I Contracted Myself

【057】Time Realm

"I understand!"

On the side, after hearing what Lin Renmei said, Cheng Xuejie immediately held Lin Renmei's hand and said excitedly.

Bai Yating can also do what Wuming is doing now, and since they came to this world first, they may have already sorted out the situation.

There is an investigation rule in the rescue team, which is to conduct investigation in order of last name. If Bai Yating and others are also doing this, then among these hundreds of people, those at the front definitely do not need to be investigated.

Chu Li also said thoughtfully: "With Senior Bai's speed, it is estimated that the only people we need to investigate are those at the back. Captain Wuming, what do you think?"

"Then let's just start from the back and work our way forward!" Wuming said immediately.

The original Pearl City did not have such a thing as phonetic symbols, but Wuming later implemented phonetic symbols in many worlds and tried his best to make more people literate, so the rescue team started their investigation in the order of phonetic symbols.

The final target is naturally the name starting with ‘z’.

Coincidentally, the pronunciation of the word "clock" in Pearl City is actually very similar to that of the earth, except that it has a little more "dong" sound at the end, so their first investigation target is the "clock" at the end of hundreds of people.

"Come on, let's go and meet for a while." Wuming said to everyone with a smile after confirming the target.

Lin Renmei frowned and said: "The other party has the ability to control time and space, and even I am not immune to it. Wuming... are you sure?"

"I don't know. You can only know if you can beat him by fighting him." Wuming replied.

He then looked at Lin Renmei and said with a smile: "Actually, you are not affected by the other party's ability. It's like I used my space ability to open a door and you walked through the door. Did the ability work on you?"

"I understand." Lin Renmei thought for a moment and immediately understood what Wuming meant.

What the other party disturbed was time, and she just happened to be in this period of time, that's all.

"Everyone, don't be so nervous. It's not necessarily this person. Maybe it's Zhongli from the front? There's also Zhongqing from the front..." On the way, Wuming saw everyone looking like they were going to start a fight and said with a smile.

Chu Li smiled bitterly and said, "What if it's this hour? And his name has a sense of time."

"Indeed, superpowers are sometimes related to first feelings." Cheng Xuejie nodded.

Lin Renmeikan

Xiang Cheng Xuejie asked curiously: "Then Xuejie, why is your ability not the ability to control ice and snow?"

"Uh... I don't know, maybe it's the word "Jie" at the end." Cheng Xuejie was stunned for a moment and then said.

Wuming said distressedly: "It's a pity that I have forgotten my name, but I guess my name must have the word "deed" or the word "covenant".

"Why isn't it Bao? I guess Captain Wuming's original name might have been Baobao!" Cheng Xuejie teased.

Lin Renmei also laughed and said: "Maybe it has something to do with Shi? By the way, maybe the captain's original name was Shi Bao!"

"That sounds reasonable, Captain Shi Bao, the ability is a contract gem, not bad!" Cheng Xuejie took Lin Renmei's hand and smiled happily.

Wuming complained: "What about Renmei? Your name has nothing to do with superpowers, no... maybe Renmei had a nickname when she was a kid!"

"Renmei did have a nickname when she was young, but you can guess." Cheng Xuejie said with a smile as she walked.

Wuming touched the red armor on his face and guessed: "The ability to be beautiful is called Zhengzheng. Could it be that your childhood nickname was Zhengzheng?"

"What a ghost!" Cheng Xuejie complained.

Chu Li couldn't help but guess: "Could it be that Senior Lin's nickname is Mingming?"

"Uh, no." Cheng Xuejie didn't expect Chu Li to get involved. She was stunned for a moment, then shook her head.

Lin Renmei said helplessly: "Is it that difficult to guess?"

"Meimei?" Wuming looked at Lin Renmei and said with a smile.

It's a pity that the armor blocks his face, so others can't see his smile.

Cheng Xuejie complained: "Tsk, actually you have known about it for a long time, and you are still here pretending not to know."

"Okay, we're here." Wuming quickly changed the subject.

Ahead, an open-air barbecue restaurant is open for business.

Zhongzhi was sitting in the corner. The table was covered with various kinds of kebabs and barbecued meats. He was drinking and eating kebabs at the same time. His mouth was full of oil and he had no intention of stopping.

"Brother, this is all high-energy meat. Are you short of energy?" Wuming stepped forward, looked at the skewers and barbecue on the table, and asked with a smile.

Zhong Dian raised his head and glanced at Wu Ming, then put down the skewers in his hand and said with a smile: "You found me in less than an hour, you are quite capable!"


? In other words, you admit it? "Wu Ming was a little surprised.

Originally, he thought that Zhong Zhong would not admit it, and that he would even have to fight to know the answer.

For example, he kills the clock to see if the time has returned to normal. If not, then he goes into the store and starts over.

Because of the time loop, the killed clock will be resurrected, and he will go to the next person to continue testing until he finds the murderer who caused them to fall into the time loop.

The results hadn't even started yet, but they had already admitted it themselves.

"Why do you do this?" Wuming sat opposite Zhongdian and asked, looking at Zhongdian.

Zhongdian stood up instead and said with a smile: "Before I answer your question, I also have a question to ask, who are you? Why are you so skilled at killing Tianchanghu?"

"We are the rescue team. I've finished answering. Now it's your turn!" Wuming said with a smile.

Zhong Dian put away his smile and said, "Rescue team? Haha, I already knew this from other people, but since you answered, I might as well tell you, because... you are all in my domain. Whoever kills Tian Chang Fox will be affected by my domain and trapped in my domain forever!"

"Time domain? It is indeed a powerful superpower!" Wuming said thoughtfully.

Zhong Dian looked at Wuming with the eyes of a frog in the well, and said calmly: "This is not a superpower, but the power of realm. The frogs in Mingzhu City all think that the top awakeners are the so-called "strongest". Even if there are a few country bumpkins with a little vision, they only see the power of "kings" and "transcendents", but they don't know that after the awakeners advance to transcendents, there are more powerful domainers behind them!"

In his heart, having power is naturally for showing off, in order to show off in front of others.

In order to advance to a domainer, he almost died at the hands of the Dark King, and suffered countless hardships, all for this highlight moment.

Wuming and his friends were no threat to him, and they could find him in such a short time, so he didn't mind letting Wuming and his friends know what was going on.

"Wait, isn't the next person to be a Transcendent a Leveler? What the hell is a Domainer?" Wuming asked in confusion after hearing what Zhongdian said.

Zhongdian also looked at Wuming with a "what the hell" expression and asked, "Leveler? What the hell is that?"

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