I Contracted Myself

【058】Instantly squeezed dry

The Awakened One, the Transcendent One, the Domain One, the Holy Domain One, the Divine Domain One, the Master.

In Zhong Dian's mind, the system created by the Lord of Darkness is already flawless. All awakened people only need to follow this path and they will naturally live forever.

This is the noble and righteous way, and everything else is evil.

"So that's it. There is not only one road to transcendence, but there are many, many roads. There are those who have ascended to restore Fafnir in front of them, and there are those who are in the hour realm behind. I don't know if there are others in all the worlds. The way?" Wuming couldn't help but thought to himself when he saw Zhong Dian's disdainful look.

At this moment, his vision suddenly opened up, and he suddenly felt that the sky was vast and the future was promising.

The roads are all made by people.

He may also be able to find his own path!

"Hey, I'm asking you, what kind of shit is an upgraded person?" Zhong Dian asked unhappily when he saw Wuming was distracted.

Wuming came back to his senses and said with a smile: "Upgraded One, that is just a way that a dragon came up with in a flash. I also find it very ridiculous. I wonder if you can tell me how a transcendent can advance to a domain? "

"Humph, you want to learn? Why don't you experience it yourself!" Zhong Dian sneered.

He just wanted to show off, show off, and show off, but from the beginning to the end, he never thought about letting Wuming and the others leave their domain alive, and it was even less possible for him to teach Wuming the method of transcending into realms.

In fact, he himself didn't know how to advance into a realm.

After all, he was forcibly promoted to the current state by the King of Darkness. I am afraid that every state in the future can only be advanced by relying on the King of Darkness.

He couldn't answer Wuming's question at all. In order to maintain his integrity, he had no choice but to kill Wuming!

In an instant, he appeared behind Wuming, and his right hand fell on Wuming's shoulder.

His right hand contains powerful superpowers. Once it touches the target's body, the target can reach the end of its life span instantly.


There was a loud bang.

Wuming did not die, but Zhongdian's body was exploded by Lin Renmei's punch.

But the next moment, the surrounding time and space stagnated, and then began to flow backwards, and the flesh and blood scattered around quickly regrouped.

As if the video was played in reverse, Zhong Dian's hand was retracted from Wuming's shoulder, and then he slowly walked backwards, returning to the original position.

Time flows again.

"I see, your body is actually fake."

Zhong Dian looked solemnly at Wuming and Lin Renmei, and spoke slowly.

Because of the time reversal, Wuming, Lin Renmei, Cheng Xuejie, and Chu Li did not retain that memory, and the four of them showed doubts.

Wuming reacted very quickly. He immediately realized what must have happened just now. Then thinking about the time domain, with the help of information control, he knew that they must have attacked them just now and suffered a loss.

"Go back in time?" He looked at the clock and asked in a positive tone.

Zhong Dian was a little surprised that Wuming reacted so quickly, but he admitted generously: "Yes, so I have countless opportunities to try and make mistakes, and as long as you have weaknesses, you will die in my hands!"

"Listening to what you said, it's really a bit tricky." Wuming looked embarrassed and sighed.

Then he took out an orb, and then a mirror. When Zhong Zhong saw these two things, he immediately frowned and decisively started to rewind time.

But it's too late.

The orb melted into the mirror, and light suddenly shot out from the mirror, forming a transparent shield with a radius of 500 meters around it, just enough to cover everyone.

Failed to activate clockwise time reversal.

"Now we have a long, long time to play slowly!" Wuming said with a smile.

The orb and mirror in his hand are respectively the Sun and Moon Pearl and the Sun and Moon Mirror.

However, the Sun and Moon Pearl and the Sun and Moon World Mirror he owns are super-enhanced versions developed by the rescue team headquarters.

While rescuing the parallel world, the rescue team will also collect various treasures, such as the Sun and Moon Pearl and the Sun and Moon World Mirror. In fact, there are many, many.

Maybe in a separate world, these two special pieces of equipment would be rare treasures, but in the rescue team, they can only be said to be relatively special pieces of equipment, but not particularly rare.

But later a researcher from a medical research team discovered that the Sun and Moon Pearl and the Sun and Moon Mirror from different worlds could be combined with each other. To put it simply, the Sun and Moon Pearl can merge with more Sun and Moon Pearls to form a more powerful force. The same is true for the Sun and Moon Mirror.

Therefore, fed by countless sun and moon pearls and sun and moon mirrors, the two pieces of equipment in Wuming's hands are extremely powerful in suppressing super powers.

About two or three years ago, the researcher again

It was discovered that if the sun-fixing needle is added to the sun-moon world mirror, it can also produce the effect of freezing time.

Therefore, in many worlds, the great sun-defining needles were not made into Dragon Dragon Lords, but were used to feed the sun and moon mirrors.

The reason Wuming carries these two pieces of equipment with him is mainly because he was too frustrated from fighting Apophis before.

If they had carried the Sun and Moon Pearl and the Sun and Moon World Mirror at that time, it would only take a few punches to deal with Apophis, and there would be no need to pay such a high price.

learn from mistakes.

Although Wuming doesn't like to rely on foreign objects, he always brings the equipment he needs to bring when he goes on a mission, and he's just using it now.

"The sun and moon are pearls, the sun and moon are mirrors of the world!"

Zhong Dian looked at the two pieces of equipment in Wuming's hands with a somewhat ugly face, and said through gritted teeth.

"It seems you know the origin of these two pieces of equipment!" Wuming used telekinesis to control the mirror and said with a smile.

Zhongxin was extremely unhappy. How could he show off his domain?

Forget it!

No more showing off.

He wanted to kill Wuming!

In an instant, he activated his superpowers on himself, and the whole world suddenly seemed to be still.

At this moment, he used time acceleration on himself. Relatively speaking, the outside world seemed to have slowed down countless times.

"Go to hell!"

He walked in front of Wuming and punched Wuming's chest one punch after another. He stopped when he had hit 10,000 punches and turned back to his original position.

Time resumed flowing!


In an instant, Wuming's chest suddenly exploded, and then the whole person was hit by a huge force and flew backwards.


Then the terrifying shock wave began to spread, and the diners around were wiped out in screams. Lin Renmei held up the biological force field to protect most of the people. Looking at the many people who could not be protected, his eyes immediately burned with rage.

"Asshole, you're looking for death!"

She immediately exerted force on her feet, and instantly appeared above Zhongdian, punching Zhongdian's head.

However, Zhongdian accelerated himself again, looking at Lin Renmei who was frozen in the air, he couldn't help but sneer, jumped up and slapped Lin Renmei.

"How is it possible? No!!!"

Who knew that after this slap, his physical strength evaporated instantly, and then the whole person turned into a mummy with screams.

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