I Contracted Myself


In the silver-gray sky, the drizzle is like thousands of silver threads, swaying and falling in the wind.

Wuming, Lin Renmei, and Cheng Xuejie walked into the Pearl City holding umbrellas.

When pedestrians on the road saw Wuming's burly body and heavy armor, they all got out of the way and observed the three of them curiously.

Through the crowd, the three of them arrived at a teahouse.

After they sat down and ordered their food, they waited quietly after the waiter left.

"Sorry, something just delayed me a little bit."

A few minutes later, a man in a trench coat walked in and said respectfully.

At this time, the waiter brought the tea and snacks. After the four people waited for the waiter to leave, Cheng Xuejie and Lin Renmei opened the invisible biological force field at the same time, locking all sounds within the biological force field without leaking anything.

"Three seniors, I am Chu Li, the outpost of the rescue team's logistics team." The man introduced himself at this time.

Cheng Xuejie said: "This is Lin Renmei. I believe you have heard of it. This is... the unknown captain."

"Unknown Captain?" Chu Li frowned and looked at Cheng Xuejie in confusion.

Cheng Xuejie explained: "It's the captain you think of, but the nameless captain has already sacrificed his name when he encountered a powerful enemy."

"Captain Wuming, junior Chu Li, please give me some advice!" Chu Li was stunned for a moment, then immediately stood up and bowed excitedly.

Wuming said in a muffled voice: "Well, sit down, let's talk about the specific situation now."

"Yes!" Chu Li responded immediately.

During the training of the rescue team, he had heard many legends about nameless people, but this was the first time for him to come into such close contact with them. He repeated what happened somewhat cautiously, while the nameless three listened quietly.

In fact, what Chu Li said was not much different from what Wuming and the others knew.

On Monday this week, the rescue team outpost discovered this parallel world.

Then, after confirming that there are Tianchang foxes in this world, we launched a rescue operation and at the same time prepared to attack the Zhu family, the beast-controllers of this world.

There is no doubt that the rescue team is absolutely professional in this area of ​​work.

They have crushed the Tianchang Fox in countless worlds and eliminated the Zhu family who control beasts in countless worlds.

With sufficient intelligence and capabilities, Zhu Cheng

The rescue team has been able to deal with opponents like Mian and Yue Wang without relying on Wuming and Lin Renmei, so most of the current rescue operations will not alarm Wuming and the others at all.

But this time the operation went astray.

The rescue teams that entered Pearl City and prepared to eliminate Tianchang Fox all disappeared.

As an outpost, Chu Li did not participate in the rescue team's operations, so he was not sure what happened. He could only investigate silently and then report back to the rescue team headquarters.

Then the headquarters sent an elite-level team into the world, but they soon disappeared again.

Finally, the rescue team headquarters sent Ace, a team led by Bai Yating, to the world to investigate.

But just yesterday, Bai Yating's team also disappeared. Chu Li realized that this matter was in serious trouble and quickly contacted the rescue team headquarters again, so Wuming and the others came.

"In other words, our rescue team is being targeted in this world!" Wuming said calmly after Chu Li's retelling.

Cheng Xuejie frowned and said, "The problem is that Yating and the others were not killed, which is very strange."

The rescue team headquarters has a dedicated awakener who records each person's lifeline. If a team member dies, the corresponding lifeline will be disconnected, so that it can be directly determined who died.

But the current situation is that no one died, everyone is simply missing.

"If you don't blame yourself, you will lose yourself. Since the other party is targeting our rescue team, then we just need to follow suit. What were Chu Li, Bai Yating and the others doing before they disappeared?" Lin Renmei said with a smile.

Chu Li immediately replied: "Senior Bai and the others went to kill Tian Changhu, and then they never came back."

"Where's the team in front?" Wuming asked.

Chu Li replied: "It's the same, everyone uses the same strategy. Whatever the previous team was doing, they continued to do it, using themselves as bait to attract opponents hiding in the dark. The result..."

All ended up missing!

Wuming, Lin Renmei, and Cheng Xuejie looked at each other. Apparently all the teams thought of going together, but in the end they all fell into the trap.

"Wu Ming, what do you think we should do?" Cheng Xuejie asked.

Wuming thought for a while and analyzed: "Since killing Tian Changhu will definitely trigger the disappearance event, let's just do it forcefully. After all, we don't have any

Better way. "

"Yes, I don't believe that the opponent can be more difficult than Apophis and Fafnir." Lin Renmei agreed.

Chu Li said with a bitter face: "Three seniors, don't you need to think about it again? What if you also disappear, what will the rescue team do?"

The three people present are the mainstays of the rescue team and the Dinghai Shenzhen. Nothing can happen!

"Don't worry, it's not a big problem. If something happens, I have a solution!" Wuming comforted Chu Li.

What else could Chu Li say, he could only frown and said: "Then can I also participate in this operation? In fact, I am not weak."

"The strength is indeed not bad, okay, you come with us." Wuming used the identification technique on Chu Li and said with a smile after reading Chu Li's data.

Chu Li's level is level 35, two levels higher than him. Although his combat power is not as strong as his, he can at least be on par with Cheng Xuejie, but his status is too far different from Cheng Xuejie's.

After all, Cheng Xuejie has contributed to the biological force field cultivation method and has taken great credit in countless worlds. It is not an exaggeration to say that she is a preaching saint. Therefore, although Cheng Xuejie is not even as strong as many members of the rescue team, her status and status in the rescue team are very high. , can be said to be highly respected.

After discussing the 'plan', the four of them prepared to leave the teahouse, but before leaving, everyone looked at Chu Li. Chu Li was stunned for a moment, and then understood in seconds, and quickly took out his wallet to pay the bill.

Because the currencies in parallel worlds are all the same, in order to avoid financial collapse caused by the mutual circulation of currencies, the rescue team prohibits the mixing of currencies from different worlds. The currencies of one world can only be used in one world.

Wuming and the others had just arrived, so naturally they had no currency in this world.

"Let's go to the patrol headquarters and have a look."

Wuming and others came out of the teahouse. Wuming thought about it for a while and then decided.

He had thought about the Moon Prince and the Moon King, but now Tianchanghu was only a secondary problem, and finding the missing team members was the main task, so he finally gave up on causing trouble for the Moon Prince and the Moon King.

Of course, the other team members had no way to deal with the Moon Prince and Moon King in the original parallel world, and it was entirely up to him and Lin Renmei to deal with them. He had killed the Moon Prince and Moon King hundreds of times in the past, and he was tired of killing them.

Now he just wants to solve this matter quickly and go back to practice!

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