I Contracted Myself

【072】General Attack


"Kill all the cowards above!"

"A bunch of cowards, think they can survive by sticking together?"

Under the dark mountain peaks, countless clocks charged towards the peaks. From time to time, clocks would be hit by huge falling logs and turned into flesh in the blink of an eye.

Some of the smarter clocks are hiding in high places, waiting for the clocks on the mountain to run out of ammunition and food, and then kill them all in one fell swoop.

In the past year, the fighting among the clocks is still going on. The only change is that an organization called the "Peace Alliance" has emerged, which specializes in absorbing clocks who don't want to fight and joins the group to keep warm.

There were many clocks who devoted themselves to killing but were prevented from killing by this organization, and some stubborn clocks were even killed directly.

Because the influence of this force is growing, it finally forces many people to gather together to specifically attack and kill members of this organization, and this time is the biggest offensive.

"These bastards, they like to kill each other. Why don't they just fight each other? Why are they always staring at us? It's so annoying!" A long-haired Zhong Dian scolded.

He is Sissy Clock, and he is also a relatively famous Clock in the Peace Alliance. After all, he is very recognizable.

Investigator Zhong Dian frowned. The intensity of this offensive was a bit abnormal. He felt that someone was vaguely leading this battle behind him.

But even so, this is still a conspiracy.

Naturally, the Peace Alliance will not wait for the killing. Faced with these hourly attacks, they will definitely resist and fight back.

"I don't know when I will be able to leave this hellish place!" Investigator Zhong Dian sighed inwardly, then roared and kicked down the boulder next to him.

In the air, Dark Feng Laixian and others watched the battle below with boredom.

Although occasionally ‘Zhong Dian’ will be hit by ‘Zhong Dian’ with his super power, because Zhong Dian’s super power has no sound or light effects at all, the overall battle is like ordinary people fighting, and it is not very enjoyable to watch.

"It's over!"

Situ Shibai sighed.

This year, the fighting between clock and clock has been happening almost all the time, and this time is the final general attack.

Even the clocks themselves don't know that all the clocks here are already the last ones, and some of the clocks that have not come over have been killed.


Wang is not a patient person.

Although he intends to choose the strongest hour, he is not ready to waste time here, so luck can sometimes be a force.

Those who didn't rush over to fight clearly lacked a little luck!

"What should we do if all those people on the mountain survive in the end?" Zhu Hongfang asked calmly at this time.

Situ Shibai was stunned for a moment, and then realized the problem. The peace alliance on the mountain obviously would not kill each other.

"Then let us kill them all. Whoever survives to the end will be the winner." Dark Phoenix Fairy said coldly.

A bald man who had never spoken before frowned and said, "That's not good. After all, the one who survives will be our infinite one."

"What's wrong? Do we have a good relationship now?" Situ Shibai sneered.

He had seen the clock before, the dead clock.

The relationship between him and the other party is very bad.

If he is powerful enough to kill the Lord of Darkness, then the hour of his death must be on his must-kill list.

"Since no one objects, let's do it this way!" Dark Phoenix said calmly.

Situ Shibai sneered and said, "I have long wanted to kill for a few hours to enjoy myself."

"You are really bad to the core." The bald man complained.

Situ Shibai said sarcastically: "Baide, don't make it sound like you are a good person. In so many parallel worlds, how many Bai De are good people? At least in most worlds, I am a good person!"

"But are you? I still don't know what kind of thing I am." Bai De did not deny it, but looked at Situ Shibai and sneered.

Situ Shibai did not continue to quarrel with Bai De, but focused on the battle below. At this time, "Zhong Shi" rushed up the mountain.

As expected, the two sides began to fight, because the people above were dragged down, so more people rushed up, and the two sides started fighting to the death on the top of the mountain.

"That Zhong Chong is interesting, what a powerful method!" At this time, Bai De noticed the investigator Zhong Chong.

In the past, investigator Zhong Zhong has never gone all out. This time he really let go of his hands and feet to kill. Almost every move of Zhong Zhong was prejudged by him. He easily avoided all Zhong Zhong's attacks, and then raised the knife and dropped it. Take the other person's life directly.

The whole process flowed smoothly

Water seems to be easier than killing a chicken.

"You turned out to be so strong!" Wudanzhong came over with a spear and said in surprise.

Investigator Zhongdian smiled and said: "I just don't like violence, it doesn't mean I can't do it."

"Be careful!" Wudan Zhongdian reminded at this time.

The next moment, Zhong Dian rushed forward like crazy. Investigator Zhong Dian easily avoided the attack, and then slashed out with a knife at a tricky angle. That Zhong Dian's head fell to the ground immediately.

At this time, investigator Zhong Zhong squinted his eyes and looked not far away. A tall man with a big bald head slowly walked towards Zhong Zhong, holding a chain in his hand. The chain was dragged on the ground, and the other end was a A meteor hammer.

"You are very strong, and that knife blow just now was very beautiful!" Bald Zhong Dian looked at the investigator Zhong Dian, showing excitement.

Investigator Zhongdian frowned and said, "Are you their leader?"

"Chief? No, it's just that we all have the same goal. We are fighting life and death below, and you hide here and wait for the finale? Do you think we will accept this result?" Bald Zhongdian said with a sinister smile.

This is indeed what these attackers of the Peace Alliance have in mind.

They fight and kill down there, and the investigators watch them eat and drink in the mountains. They may even pick peaches in the end and get the fruits of victory by stepping on their bones. Who can bear this?

So under the instigation of the bald Zhong Zhong, these Zhong Zhong gathered together and attacked the Peace Alliance desperately in order to drag down the investigator Zhong Zhong and them all.

"You deserve to die!"

Investigator Zhong Dian said angrily.

He wanted to protect all members of the Peace Alliance, but he knew there were too many people and he couldn't do that.

All he can do now is kill the instigator in front of him, and then kill as many enemies as possible.


In an instant, the two of them took action at the same time.

The bald head Zhong Dian swung the meteor hammer, and the investigator Zhong Dian sided to avoid it. Only then did he realize that the other end of the chain was actually a machete as long as a watermelon knife.

He had no time to retreat, so he could only rush up. The knife in his hand collided with Bald Zhong's machete, and the knife was cut in half!

"Your knife is too light and thin!"

The bald man said with a evil smile, and the next moment he pressed hard.


The knife in investigator Zhong Dian's hand suddenly broke into two pieces.

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