I Contracted Myself

【054】The Great Destruction is Coming?

In the darkness, a star was quickly enlarged, and then a star suddenly appeared in the distance.

The two stars collided together at an unimaginable speed, and countless stellar materials exploded, forming dazzling "fireworks" that swept around.

There is not one such picture, but countless!

The next scene was extremely horrifying. Densely packed stars appeared suddenly and collided with everything they encountered. Small planets were directly swallowed up, while those of similar size collided and exploded, forming huge expanding gas clouds, and then continued to form. Starting from the center point, the entire gas cloud is detonated.

Both Wuming and Lin Renmei were stunned. Such a scene was too exaggerated.

"This is... great destruction!" Wuming took a deep breath and then said seriously.

Professor Zhou is a survivor who escaped from the Great Destruction. He has a lot of information about the Great Destruction in his memory. Although this scene is not very similar to the Great Destruction in Professor Zhou's memory, there is no doubt that it is the Great Destruction.

Countless stars continued to collide and the explosion range continued to move back and forth. Finally, the two parallel universes completely overlapped. No life could survive in this environment.

"Sister Weihua, everyone in that world must be evacuated!" Wuming looked at Chen Weihua and said seriously.

Chen Weihua looked at the three-dimensional image and said calmly: "We are already evacuating. It is estimated that that world will completely disappear within a week, but what I want to say is not about this world, but another world!"

As she spoke, she picked up the remote control and pressed the button on the black box, and the three-dimensional image changed again.

This time it was another world. When the rescue team arrived, Pearl City had been destroyed, and the sun in the sky had turned black.

When the rescue team was searching for survivors in the destroyed Pearl City, the black sun suddenly exploded and the scene was interrupted.

"Fortunately, our records are transmitted in real time, so these data are retained. The sacrificed members are recorded, and the unknown captain remembers to go back and resurrect them." Chen Weihua said.

Lin Renmei couldn't understand, looked at the three-dimensional image, and asked: "What on earth is going on with the black sun?"

"I don't know, but when we tried to enter that world later, we found that that world no longer existed." Chen Weihua shook her head.


He said thoughtfully: "Maybe it was destroyed."

"Destruction? Man-made?" Chen Weihua asked.

Wuming looked at the information that was constantly being refreshed by the information control, and said calmly: "Black Sun...White Snake, interesting."

Now that he has seen the Black Sun, could it be that the White Snake is next?

"Okay, this matter is here for now. You need to save people and do what you need to do. If this happens again, tell me as soon as possible!" Wuming looked away from the information control, and then said to Chen Weihua .

Chen Weihua nodded and said: "I know, if I don't tell you, others won't be able to solve it."

"I may not be able to solve it." Wuming sighed.

In fact, he really has an idea, which is to destroy one world before the two worlds collide. If one of the worlds is wiped out, the other world may be saved.

Of course, this idea is a bit cruel.

Saying goodbye to Chen Weihua, Wuming and Lin Renmei went to the cafeteria to eat first. Although Wuming had endless energy by "collecting rent", who would taste delicious food just for the sake of fullness and energy?

At least for Wuming, eating itself is a kind of enjoyment, especially when it is under one's control. He has been living with Lin Renmei for several years, and he is a little unfamiliar with holding chopsticks.

After eating, the two returned to the dormitory, temporarily needing to live together.

However, both of them couldn't wait to have some private space, so their rooms were separated. Wuming returned to his room and sat on the sofa in the living room. He played with the teapot and cups for a while, and then made a pot of tea. , while drinking tea, sorting out the information given by Chen Weihua.

He still remembers that once the Great Destruction begins, it means that no world can escape.

At present, he is still unable to judge whether the great destruction has really begun. More world samples are needed to determine the real situation.

"If we really want to destroy some worlds..."

Wuming took a sip of tea and finally let out a long sigh.

This is a true natural disaster. No matter how powerful it is, it will not help. Unless he can use his own power to fix each world so that the worlds will no longer be close or collide with each other, otherwise no one can stop the great destruction.

Next, he stopped thinking about the great destruction and continued to think about it.

The function of the base runes.

It has to be said that although the Lord of Darkness cursed him, he really benefited a lot from the process of studying the curse and even found a possibility.

Fafnir's way of upgrading was too dangerous, and he could die if he was not careful.

Moreover, there are still many uncertainties in this upgrade process, and Wuming will definitely not try it himself.

It just so happened that the Lord of Darkness gave him a better plan.

He can use the Dragon Shell to try to upgrade. Although this road has just begun, he feels that this road is far safer and safer than Fafnir's road.

Next, he needs to continuously improve the various abilities of the Dragon Shell, and even inlay some ability gems on the Dragon Shell to make the Dragon Shell more perfect and more like Fafnir.


The reason why he chose Dragon Shell in the first place was to follow Fafnir's path once and see if he could get through it.

If this attempt is successful, then there may even be tiger shells, phoenix shells, snake shells in the future...

When that time comes, he can easily transform his own shell and turn himself into a different upgrader!

But the road must be taken step by step, and now it is just the first step.

Besides, what he really needs to do now is to advance to a transcendent!

In the next few days, because they suspected that the great destruction was coming, the rescue team began to stockpile supplies under the arrangement of Chen Weihua, and at the same time collected a large amount of renewable resources.

Wuming and Lin Renmei were not idle either. Through Lin Renmei's wish, the two went out to hunt various suitable alien beasts and seize various abilities that Wuming needed.

Both of them ate frantically, silently preparing for the advancement to a transcendent.

In fact, not only they were training frantically, even Chen Weihua was training his biological force field during this period, Liu Sishan, Cheng Xuejie, Zhang Shouzhong and others were also training desperately, and even handed over many chores to trusted hands to do, and spent most of their time in training.

A few months passed quietly in a flash.

It was unknown whether the previous discovery was accidental or the world they discovered later was still too far away from the Great Destruction, so the rescue team did not encounter the Great Destruction again.

However, an unexpected incident still disturbed Wuming and his group's practice.

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