This ravine is only one meter deep, and people have to squat to hide themselves after jumping down.


The three scars on Zhongdian's face wriggled slightly like a centipede. His eyeballs moved left and right, searching for Wudan Zhongdian who was hiding at a very fast speed, but there was really no one in the ravine.

He landed on the other side of the ravine and looked back at the ravine again.


He thought unwillingly.

After staying for a while, he was sure that his prey had indeed disappeared.

Although he didn't know how Wudan Zhongdian escaped, in a world with superpowers, everything is possible, so he could only admit it.

Ten minutes later.

In the ravine, Investigator Zhongdian and Wudan Zhongdian appeared.

Just now, Investigator Zhongdian covered Wudan Zhongdian, and Wudan Zhongdian tried to curl up his body and hide himself under Investigator Zhongdian.

Investigator Zhongdian has the Chameleon Ring, which perfectly blends into the ravine, so he deceived Scarface Zhongdian.

"Thank you." Wudan Zhongdian looked at Investigator Zhongdian and said without much emotion.

Investigator Zhongdian smiled and said, "You're welcome. What are your plans next?"

"I don't know. That Zhongdian just said that we can only leave here if we kill all the other Zhongdians. Don't you want to kill me?" Wudan Zhongdian said lightly.

Investigator Zhongdian sneered, "The other party is our enemy. Can we really believe the enemy's words?"

"That's right, that's just one-sided." Wudan Zhongdian agreed.

Investigator Zhongdian looked at Wudan Zhongdian with burning eyes and invited, "So I'm going to find all the 'Zhongdian' who don't want to fight, and everyone gathers together to protect themselves."

"That's one way, the question is how do you judge whether the other party really doesn't want to fight?" Wudan Zhongdian asked.

If someone pretends not to want to fight and then sneaks into the team, it is easy to split the team, or even use assassination to arouse suspicion and finally disintegrate the team.

"There's no way, but for those of us who are not good at fighting, what else can we do if we don't stick together?" Investigator Zhong Dian said helplessly.

Wudan Zhong Dian sighed and agreed with Investigator Zhong Dian's statement. Although he had powerful superpowers, all the Zhong Dians here had superpowers as powerful as him.

Once superpowers could no longer be the key to winning or losing, the only thing that could be relied on was

combat experience and combat skills.

He was extremely lacking in both, so sticking together as Investigator Zhong Dian said became the only way.

But he didn't know that Investigator Zhong Dian lied.

As an investigator, especially one who often went deep behind enemy lines and assassinated "Zhong Dian" again and again, Investigator Zhong Dian was not only proficient in assassination, but also, if it was digitized, he would definitely have a passive skill, that is, "Zhong Dian" specializes in killing.

He had assassinated many "bad Zhong Dian" and could say that he knew "Zhong Dian"'s weaknesses well.

For him, killing "Zhong Dian" was as easy as butchering a cow.

However, Investigator Zhongdian still has a conscience in his heart, and his conscience does not allow him to kill innocent people indiscriminately. These "Zhongdian" come from different worlds, and there must be good and bad ones. He does not intend to follow the plan of the Dark Lord.

While waiting for rescue, he intends to help more Zhongdian survive. This is the real purpose of his preparation to form a team.

"It is not suitable to stay here for long, let's go!"

Investigator Zhongdian said with a smile after persuading Wudan Zhongdian.

Next, the two introduced themselves while walking. Investigator Zhongdian arranged a persona of a nerd researcher for himself, pretending to have been doing research in the sanctuary and did not have much practical experience.

This also explains how he got all his equipment.

When he knew that Wudan Zhongdian was actually a cyborg, he looked at Wudan Zhongdian in surprise.

He knew that this operation not only required the removal of part of the brain, but also the removal of the testicles. Someone in the sanctuary had mentioned this to him at the beginning, and the person who finally proposed this was beaten by him so hard that he didn't even recognize his mother.

In the world, is there really anyone who would agree?

In the past, investigator Zhong Dian thought that it was impossible for anyone to agree, but now he saw a living Zhong Dian who agreed to the transformation!

It turns out that there are really saint-like Zhong Dian in the world!

The investigator suddenly felt as if there was more positive energy in his body, and it turned out that there was such a possibility for him!

While investigator Zhong Dian and Wudan Zhong Dian were searching for a suitable Zhong Dian as a companion, several people were watching the show in the sky.

They were the supervisors arranged by the Dark King here, mainly to prevent Zhong Dian from escaping from this area, after all, this is only a part of the world.

"Which Zhong Dian do you like?" A Feng Laixian wearing a cloak asked at this time.

He and the Feng Laixian that Wuming knew were obviously not the same person. Not only did he have long blood-red hair, but one of his eyeballs was like a burning flame.

Since the Dark King walked the heavens under the name of 'Dark King', he simply changed his name.

In the past, he called himself Infinite Feng Laixian, and now he calls himself Dark Feng Laixian.

"Feng Laixian, do you want to make a bet? I bet that bald Zhong will definitely be the last one to kill." An old man next to Dark Feng Laixian said with a smile.

Dark Feng Laixian frowned and said, "Situ Shibai, you should call me Dark Feng Laixian, don't miss the dark!"

"The king is not here, what are you afraid of?" Situ Shibai sneered.

He was Situ Shibai, who had decisively massacred Mingzhu City in exchange for entering Infinity. Now he was promoted by the Dark King and was considered a top figure in Infinity.

"Humph, are you itching for trouble?" Dark Phoenix asked with murderous intent, narrowing his eyes.

Situ Shibai is still a top awakener. Although he has the help of the Dark King, he still needs a certain amount of accumulation to advance to a transcendent.

As the earliest follower of the Dark King, Dark Phoenix now has the strength of a Saint. If he wants to kill Situ Shibai, it is almost like killing an ant.

"Now we are all supervisors. If you attack me, can you afford it if it ruins the King's good deeds?" Situ Shibai said with a sinister smile.

Since he has already become a bad guy, he doesn't mind making himself a little worse.

Dark Phoenix sneered and made up his mind to find an opportunity to kill Situ Shibai in the future.

But just as they were confronting each other, a battle broke out below.

They happened to meet at the same time, so they started to kill each other. Dark Feng Laixian and Situ Shibai stopped talking and watched the battle below quietly.

On the side, Zhu Hongfang, who was wearing a red and black long skirt, glanced at the two of them and then continued to remain silent.

In every world, the outstanding people are often a small group of people. In fact, there is a great overlap between the people recruited by the Dark King and those recruited by Wuming.

After all, outstanding people are often outstanding in other worlds.

Just like Feng Laixian, in most worlds, he is the owner of the Beast King Boxing Gym and has a very high prestige among the people.

Such a strong man, unless the Dark King is blind, how could he not recruit?

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