I Contracted Myself

【060】Printing system

Wuming stretched out his hand and placed it flat on the top of Zhongdian. Then countless green lines formed by energy fell down and penetrated into Zhongdian's body, and began to collect information.

He found that Zhongdian's body was really exhausted, and there was not even a drop of marrow left in his bones.

This death was too miserable.

It was more miserable than Luo Shiyu's death in every world.

Although Luo Shiyu was always killed and eaten, and her human skin was used by Prince Yue as camouflage material.

But Zhongdian's death was more terrifying, as if an oversized mosquito lay on his body and sucked fiercely, and he was sucked out of everything in his body and died alive.

Before death, the degree of pain was estimated to be unimaginable.

"Amitabha, don't help the tyrant in the next life." Wuming felt that he died too miserably, so he said to himself.

After checking Zhongdian's body, Wuming looked at the screen provided by the information control. A large amount of information was flashed on the screen, and almost all of Zhongdian's secrets were displayed on it.

"He actually has more than 200 wives. This way of death is too easy for him." Wuming's eyes widened when he saw the number of Zhongdian's wives, and he cursed with envy and jealousy.

Then he continued to read, and his face became darker and darker. Suddenly, he felt that he should revive Zhongdian and whip his corpse repeatedly.

This guy released a large number of Tianchang Foxes in countless worlds, indirectly killing hundreds of millions of people, and there were also many people who took the initiative to kill.

"Although you are just following orders from above, you really deserve to die!" Wuming wanted to pull up Zhongdian and beat him up again.

However, since everyone was dead, he could only hold back his anger and continue to check the information left on Zhongdian's body.

It may be because Zhongdian died very suddenly, and his death method was very special. It can be said that he killed himself, so except for the blood, bone marrow, and water, his body can be said to be completely intact.

Because the body is complete enough, a lot of useful information is left.

There is no need to talk about the information found in his brain. There are also countless secrets hidden in his genes.

"Interesting, it turns out that the base rune can be used in this way!"

Wuming looked at the information displayed by the information control, his eyes became brighter and brighter, and suddenly found that both paths have their own advantages.


In fact, they take the route of strengthening their own superpowers, and the biggest advantage is purity.

However, Upgraders also have disadvantages, that is, they need enough "legendary degree" to complete the upgrade, and this legendary degree is actually a bit like faith.

It is mainly because it is impossible to gather enough thoughts by oneself, so they need to rely on external forces to complete themselves.

The principle of Upgraders, Wuming has already understood it thoroughly.

In this world, all organisms have base runes in their bodies, but some can use them to form their own superpowers, and some because their thoughts are too chaotic and complicated, and their potential is not enough to turn these thoughts into superpowers, so they become so-called ordinary people.

But everyone's thoughts and intentions can actually affect the outside world, but the base runes will invalidate these thoughts.

But this invalidation is actually equivalent to filtering, making these thoughts pure and without any personal emotions.

If we use "incense" to describe it, it is the purest "incense", and there will be no negative effects after absorption.

The ascender uses these thoughts and ideas to collect ideas that are beneficial to himself, and uses "legend degree" as a name.

Legend degree, this is itself a kind of self-suggestion.

Under the effect of the base rune, under the suggestion of oneself, when the legend degree reaches the standard of upgrading, one can integrate the base rune and then become an ascender.

This is equivalent to absorbing countless people's positive thoughts about oneself, and finally evolving to a higher level.

In Wuming's eyes, this is like becoming a god with the power of faith or incense in fantasy novels.

Precisely because Wuming has thoroughly understood the principles of the ascender, when Zhongdian despises the ascender, Wuming doesn't care about Zhongdian's ideas at all. He knows very well how great the potential of the ascender is.

As long as there is enough time to complete the upgrade again and again, the path of the ascender is theoretically unlimited.

However, the domain system on Zhongdian also has advantages that the ascender does not have.

Wuming discovered that the base rune on Zhongdian had undergone a fundamental change. It was a bit like the rune used by the Dark King to seal him.

A rune, but twisted and twisted, with countless changes in it.

Through these changes, Wuming

discovered that the domain owner had a great influence on the outside world. It can almost be said that once the domain is opened, the other party in the domain is a god.

"It can actually modify the properties of space and change all the laws. Fortunately, fortunately... Zhongdian has not developed the domain enough and only uses his own abilities in the domain!" Wuming was a little scared after reading the data.

Fortunately, Zhongdian's qualifications are limited, and he is not proficient in controlling the domain. Otherwise, it would be difficult for a hundred of them to kill Zhongdian in Zhongdian's domain.

The more Wuming looked, the more he felt that Zhongdian's domain was very similar to Apophis's domain. Thinking of the "King's Training", he narrowed his eyes and looked at Zhongdian's mummy.

Could it be that the person behind Zhongdian is the Dark King?

So, the system of Zhongdian is the system of the Dark King, so it is normal that the runes in his body are like the runes left by the Dark King.


At this moment, countless information was quickly sorted out, Wuming looked at the final answer and clenched his fists slightly.

In the heavens and the worlds, there is a curse called "Infinity". Their leader is the Dark King, and their members release various mutant beasts in countless worlds to weaken the power of humans.

"Damn it, just to survive in your own world, you destroy other worlds. In order to prevent people in other worlds from having the power to resist, you use mutant beasts to eat people and weaken humans!"

"It's better not to let me meet you again!"

Wuming has silently marked all members of Infinity as enemies in his heart, and he will kill them without mercy.

Next, he closed his eyes and began to study the Ascenders and Domainers, and even wanted to find a way to balance the two.

Only children make choices, Ascenders, Domainers, he wants them all!

King vs. King, General vs. General.

As the leader of the rescue team, he will definitely face the leader of Infinity in the future.

He knows too well how strong the Dark King is. After all, he still has the Dark King's curse on him. With this organization alone, he has created such a powerful dragon shell. It is hard to imagine how strong the Dark King is.

Therefore, he must become stronger.

The next time he sees the Dark King, he will twist his head off with his own hands!

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