I Contracted Myself

【053】Dragon Shell

The next moment, Lin Renmei's body quickly turned into a pool of blood.

The main reason why she came in without clothes was because after she turned into blood, her clothes would also be affected by super powers and turn into blood. When Wuming was separated from her, unpredictable changes might occur.

What if the clothes she was wearing ended up splitting into two, and one part appeared in her brain and the other part appeared in the unknown mass, wouldn't it mean that two people died?

So for safety reasons, she temporarily placed all foreign objects outdoors.

"Okay, I'm starting!"

Wuming said with his thoughts at this time.

Sure enough, even if Lin Renmei turns into blood, the runes will still exist. If the ubiquitous curse is the daughter body, then the rune that the King of Darkness placed on Lin Renmei's eyebrows is the mother body.

He only needs to deal with the mother body, and the child body will naturally destroy itself.

Next, he began to use the base runes to interfere with the runes of the Lord of Darkness. The way he carved the runes was learned from Fafnir, using the power of energy and blood.

In the blood where the platelets were floating, various base runes began to appear on the platelets around the runes.


After Wuming formed a ring-shaped base rune combination, he moved his thoughts and drove the ring-shaped base runes to collide with the runes of the Lord of Darkness.

After the two collided, a small gap appeared in the runes of the Dark King.

That gap did not cause the rune to collapse, but only part of its functions disappeared. Wuming could clearly feel that his own limitations were weakening.

He hasn't been able to completely solve the Dark Lord's rune yet, but he can tamper with it and turn it into something else!

Next, he continued to build a ring-shaped base rune combination, attacking the Dark Lord's runes at different locations, twisting the Dark Lord's curse little by little.

Originally, the curse required him to be in Lin Renmei's body, but now he removed Lin Renmei's necessary condition.

"Renmei, let's separate immediately!"

After Wuming determined that the necessary conditions were eliminated, he immediately sent a signal to Lin Renmei.

In the House of Lazy Gold, what was originally a ball of blood quickly split, and finally turned into two balls of blood. Lin Renmei immediately returned to human form after separation, and said in surprise: "Captain Wuming, we succeeded."

However, Wuming did not respond to her, but started the most critical step.

Lin Renmei then saw the blood on the ground being covered with blood.

Covered by a burst of red energy, this energy gradually turned into something similar to Fafnir's true dragon form, and then densely packed base runes gush out from the blood and spread all over the scales made of energy.

After the base runes were formed, the red energy began to condense into substance, and finally transformed into the shape of a dragon.

"team leader?"

Lin Renmei was a little worried when she saw this scene.

Although she already knew Wuming's specific plan, she was still worried that something might happen.

"Don't worry, I'm fine!"

The red dragon lay on the ground, slowly opened its golden pupils, and said lightly.

Although Wuming cannot completely solve the curse of the Lord of Darkness, he can change his 'symbiosis' partner.

He used his superpowers to create a virtual shell. This shell is composed of the body of the Tyrannosaurus, materialized energy, orc mimicry, superhuman weapons, fire element control, energy eater, and activated body. ''Body of King's Blood'' consists of.

These abilities are connected together by the basic runes to form their current form. It can be said that this is a new ability and a new path.

Wuming temporarily named this road 'Super Shell'.

Theoretically, as long as you keep adding base runes and pouring superpowers into the shell, the shell will become stronger and stronger, and even eventually complete the upgrade and become an upgraded shell!

Of course, this is just the path Wuming envisioned. How feasible it is can only be known through step-by-step experiments.

"We can't be too far away from each other for the time being. There are still many daughter runes in your body that cannot be eliminated. When those daughter runes completely lose the support of the mother body, you will be free." Wuming thought, and the huge dragon The shell immediately transformed into a burly man wearing thick red armor.

This armor is like a dragon's scales, each piece is very large and very thick, and almost completely covers the body, not even the face is exposed, only a pair of golden eyes can be seen.

The dragon shell has two forms in total, one is the true dragon form, and the other is the draconian form, which is transformed from the "orc mimicry" and "superhuman weapon".

Both forms have their own advantages. For daily activities, the dragon form is naturally easier to use.

The nameless body is still blood, but the symbiosis object is replaced by the dragon's shell. Although it is not as easy to use as the body, it actually feels not bad. The difference from the original body is very small. After all, the dragon's shell is composed of

Energy is also part of his body.

"Captain, how much can you show with your current strength?" Lin Renmei got up from the ground, looked at the nameless armor, and asked curiously.

As she spoke, she tapped the armor with her fingers and found that the texture was no different from metal.

"It can probably bring out 50% of its strength. When I further study the base runes, I should be able to bring out 80% of it. As for the future... it's hard to say." Wuming replied.

His voice was a little deep, which was very different from his original voice.

"Let's get out."

Wuming then glanced at Lin Renmei's body and said lightly.

At this time, Lin Renmei realized that she had not put on her clothes yet. Although Wuming had seen her naked, she was still a little embarrassed, so she nodded in agreement quickly, and her face turned red.

After coming out of the House of Lazy Gold, Lin Renmei put on her clothes, and the two passed through many checkpoints and walked out of a secret door.

Outside the door was Chen Weihua's office. Chen Weihua was sitting in an office chair drinking coffee. Seeing Lin Renmei and Wuming coming out, she couldn't help but laugh and said, "It seems that the plan will be very successful, but Captain Wuming, your body is too ostentatious now."

"There is no way, orcs are like this. I have tried my best to cover my whole body with superhuman weapons to make 'it' look less scary." Wuming said helplessly.

The dragon-man transformation was completed with the assistance of orc mimicry, so his true appearance in this shell is extremely terrifying. Under normal circumstances, he would cover it with armor.

Now there are gradually some families of rescue team members in the rescue team headquarters, and he does not want to scare those children.

"Okay, now that your most troublesome problem has been solved, I have something important to tell you now." Chen Weihua smiled, then became serious and said seriously.

She turned around, opened a small black box, and projected the three-dimensional light screen into the empty space in the office.

"In fact, we have observed this phenomenon three months ago. Take a look first." Chen Weihua said to the two.

In the dark starry sky, a large number of stars suddenly burst into bright light, and then the light became brighter and brighter, forming a sky full of stars.

"So beautiful!" Lin Renmei exclaimed.

Chen Weihua said helplessly: "This is not a question of whether it is beautiful or not. The next is the close-up picture taken by our awakened people with super powers!"

As he spoke, the three-dimensional picture changed again!

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