I Contracted Myself


Rescue Team, Headquarters.

Lin Renmei and Cheng Xuejie were sparring. Neither of them made any move, they just used biological force fields to attack and defend each other.

Although Cheng Xuejie helped awaken Lin Renmei's biological force field, in fact Lin Renmei has come from behind, and her biological force field is much stronger than Cheng Xuejie.

However, Cheng Xuejie is not without advantages. Although her biological force field is not as powerful as Lin Renmei, her control is stronger than Lin Renmei's.

Under her control, a little biological force field can be used as a hundred, and four or two can move a thousand pounds. As long as Lin Renmei does not attack herself, in the field of biological force field, the two sides are evenly matched.

Lin Renmei's biological force field is like a powerful flying brick, every attack is simple and powerful. Cheng Xuejie's biological force field is like water flow, soft and changeable, making it elusive.

The two sides threw biological force fields into the sky and continued to fight. Except for the fluctuations in the air, people could feel the collision of the biological force fields, which was invisible to the naked eye.

They fought for two hours before slowly recovering their biological force fields.

"Sure enough, Renmei, you are cheating too much. You can defeat ten with one effort." Cheng Xuejie said helplessly.

Lin Renmei smiled and said: "But you use the biological force field so well, especially controlling the flow of the biological force field, that I can't break your defense with all my strength."

"Stop being modest. If you try your best, my biological force field will definitely not be able to withstand it." Cheng Xuejie rolled her eyes and exposed it directly.

Then she asked curiously: "By the way, I heard that you are about to break through?"

"Well, once I master all the boxing techniques, I should be able to try to advance to become a transcendent, probably in the next two days." Lin Renmei nodded.

The transcendent state, which is extremely difficult for Wuming, is indeed like eating and drinking water for her. She can advance to the next level with a little effort.

Sometimes, people are more annoying than others.

Everyone envied Wuming for being a person with unlimited abilities, while Wuming envied Lin Renmei for having unlimited potential.

"That's great. I don't know when I can advance." Cheng Xuejie said with envy after hearing Lin Renmei's words.

She is also a top-level awakener now, but her level is still far behind, and even if she reaches it, she will probably be stuck at level 39 like Wuming. Without any luck or chance, this will be the case for the rest of her life.

Although I am not willing to do so, this is the reality.

Most of the top awakened people in Infinite City will eventually have to face this reality.

However, with the support of the rescue team and her special status, Cheng Xuejie became a truly rich woman in the rescue team just by paying for the biological force field awakening every month.

With so many resources, she is better than those awakened ones in Infinite City. Perhaps in the future, relying on massive resources, she will be able to reach the realm of transcendence.

"I wonder if Captain Wuming has succeeded now?" Cheng Xuejie thought to herself, and finally to Wuming.

Lin Renmei was also a little helpless and said, "I don't know, he is still in retreat."

She even regretted encouraging Wuming to study forging. In the past few years, all the difficult tasks in the rescue team ended up falling on her.

Wuming has been in seclusion for several years.

Originally, Lin Renmei wanted to wait for Wuming to advance together, so she slowed down her progress slightly. But even if she deliberately slowed down, the time for advancement was still getting closer.

Now Lin Renmei feels that she can't even try not to advance, and there is still no news from Wuming.

Next, Lin Renmei and Cheng Xuejie went shopping together.

The residential area of ​​the rescue team headquarters now has a large number of various shops, and countless of the world's best and most fashionable products can be purchased here. Therefore, for many girls, another reason to join the rescue team is to enjoy the shopping paradise in the rescue team. .

The two of them spent the afternoon shopping. When they returned home, Lin Renmei suddenly stood still in the hall.

"Beautiful?" Cheng Xuejie just put down the things, and then she felt a wave.

Lin Renmei said in disbelief: "When I came back, I suddenly felt very satisfied, and then... I seemed to be about to advance."

"No way!" Cheng Xuejie said in shock.

The next moment, a white energy began to overflow from Lin Renmei's body. This energy did not disperse, but circulated around the surface of her skin.

There is no catastrophe, nor thunder from the sky.

It only took a moment for violent energy fluctuations to occur, and then Lin Renmei exhaled a hot breath and advanced.

"Succeeded?" Cheng Xuejie asked in disbelief when Lin Renmei opened her eyes.

Is it that simple?

Cheng Xuejie felt that Lin Renmei's advancement was just a joke. Just go shopping?

That's outrageous.

It's so outrageous


Lin Renmei nodded and said: "I have advanced, I feel like I have become stronger."

"What does it mean? Do you have any new abilities? What does it feel like to be a transcendent?" Cheng Xuejie asked curiously.

Except for the dead clock, the current rescue team's research on transcendants is still very superficial, mainly because the rescue team itself has no transcendants.

Now that Lin Renmei has successfully advanced, it can be said that it has filled the gap in the field of transcendence for the rescue team. If in-depth research is conducted, more people may become transcendence in the future.

After all, everything is difficult at the beginning.

Once there is a breakthrough, if the secret of the transcendent is discovered in the future, it is not certain that the difficulty of advancement will decrease.

"Let me get familiar with it first." Lin Renmei didn't know what was special about her advancement into a transcendent, so she could only smile bitterly.

Then she punched the air. Due to the constraints of the biological force field, it did not cause damage to the surroundings. She frowned and said: "The strength has not increased."

Then she tried something else, but there didn't seem to be much change in speed or defense.

"Forget it, I'll find an appraiser." Cheng Xuejie looked worried and said directly.

Lin Renmei stopped her and said, "Don't go, I feel it!"

As she spoke, a large number of golden chains appeared on her body. These chains quickly wrapped around her body, and she was tied up in a blink of an eye. At the same time, an iron coffin appeared out of thin air and imprisoned her in the coffin.

This coffin is very special. There is an expressionless human face protruding from the surface of the coffin. After looking at it for a long time, you will have the urge to worship it.

Cheng Xuejie didn't dare to look any further and could only wait for Lin Renmei to come out of the coffin.

An hour later, the coffin suddenly opened and a large amount of smoke spewed out. Then Lin Renmei walked out of the coffin and cursed: "This ability is too bad, I don't like it!"

"Are you okay?" Cheng Xuejie asked worriedly.

Lin Renmei shook her head and said, "It's okay, but this ability is too disgusting."

Then she told Cheng Xuejie the effect of this ability without reservation.

This ability is called [Holy Ring]. After it is activated, she will be locked in a coffin unable to move, and she can choose to deduct 1 to 1 unlimited life span.

When the holy ring ends, the coffin will lock onto the enemy target, pull the target into the coffin and seal it for a length of time equal to the lifespan deducted by Lin Renmei.

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