I Contracted Myself

【065】The best time

At the same time, a certain world.

He has no other hobbies after getting off work from the sanctuary. His favorite thing after get off work is to go home and have a good rest.

Money doesn't interest him.

He has no interest in power either.

Women, he has no such worldly desires.

A few years ago, he accepted the transformation of the Sanctuary and became an emotionally indifferent reformer.

This transformation gave him inner peace, and his superpowers became stronger and stronger. He could feel the fluctuations of time without even using his superpowers.

According to Sanctuary research, the so-called ‘power of time’ is actually the power of ‘movement, change, and evolution’.

Everything is changing, and this is the only unchanging truth in the world.

His ability is to control the starting point and end point of all things, which is equivalent to the power to control this evolution.

But precisely because his abilities are so terrifying, he loses control more easily than most people.

Why are adults more likely to indulge?

Because self-discipline is very difficult!

Going to bed a little later every day eventually evolved into often staying up late and suffering from insomnia, eating one extra late-night snack every day, and finally evolved into obesity and high blood pressure.

When there are no rules to restrain yourself, indulgence becomes a matter of course.

Just as most people who have the power to stop time will definitely do some plots in island country action movies, very few people can restrain themselves from doing anything that violates the law.

And this situation is even more obvious among awakened people.

If the restraint of the outside world is lost, the awakened person will be more likely to get lost and sink more easily than usual.

Zhong Dian underwent transformation and binding, and part of his brain was removed. At the same time, two of his eggs that produce male hormones were removed. When he woke up, he felt that he had no desires and desires, and he truly found peace in his heart.

He doesn't care what the outside world thinks, at least now he is calm.

Just as he was getting ready to sleep, he suddenly felt some kind of vague fluctuation, so he opened his eyes again and looked towards the door without much expression.

A man with narrowed eyes was standing in front of his door, looking at him with a strange look.

"Who are you?" Zhong Dian frowned slightly and asked.

The King of Darkness looked at the clocks with the eyes of discovering a treasure, and after a while he said: "Did you know? I caught 180 million 'clocks', and every one of them killed the original speaker of the sanctuary. , you are the only one who accepted that transformation surgery!”

"What are you talking about?" Zhong

I didn't understand what the King of Darkness said at all, and I had a vague feeling that the King of Darkness seemed to have something in mind.

The King of Darkness observed the clock with great interest, touched his chin and said to himself: "It turns out that undergoing reconstructive surgery will cause facial paralysis, which is interesting."


Zhongdian remained silent this time, just got up from the bed and slowly walked towards the Lord of Darkness.

All enemies he encounters either return to the state of a babbling baby or the state of a dying old man. He is invincible from the beginning.

"You look so confident, but I don't have time to play house with you, so let's go!" The King of Darkness looked at the confident clock and complained in a weird voice.

After he finished speaking, he flicked his fingers, and a vortex immediately appeared behind Zhong Dian. Although Zhong Dian tried his best to resist, he was eventually sucked into the vortex.

"Okay, next place!"

The Dark King clapped his hands and then smiled.

In fact, the main reason why the Dark King wanted to arrest clocks from all worlds was because the clock he trained died inexplicably.

The exact world in which he died is unknown.

But the lamp of destiny whose clock remains in infinity has indeed gone out.

It's just that we don't get together very often, so Zhong Dian's death was not noticed until half a year ago.

Although Clock is just a small character in Infinite, he is still the weakling of the Lord of Darkness, so he decided to re-train Chong to be his master.

But this time, he didn't plan to meet randomly like before, but adopted the Gu-raising mode.

He wants to select the best losers and ensure that the other party does not die inexplicably.

The sky is dark and covered with dark clouds.

The sound of crows in the distance is ominous, and the air is filled with a damp, decaying smell.


A figure fell from the sky with a muffled sound.

Zhong Zhong felt sore all over, and it took him a while to slowly get up from the wet ground. Fortunately, the ground was soft and there were a lot of rotten leaves. He fell from a height and was not injured.

"Uh...what is this place?"

He didn't care so much and sat tiredly under a tree. He looked up and looked around, full of doubts in his heart.

Apparently he was transported to an extremely strange space. He could smell the putrid smell of the corpse, and he could tell from the smell that the corpse was not far away from him.

He rested for a while, then slowly

Get up from the ground, think about it and walk towards the direction of the smell.

Through the corpse, he can get a lot of information.

Such as the surrounding environment, possible lurking predators, climate, food, etc.

To be honest, he was teleported here by the Lord of Darkness, and he really had no defense at all. Not only was he wearing pajamas, but he also had no shoes.

Now I'm walking in the muddy ground, but after a while my feet turn black and covered with mud.

He was worried that he would step on poisonous insects hidden underground, so he walked very, very slowly, taking every step very carefully. He walked for about two or three minutes before he arrived not far from the body.

The body was highly decomposed, but the head was not damaged much.

Zhong Dian looked at the corpse, and his brain was a little out of control.

The corpse opened his eyes and looked at the sky blankly. One side of his mouth was cracked, and worms could be seen crawling in the wound.

He was killed by a single blow. The fatal wound was in the center of his forehead, where a big hole was opened, and dark, disgusting mucus could be seen inside.

But this was not the reason why Zhong Dian's brain crashed. What really made him unable to think was the face of the corpse.

He touched his face, and then looked at the corpse on the ground in disbelief.

They looked exactly the same!

Suddenly, Zhong Dian remembered what the Dark King had just said to him:

[Do you know? ]

[I caught 180 million Zhong Dian! ]

"180 million!"

Zhong Dian muttered to himself, and then stepped back step by step, but then his eyes fell on the corpse, and instantly locked onto the shoes on the corpse's feet.

The wound was obviously man-made!

Someone here is hunting "Zhong Dian", and the unlucky thing is... he is also Zhong Dian.

Only with shoes can you run faster and more fearlessly. Otherwise, you need to be cautious even when walking, and you will die in the hands of the hunter sooner or later.

Although he is very confident in his superpowers, since the killer can kill the "clock" on the ground, he can definitely kill him.

Don't be careless!

He gritted his teeth, walked forward quickly, squatted down to untie the shoelaces, and then took off the shoes.

The moment he took off the shoes, a foul smell came to his nose, and he was almost fainted by the smell of "his" feet.

He gritted his teeth and held his breath, quickly took off the other shoe, and didn't care about his dirty feet. He put on his shoes neatly and decisively turned back the way he came.

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