I Contracted Myself

【066】Investigator Hours

A few hundred meters away, the sky suddenly became distorted.

A young man wearing a guard uniform fell from the sky, landed on his face, and fell hard to the ground.

Since the rescue team obtained Zhong Dian's body, the logistics team has made targeted arrangements for the sanctuary in the Holy Ancestor Village, destroyed the Holy Ancestor Village in many worlds, and attracted many talents.

Zhong Dian has been joining the rescue team for two years.

His position is that of an investigator, and he usually has nothing to do, but every time he discovers a new parallel world, he needs to lurk near the Saint Ancestor Village.

If the 'clock' in that world is a heinous person, then he should kill the other person, then lurk in the Holy Ancestor Village instead of the other person, and finally control the entire Holy Ancestor Village together with the inside and outside.

If the other party is a good person, then find an opportunity to bring him out, and the members of the rescue team will 'persuade' the other party to cooperate with the rescue team.

As for him, his mission is completed and he can go home and play games.

But this time something unexpected happened!

He had just been lurking in the Saint Ancestor Village. After only one day, he met an inexplicable person and was inexplicably teleported to this forest.

"it hurts!"

Zhongzhong climbed up with difficulty, feeling sore all over.

Although he had already used the biological force field when he landed, the time he activated the biological force field was too short, and he didn't pay much attention to training the biological force field, so the biological force field only offset a little bit of the impact force, and most of the impact force was still fell upon himself.

His next actions were exactly the same as the previous 'Zhongzhong'. He sat down with his back against the big tree, adjusting his breathing to relieve the pain.

At the same time, he was also observing his surroundings. This place was dark and the air was full of the smell of mold. He knew at a glance that it was not a good place.

"I'm missing. The team leader will definitely find a way to find me. What I have to do now is survive."

Zhongzhong rubbed his nose, spurted out a ball of blood, and then thought to himself.

The purpose of the rescue team is to rescue, so the rescue team will never give up on any member. He estimates that the team leader is already running around anxiously.

"Before the team leader finds me, let's investigate what is going on here!"

Ten minutes later, Zhong Dian felt that the pain in his body had subsided, so he looked around and thought to himself.

In order to become a qualified investigator, he received a full year of training from the rescue team. Although he initially chose to be an investigator, it was entirely because of the high salary and good benefits of an investigator, and his identity was also suitable for lurking and was easier to be detected. Bounty.

But after a year, he has also developed feelings for this position.

Investigators, who go deep behind enemy lines and provide first-hand intelligence to the organization, can often decide the next action strategy of the rescue team, and at the same time, it is also related to the life and death of countless people.

Once it is determined by investigators to be in the evil camp, the consequences will inevitably be a thunderous attack by the rescue team.

Of course, investigators cannot do whatever they want. In the end, evidence must speak for themselves.

"It stinks!"

For a while, Zhong Zhong was walking in the woods and smelled the smell of corpses coming from multiple directions.

He was secretly shocked and decisively twisted the ring in his hand, his body gradually assimilating with the colors around him.

This is a necessary special equipment for investigators, called the Chameleon Ring, which can change the user's color to achieve the effect of invisibility.

Next, he headed in the direction closest to him where the smell of corpses was, and soon he saw a corpse.

"Is this...my body?"

Zhongzhong stepped forward and frowned as he looked at the corpse.

In an instant, he judged that someone was specifically trying to catch him in a different world, and he just happened to meet him at the right time.

"Tough luck!"

Zhong Dian cursed secretly and then moved on to the next place.

Sure enough, the odor of other corpses was also emitted by the 'Zhongdian'. Although the corpse of one 'Zhongdian' was completely unrecognizable, some things could still be seen from the outline of the bones.

"Someone is catching me in a different world, someone is hunting me in a different world..."

Zhong Dian touched his chin, feeling vaguely guessing. The rescue team's forum has a lot of official information, including information about a hostile organization.


At this moment, I realized that I might be caught by infinite people.

Could it be that because the unknown captain killed the domainer Zhong Dian, Infinite now plans to train another one?

Based on the various information provided by the rescue team and combined with the current situation, Zhong Zhong immediately grasped the pulse of the incident. He squinted his eyes and realized that this might be a good opportunity.

If he can penetrate into the enemy's interior, he can certainly provide more information to the rescue team.

"In that case, find other hours first, follow them secretly, and see what they are doing." He immediately observed the footprints around him, and then walked in the direction where the footprints left.

Although he joins the rescue team, he is not a holy father figure.

He doesn't mind killing people if it's to achieve his goal, but he doesn't know yet

Chu Wu had set the 'rules of the game', so he still needed to observe more.

Only when he figures out what to do to join Infinity will he take action.

the other side.

Wu Danzhong ran all the way, and finally hid in a ravine. An arrow flew past his scalp in an instant, and finally nailed a tree in front of him.

"Why do you want to kill me? Aren't we the same person?" Wu Danzhong leaned his back against the ravine and asked breathlessly.

He had just returned to the place of landing wearing the corpse's shoes, but before he could think of his next move, he was attacked by an arrow.

Fortunately, he didn't have many emotions, and was able to make the most correct choice when he encountered danger. In the end, he only sacrificed one palm to block the arrow.

However, in this way, he also lost the opportunity to compete with the opponent, and now he can only run away.

The opponent has weapons and the same abilities as him, and he really can't think of any chance of turning the tables.

"Why kill you? Hahahaha, I also want to ask why I want to kill you!"

"But what can I do if I don't kill you? That person said before he left that he could only leave this damn place by killing all of himself here. I don't want to do that either, so... you go to hell, okay?"

In the ravine, a Zhongdian with three scars on his face held a longbow, his eyes exuding crazy emotions, and he roared hysterically.

In this damn place, if he doesn't kill people, others will kill him.

If he wasn't lucky, he would have died in the previous attacks.

Fortunately, his luck was against the sky. Not only did he escape the initial pursuit, but he also successfully killed one of the "Zhongdian" and finally seized the opponent's weapon.

Now he is also a hunter, no longer a prey!

As long as he kills all the Zhongdian here, he will be free!

He stared at the ravine frantically, approached step by step, and slowly adjusted the shooting angle.

This bow is not an ordinary weapon, but a special equipment. The arrows shot are very powerful, enough to make a big hole in the target.

In the situation here, it is easy to be infected with various bacteria if injured, and the target will die from various diseases without even finishing the job.

So he does not seek merit but only avoids mistakes. As long as he hits the opponent, even if he scratches the skin, it will be fine!


In an instant, he bounced up, and he aimed and shot at the ravine in the air.


Where are the people?

In the air, he found that there was no one in the ravine.

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