I Contracted Myself

【059】Research hours

The time domain had not actually been cracked before, but the domain within a kilometer range centered around the Sun and Moon Mirror was suppressed.

Now when the clock dies, the entire field will collapse in an instant.

All over Pearl City, members of the rescue team who had been missing appeared one after another. They realized that they were out of the time prison, and they all hugged each other to celebrate.

The scene returns to the barbecue stall.

In the mess, Chu Li looked at the mummy on the ground with some surprise, and asked: "What's going on? He...why is he dead?"

"I don't know." Cheng Xuejie shook her head.

Wuming came out of the ruins in the distance at this time. He flew over and saw Zhong Dian's mummy. He immediately looked at Lin Renmei and asked, "Renmei, did you do this?"

"I don't know, he died suddenly in the blink of an eye." Lin Renmei was also a little confused.

Wuming touched his chin and said thoughtfully: "He should have used some kind of super power on you, Renmei. This kind of super power was not something he could control. Then he consumed too much and killed himself instead." "

"Life span?" Lin Renmei immediately guessed.

She has beaten countless Zhu Chengmian in countless parallel worlds.

Every Zhu Chengmian would fight her with a flying knife of death. When he was risking his own life, he would be like a gambler who loses money, and finally wants to pull her to die together.

As for the result, you can see that she is still alive and well.

"Well, it's possible. Leave this corpse here for now. I'll study it for a while and then hand it over to the medical research team. His corpse should be able to provide us with a lot of information." Wuming nodded in agreement.

In addition to Lin Renmei's terrifying strength, the most terrifying thing is her unlimited potential and unlimited lifespan.

If anyone wants to use these two aspects to touch the beauty of Cilin, the result will definitely be a bloody head, or even death and soul.

Wuming now also has life-span abilities, but he will never seek death. Using his limited abilities to attack Lin Renmei's unlimited lifespan is the way to die.

Next, the four of them waited at the barbecue stall for Bai Yating and the others to come over.

"By the way, Captain Wuming, were you okay just now?"

Although Chu Li still didn't understand what happened just now, thinking about Wuming being hit by the horrific explosion, he immediately asked after thinking about it.

On the side, Wuming shook off the dust on his body and said with a smile, "It's not a problem."

In fact, he was not injured at all. This dragon

Even Lin Renmei couldn't break through the defense of the shell, and the attack at that hour didn't even count as a tickle.

Mainly, the core of the Dragon Shell is actually the rune of the Lord of Darkness.

Wuming used the base runes and took the Dark Lord's runes as the core to finally create this shell. If he wanted to completely break the shell, he had to destroy the Dark Lord's runes.

The problem is that if someone can break the runes of the Dark Lord, then Nameless will be free.

Therefore, no matter whether the Dragon Shell was exploded or not, there was no loss for him.

However, given the status of the Lord of Darkness, the level of this rune is very, very high. Even Lin Renmei cannot break this shell, which is enough to explain everything.

About ten minutes later, Bai Yating and others rushed over.

After everyone communicated, the mission returned to Bai Yating and the others, and Wuming and Lin Renmei were finally able to leave.

Rescue team headquarters.

When Wuming came back, he started the retreat mode again.

He likes the House of Lazy Gold very much, so he practices in the House of Lazy Gold most of the time.

"Let me see what secrets you are hiding!" He took out Zhongzhong's mummy from the Dream City and said to himself expectantly.

Over the years, he had seen too many corpses, and mere mummies were no longer enough to make him feel any fear or nausea.

He first used his mind power to peel off Zhong Dian's clothes, and then took off the rings, necklaces and other decorations. He found that there were a lot of scars on Zhong Dian's body. These scars were very special. They seemed to be branded by some kind of power, and there were still terrifying traces. breath.

[Identification successful]

[Name: Zhongdian]

[Race: Human]

[Power: Unlimited]


【Lifespan: 9000】

[Level: Junior field person]

[Level: 80]


[Hand of Eternity: If the right hand touches the target, the target will instantly reach the end of its life span; if the left hand touches the target, the target will instantly return to the starting point of life. 】

【Advanced skills】

[Intermediate level - Life rate: By touching the target with both hands, the target's life rate can be adjusted, making the target a fast or slow person. 】

[Advanced - Life-Stealing Hand: When the right hand causes the target to reach the end of its life instantly, the target can be extracted.

One percent of the target's total lifespan belongs to oneself. 】

[Top level - Accelerate the world: Consume 10% of your lifespan to increase the flow of time in the world ten times. Only you are not affected by time acceleration. 】

[Characteristics of the Transcendent:]

[Elementary-Mutilated Body: When the body is mutilated, the strength will be greatly improved, and the pain will also be doubled. 】

[Intermediate level-double return: When the body suffers damage, the power of all super powers is doubled, and the consumption is doubled. 】

[Advanced - Voice of Despair: Sinking in the darkness, recalling the king's 'training', and emitting an extremely desperate scream, which can cause all surrounding enemies to suffer mental pollution. 】

[Top-level - Death Spin: When you die, you will go back in time, once per day. 】

[Characteristics of field users:]

[Primary-Time Domain: Release your own superpowers outside the body to form your own domain. Other superpowers will be suppressed in the domain, and time can be freely cut. ]


It's a bit weak!

Wuming found that after taking off the equipment, the information control can easily check the attributes of the clock.


It should be said that after taking off the equipment, the information control can finally collect the information of the dead clock, and finally form an existence similar to the attribute panel.

If the clock is not dead, even if the equipment that conceals its own attributes is not used, the information control still cannot identify the clock, because the level of the clock is too high, which has exceeded the limit of the information control.

However, Wuming found that after the clock's attributes were advanced to the transcendent, all the advanced abilities were particularly bad, and only the final death spiral was worth watching.

"King's Training?"

Wuming's eyes fell on the advanced abilities of the transcendent characteristics of the clock, and he had some guesses in his mind.

This Zhongdian was probably forced to grow to his current level by some powerful person, so he does not have enough foundation to nurture his abilities.

Wuming knows very well how big the gap is between abilities with potential to nurture and abilities without potential to nurture.

Each of his advanced abilities is nurtured with a lot of potential, so each ability is very useful, forming a very sharp inverse ratio with Zhongdian.

He closed the attribute panel with some disappointment.

Since Zhongdian's attributes are nothing to look at, he will take a good look at Zhongdian's body next!

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