I Contracted Myself



Bald Zhong Dian immediately put his other hand on the back of the knife, and used the momentum to press the knife to cut towards the neck of Investigator Zhong Dian. Investigator Zhong Dian's face changed slightly, and he quickly released the force and stepped back, rolling smoothly to avoid the fatal knife.

Then Investigator Zhong Dian half-knelt on the ground, staring at Bald Zhong Dian, and wiped the broken knife in his right hand with his left hand, and the broken knife immediately returned to the factory state.

"Is it useful? Your knife is too thin. Even if you restore it to its original state, it will just repeat the result just now." Bald Zhong Dian saw this scene and immediately sneered.

Except for a few Zhong Dian whose superpower is not the hand of beginning and end, all the Zhong Dian present have the superpower of the hand of beginning and end, and naturally know the 'hand of beginning and end' well.

Bald Zhong Dian wiped the chain knife in his hand with his left hand, and also restored the knife to its original state.

In this way, no matter how many times the collision occurs, the result must be that the knife in Investigator Zhong Dian's hand breaks first, and he always firmly holds the advantage.

However, he did not rely too much on the knife in his hand. Instead, he pulled the chain at the end of the handle, and the meteor hammer immediately returned to his side. He pulled up the meteor hammer and swung it slowly.

Conceptual superpowers do have lethality that ordinary people can hardly imagine.

The problem is that almost everyone present has conceptual abilities. There are too many variables in close combat. Once the enemy seizes the opportunity, the situation will be reversed in minutes.

The reason why the bald Zhongdian uses the meteor hammer and chain knife combination is actually to have a long-range means to suppress the target.

After all, superpowers can neither make him fly nor turn him into a strongman.

Apart from superpowers, all the Zhongdians present are no different from ordinary people.

The advantages of weapons will be magnified a lot here.

Investigator Zhongdian took a deep breath and did not act rashly. Instead, he quietly covered the blade with the biological force field and gradually concentrated it on the blade.

Other Zhongdians do not have additional abilities, but he has a biological force field!

As long as he seizes the opportunity and uses the invisible biological force field, he is sure to kill the bald Zhongdian in front of him.

"He's too calm."

"He wasn't affected by my words at all."

Bald Zhong Dian turned the meteor hammer in his hand, narrowed his eyes slightly, and thought to himself.

This kind of enemy

is the type he hates the most. They are too calm and can't relax until the last moment.

He thought about it, then shouted, and directly smashed the meteor hammer in his hand at Investigator Zhong Dian. Investigator Zhong Dian was half-kneeling on the ground. Seeing the meteor hammer coming, he immediately rolled on the ground to avoid the meteor hammer.


Investigator Zhong Dian felt the vibration of the meteor hammer hitting the ground, and he kicked his feet hard. The whole person stood up from the ground like a cheetah and rushed straight towards Bald Zhong Dian.

"Waiting for you!"

Bald Zhong Dian immediately grinned and chopped with a knife. His knife was heavier than Investigator Zhong Dian's knife. No matter how many times they collided, he would be the winner.

Because of his confidence, he chopped at Investigator Zhong Dian with all his strength.

Whether Zhong Dian responded with all his strength or retreated at the first blow, it had no effect on him. The only one who would suffer was Investigator Zhong Dian.


The knives collided with each other, followed by a harsh friction sound.

Bald Zhong Dian's eyes widened suddenly, and he watched Investigator Zhong Dian's knife cut his knife.

Not good!

Bald Zhong Dian yelled in his heart, but he had already used up all his strength in this chop, and there was no way he could react at all.


Investigator Zhong Dian flashed past Bald Zhong Dian, and a blood mark suddenly appeared on Bald Zhong Dian's neck.

"How is it possible?"

"My knife is clearly..."

Bald Zhong Dian's eyes widened, looking at the short knife in his hand in disbelief, and then his legs softened and he knelt on the ground.

He quickly gave up the knife in his hand, covered his neck and wanted to activate his ability, but then he felt a pain in his head, and his consciousness quickly fell into endless darkness.

We are all Zhong Dian, who doesn't know who?

Investigator Zhong Dian knew that cutting the throat would not kill ‘Zhong Dian’ immediately, so he passed the bald Zhong Dian and turned swiftly in the blind spot of the bald Zhong Dian. At the moment when the bald Zhong Dian knelt down, he stabbed the bald Zhong Dian’s head from top to bottom.

This knife was his real killer move.

It’s over!

After the most difficult bald Zhong Dian was dealt with, the rest were not to be feared.

Investigator Zhong Dian then launched a ruthless killing, cooperating with other Zhong Dian of the Peace Alliance to quickly wipe out

all the attacking Zhong Dian.

When the battle was over, only more than a dozen Zhong Dian were left alive in the entire valley, and each of them was panting and very tired.

“Don’t stand still, first see if there are any injured people nearby, and if there are, make sure whether they can be saved.” Investigator Zhong Dian inserted the knife into the ground and then commanded.

At this time, Dark Feng Laixian and others slowly fell from the air. A Zhong Dian reacted very quickly and immediately threw the spear in his hand at Situ Shibai, but the next moment the spear and the Zhong Dian who threw the spear were shot through by a beam of light.

"You can't blame me, he started it first." Situ Shibai said indifferently.

Investigator Zhong Dian said solemnly: "Who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who we are. Next is the final screening. Only one of you can survive and join us." Dark Feng Laixian said indifferently.

Investigator Zhong Dian gritted his teeth and said: "What if we refuse?"

"Then I will make the choice!" Dark Feng Laixian said indifferently.

The faces of the other survivors were pale. They did not want to participate in the battle. At the same time, they knew very well that if they fought with each other, the last person to survive would definitely be investigator Zhong Dian.

"Make a choice, let me kill you, or you can do it yourself. As long as I live for one hour, that's enough." Dark Feng Laixian said calmly.

Investigator Zhong Dian looked at Zhong Dang who was still alive and said decisively: "I'm sorry!"

Then he rushed towards the surviving ones and quickly harvested their lives with his sword in hand. He would whisper an apology for every person he killed.

After a killing, only Investigator Clock and Eggless Clock were left on the mountain.

"I'm not your opponent, let's do it." Wu Dan put down the weapon in his hand and said helplessly.

He didn't blame the investigator Zhong Dian. After all, if the investigator Zhong Dian didn't take action, those guys with scary auras floating in the air would do it. Rather than die in the hands of those people, it would be better to die in the hands of investigator Zhong Dian, at least. The investigator will give him a treat every hour.

However, the investigator did not take action at all. Instead, he smiled and said, "Sorry, I'm tired!"

He suddenly raised his hand, held the knife and touched his neck, and blood suddenly spurted out. Whether it was Wudan Zhongdian or Dark Phoenix Laixian, they were all stunned.

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