

The next moment, thunder in the sky fell, the surrounding ice and snow shot out, long ice cones protruded from the underground ice, and even the magma in the big crater they hit was controlled to erupt, forming a huge magma palm. Lin Renmei.

Lin Renmei was naturally not afraid of these attacks, but as soon as she rushed out of the range of various random attacks, Fafnir appeared in front of her and punched her in the face.

This time she didn't have time to dodge, and the nameless mist blocked her face in time, but the mist was like real smoke under Fafnir's fist, dissipating as soon as it touched.


One punch hits the target, Lin Ren

Mei spurted blood and flew backwards, and finally hit the ice hard.

Fafnir fell in front of Lin Renmei, looked at Lin Renmei on the ground, and said with a smile: "You are very strong, but after all you are just an awakener. There are transcendents above, and my current state... Upgrade By."

He has been holding back some words for a long time, and he can't wait to show off his 'great achievements' to the world.

Lin Renmei poses no threat to him, and he will kill Lin Renmei soon, so Lin Renmei is a good "tree hole" for him, where he can vent a lot of things he wants to say.

It is said that villains die because they talk too much, because most villains have no one to whom they can express their innermost thoughts. They often have a lot of things they hold back in their hearts but no one can tell them.

No one knows about the countless years of loneliness and perseverance, so when you meet someone you can talk to, you often can't help but say a few more words.

"I believe you have felt the power of the upgraded person. All my abilities will have a higher priority than yours, so your abilities are like paper in front of me, while my abilities are like a magnifying glass. The power raised dramatically."

"Now that you die in the hands of the world's first upgraded person, you deserve to die!"

Fafnir stepped forward step by step, smiling confidently and proudly.

"No, you're not the first!"

Lin Renmei opened her eyes, wiped the frozen nosebleed in front of her nose, and said lightly.

Then she got up from the ground, and the biological force field quickly swept across her body, sweeping away all the ice and snow, and continued: "Not long ago, I encountered an opponent as difficult as you, and in the end... I won! "

"Impossible, you lied!" Fafnir suddenly yelled.

He is definitely the first upgraded person in the world, and with the power of the upgraded person, how can a mere awakened person kill him?

"Thank you for telling me such important information, then...I will beat you to death next!" Lin Renmei took a deep breath, not caring whether Fafnir believed it or not, she clenched her fists and said firmly.

Her superpower gives her extremely powerful physical strength, and also gives her effects similar to 'invulnerability' and 'true damage'.

But obviously 'invulnerability' and 'real harm' have been rendered ineffective.

Even the enhanced superpowers

It was greatly weakened. Although she would not be suppressed and become an ordinary person, she was already controlled by Fafnir in close combat.

If this is the case, then distance yourself and attack from a distance.

In an instant, she flew back quickly, Fafnir followed naturally, and the two sides quickly distanced themselves.

Only then did Fafnir realize that Lin Renmei was so much faster than him.

Then a shot put appeared in Lin Renmei's hand. She gritted her teeth and gathered her strength in her right hand, and threw the shot put directly towards Fafnir.

The moment the lead ball was shot, it caused an air explosion. At the same time, the violent friction caused its surface to turn red, and at the same time it became smaller and smaller, revealing the super alloy core inside.

The shot put is a long-range weapon specially configured by the rescue team for Lin Renmei. The lead on the surface is just to allow her to hold it better. The super alloy core inside is the real killer weapon!

That superalloy is mixed with many kinds of metals, including inert gold!

Wuming was very excited when he picked up a little bit of inert gold. He never thought that the rescue team would find an inert gold mine in a certain world, so now the rescue team has no shortage of inert gold.

However, most of the inert gold is now used to build the rescue team's shelter and prison, so the remaining inert gold is allocated to the members with the strongest combat effectiveness.

Lin Renmei was naturally allocated a lot of inert gold, so these inert gold were mixed in weapons, which could greatly suppress the enemy's superpowers.

In her opinion, Fafnir's enhancement is actually equivalent to getting a permanent "inert gold" effect, which is no big deal.


Fafnir grabbed the superalloy core with one hand, just took a look at it and threw it away in boredom.

He smiled faintly and said, "So that's how it is. Are you thinking that you can hurt me with long-range attacks? Haha, too naive. If the Upgraded can really be restrained so easily, then why upgrade?"


Lin Renmei clenched her fists and silently retracted her previous thoughts. The Upgraded is indeed more powerful than the 'Lazy Gold'.

Under the suppression of the position, she is indeed no match for Fafnir. Now she can only hope that Captain Wuming can find a way to restrain Fafnir.

PS: There are two banned words in two chapters. Are there more banned words? Anything with a small dot means it is banned.

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