I Contracted Myself

【052】Research the curse

Lin Renmei did not stay in space for long. After being carried a certain distance by the meteorite, she decisively returned and finally returned to Dragon Blood City.

After releasing Long Xiu and Dugu Xingwai, they said goodbye and left directly.

They returned to the rescue team headquarters and started retreat mode.

Although the battle with Fafnir was thrilling, especially the Scarlet Star giant snake they encountered at the end, which almost became a snack for the giant snake, the two of them also benefited a lot.

After Fafnir became an Ascendant, although the information control could not intuitively identify his attributes, a large amount of information was collected during the battle, which was enough to deduce a lot of intelligence.

But the most precious thing is Fafnir's advancement process. Information control has recorded almost every change of Fafnir.

This is the most valuable asset in the battle with Fafnir.

Wuming used the basic runes as a tool to silently study the symbols left by the King of Darkness on Lin Renmei's heart while Lin Renmei was 'leveling up'.

He found that this symbol seemed simple, but in fact it was ever-changing, just like when Fafnir advanced, the base runes on his body had no fixed form.

After spending a lot of time on trial and error, he finally figured out what the symbol on Lin Renmei's heart meant.

In fact, the seal on him is not a real seal, but a curse.

The Lord of Darkness did not say anything casually. If he said it was a curse, then it was indeed a curse, not some other messy thing.

The effect of this curse was that Lin Renmei became a body, and he became part of Lin Renmei's blood!

The curse is actually two-way. He cannot leave Lin Renmei's body, and Lin Renmei cannot leave him, otherwise both of them will die.

However, after understanding this, both Wuming and Lin Renmei felt a little desperate.

Because this curse has penetrated deeply into their bodies, almost everywhere, but nowhere.

They no longer distinguish each other and have truly become a unified individual.

After Lin Renmei learned this, she exercised harder and at the same time devoured a lot of food that would help shorten the progression time. Wuming, on the other hand, would not give up. Since the base rune was the cornerstone of everything, there must be a way to crack it.

Year after year, the two of them were like two parallel lines, moving forward in different ways.

Five years later, space.

Lin Renmei punched out, one

The meteorite suddenly exploded.

"Okay, next place!"

Lin Renmei thought to herself when she saw the small meteorite falling into the planet behind and quickly vaporizing during the friction.

The number of this parallel world is already four digits. She has witnessed various disasters in the past five years, constantly honing her skills in disasters, and at the same time using all her merits to exchange for materials that can improve herself. Finally, his strength was raised to the rank of top awakener.

When Wuming first met her, she was just a high-level awakened person. Three years later, she had only mastered the biological force field. Many people thought she was a top-level awakened person, but she was still only a high-level person at that time.

Now, she is the top awakener.

[Identification successful]

[Name: Lin Renmei]

[Race: Human]



[Level: Top Awakener]

【Level: 30】


【Unknown identity】

【Advanced skills】

[Intermediate level - exhausted]

[Advanced-Strange Power and Chaos God]

[Top level - sincerity leads to spirituality: sacrifice one's own lifespan and make a wish. The more lifespans sacrificed, the greater the probability of the wish coming true. (Note: The way to realize your wish may not be the way you want)]

In a sense, Lin Renmei's advanced skill can be said to be a universal wishing machine.

But after Lin Renmei and Wuming tried it a few times, they were both happy and worried about this skill because it was so elusive and sometimes even scary.

For example, Lin Renmei made a wish and her strength increased rapidly. The result was not that her strength suddenly increased out of thin air, but that a powerful monster attacked Pearl City. She fought the monster fiercely, and finally killed the monster only to discover that the monster's flesh It fits her body perfectly, and she can quickly increase her strength by eating it.

Also, she spent tens of millions of years of her life making a wish so that Wuming could leave her body. As a result, all her tens of millions of years of life were wasted and had no effect at all.

Although this ability is strong, it is too difficult to control.

On the other hand, Wuming's research in the past five years has yielded gratifying results. He has done countless studies on the seal of the Lord of Darkness, and finally thought of a very interesting way that might separate himself from Lin Renmei.

We haven't separated yet, mainly

It's for luck.

Every day, Lin Renmei would spend a lot of his life to make wishes to increase his probability of success, and then he would constantly adjust his abilities and lend some of them to Lin Renmei.

To this end, he issued a special mission and asked the rescue team to find the superpowers he needed.

For example, he cannot rent his pure-blood body to others because he must maintain his blood form in order to exist in Lin Renmei's body. Once he loses this ability, either he will die or Lin Renmei will die.

But the plan required Lin Renmei to also turn into blood, so he needed to capture another ability similar to a 'pure blood body'.

Stimulated by a large number of achievements and supported by countless parallel universes, the rescue team finally found a similar ability. This ability comes from an alienated mosquito, which can turn into blood and integrate into the target's body, and finally completely melt the target.

After Wuming seized the power, Lin Renmei successfully negotiated with this power and officially became the temporary owner of this power.

Now Lin Renmei can also turn into a pool of blood. The two are almost indistinguishable in the blood. As long as the curse of the Dark King is modified, Wuming can escape from the cage, and Lin Renmei will also regain his freedom.

In fact, compared to Wuming, Lin Renmei is the one who most wants Wuming to escape quickly. After all, Wuming is in her body, and her every move is under Wuming's eyes, and Wuming's perspective is still 360 degrees without dead angles. You can imagine how embarrassing it is.

If there is no other way, she will never let everything about herself be exposed to a man!

After circling the planet and solving the meteorite disaster, she can't wait to return to the headquarters.

This day is the day when Wuming tries to escape.

If it weren't for the fact that only she can easily solve the meteorite disaster, she should actually stay in the room with the highest security level in the rescue team headquarters to concentrate and prepare for the experiment.

Half an hour later

Lin Renmei sat cross-legged naked in a room without a door. The surroundings of the room were made of silver metal. This was the most secure place in the rescue team headquarters: the House of Inert Gold.

"Captain, are you ready?" Lin Renmei asked calmly.

Although she was not wearing any clothes, she did not feel shy. After all, there were only her and Wuming here, and Wuming had seen everything he should and should not see over the years.

"Let's start!" Wuming nodded.

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