I Contracted Myself


Time flies and several years pass.

In any world ruled by rescue teams, technology has advanced rapidly in recent years. Movies, televisions, telephones, and mobile phones have all been promoted one after another.

With Pearl City as the center, infrastructure is slowly being rolled out, and new cities are springing up like mushrooms after a rain.

If it were an ordinary world, if you wanted to light up various technologies, it would take a long time just to develop basic industries, but in a world with super powers, you can bypass many foundations and get it right in one step.

In particular, Professor Zhou's research institute actually contains a large amount of data from different worlds, and the data of many technological products has been preserved.

The rescue team added a new department called the 'Scientific Research Group' to handle work in this area. As a result, technological products were continuously launched one after another. People's lives were changing with each passing day. In just a few years, many worlds and decades had been traveled. , a scientific research path that can even take hundreds of years to complete.

Since the advent of television, movies, mobile phones and other products, under Wuming's instruction, stories about dragons have been put on the big and small screens. He even starred in the role of the 'True Dragon King' himself to absorb the legend.

At this time, on a mountain peak, a boy and a girl were climbing up with difficulty.

There is already a sea of ​​fire under the mountain peak. The magma is constantly rolling and billowing with white smoke. The golden magma shoots up from time to time, setting a large number of trees on fire.

"Quick, Xiao Wu, I'll pull you up!" The boy climbed to the top of the mountain first, turned around and looked at the girl who was still climbing below, and shouted loudly.

The girl was sweating profusely and had many stains on her face. She stretched out her hand and tried hard, and finally the two of them held hands together.

"One, two, three, come up!" The young man shouted, and finally used his strength to pull the girl to the top of the mountain.

The girl glanced at the sea of ​​​​fire below, and hugged the boy tightly with lingering fear.

Before the two of them could be happy for a long time, the sky suddenly turned black. The two of them looked up in horror, and saw a huge red dragon flying through the clouds and slowly flying towards the two of them.

"Third brother, meeting you is the happiest thing in my life." The girl looked at the boy with despair in her heart.

The boy hugged the girl tightly, frowned and said, "Xiao Wu!"

The next moment, the dragon's terrifying claws fell, and after a loud noise, the boy and girl were immediately swallowed up by the billowing dust.

"Okay, next game!"

At this time, the mountain peak quickly disappeared, and the surrounding area turned into a studio. The director took the microphone and shouted.

Negative around

The Awakeneds in charge of the scenery all breathed a sigh of relief and sat down one by one weakly. The staff hurriedly delivered nutritional solutions to replenish their physical strength.

The red dragon, who had just played the role of the villain, quickly shrank his body, and finally transformed from the dragon form into the dragon-man form.

"Captain Wuming, thank you for your hard work. Please have some tea." The studio assistant came forward and said respectfully.

Wuming nodded and said with a smile, "Thank you."

He took the tea cup and slowly walked to his seat.

Legend does not require a positive image.

It can be either a positive image or a negative image, so he has a wide range of roles, whether he is a good guy or a villain. In a world ruled by the rescue team, the 'True Dragon King' is already a very recognizable identity.

However, it is indeed difficult to increase the level of legend. Fafnir relied on reigning terror and spreading fear, and it took a long, long time to gather the level of legend required for upgrading.

Although Wuming adopts new methods, his legendary level is also very slow, and he has only accumulated 25% of his legendary level so far.

He now needs to travel to different worlds every once in a while to absorb the ideas about the 'Red Dragon King' in those cities, thereby increasing his legend.

In his own words, this is rent collection.

Next, he spent a week completing the filming of the crew, and then returned to the rescue team headquarters.

"Wu Ming, let's spar, I feel like I'm about to advance!"

Lin Renmei knew that Wuming would be back today. As soon as he got home and his butt was still hot, Lin Renmei came to the door excitedly.

"Are you about to advance?" Wuming looked at Lin Renmei and said with some surprise.

Lin Renmei showed no signs of aging at all, but she gave him a more terrifying feeling. Without the runes of the Lord of Darkness, Lin Renmei could definitely kill him with one punch.

"Well, within half a year at the earliest and a year at the latest, I should be able to advance to a transcendent!" Lin Renmei smiled confidently.

At this moment, Wuming was really sour. It was different to have unlimited potential.

He had reached level 39 two years ago, but was stuck at level 39 for two full years.

Only when you really reach this level can you feel the pain and helplessness of Situ Shibai and the others firsthand.

His experience bar barely moved at all.

Whether eating meat that shortens the progression time or devouring more energy, the bottleneck never feels loose.

Lin Renmei took advantage of his bottleneck to catch up. Now

He was almost advanced, and he hadn't even touched the door to transcendence yet.

He had to admit that transcendence was indeed a hurdle. If he crossed it, he would have a brighter future. If he couldn't cross it, he would have to languish to death at the level of the awakened person.

"Let's go, it just so happens that I also need a close fight to vent my anger."

Wuming took a deep breath, and then his fighting spirit arose, and he looked at Lin Renmei with burning eyes.

In the entire rescue team, he was the only one who could withstand Lin Renmei's full punch, and only Lin Renmei could withstand his attack, so the two had competed countless times in the past few years.

The two left the rescue team headquarters, went to the world where they usually competed, and then started fighting at sea.


Instantly, Lin Renmei punched Wuming in the chest.

Wuming immediately punched back, and the fists of both sides collided. Then he was knocked out by the dragon, rolling wildly on the sea, sliding for tens of thousands of meters before stopping. At the same time, waves rose on both sides of the sea, like Moses parting the sea.

He was just tough, but his strength was much worse than Lin Renmei.

The next moment, he flashed behind Lin Renmei, clasped his hands together and hit the back of Lin Renmei's head from top to bottom. Lin Renmei reacted very quickly and turned around to block immediately. However, he had expected it. When Lin Renmei turned around, he turned around like a shadow, and finally hit Lin Renmei's head with his fist.

Lin Renmei's body sank suddenly. The moment her feet touched the sea surface, the power was transmitted to the sea water under her feet. The main sea suddenly sank, and the ripples instantly turned into waves, forming a huge bowl-shaped wave.

"Renmei, how about this move, 'Following like a shadow'?" Wuming did not take the opportunity to continue attacking after hitting Lin Renmei, but quickly retreated and asked with a smile.

Lin Renmei touched her head and nodded, "Very strong!"

She knew very well how fast her turning movement was. Wuming predicted her movement and even predicted her prediction, so he could finally hit her.

If it was an ordinary enemy, Wuming would have been able to decide the outcome with one punch.

Because they were not afraid of killing each other, both of them fought with all their strength. This kind of competition was not much different from actual combat, and they both benefited a lot from the competition.

Wuming's 'Following like a shadow' and 'Like a seal' are both very powerful moves, and they are used more and more without leaving any trace.

Any skill is the strongest only when it is integrated into instinct, and she is far behind Wuming in this respect.

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