I Contracted Myself

【074】Black Star Sword


Wu Dan Zhong Dang did not expect that investigator Zhong Dang would eventually choose to commit suicide.

At the same time, he also realized that investigator Zhong Chong had just killed other people not so that he could survive, but so that he could survive.

"Is this love?" Zhu Hongfang murmured to himself as he looked down at Wudan Zhongdong, who was holding the investigator Zhongzhong.

Dark Feng Laixian and others were all stunned, and then looked at Zhu Hongfang strangely. This was obviously a comradeship.

"Forget it, no matter what, at least they were selected at the last hour." Bai De said this way.

Situ Shibai smiled gloomily and said, "Luck can be considered a part of strength. It's true to say that."

"Take the people and go to see the king!" Dark Phoenix Fairy said.

The next moment, Bai De landed on the ground to capture Wudan Zhongdian and left the area with Wudan Zhongdian.

Wu Danzhong didn't struggle, he just looked at the mountain peak and the countless corpses.

Finally, watch the dead investigator clock.


The waves of the sea are rolling, and countless seawater sloshes repeatedly, forming huge waves.

Lin Renmei came out of the sea, holding Apophis in her hand, and said with a smile: "The strength has not become stronger, but it feels like a lot stronger."

"Your personality is different."

Wuming was lying in the dragon shell, sucking milk while controlling the dragon shell and said.

Several months have passed since he used the Hidden Dragon Slaughter Method, and Wuming's spirit is getting better day by day. With various nutrients and the energy delivered by the dragon's shell, he is growing rapidly and vigorously.

Therefore, in the past few days, he could finally leave the rescue team headquarters and go to the outside world to test the power of the Dragon Shell under the protection of Lin Renmei.

In fact, it is mainly to test what the ‘immortal weapon personality’ is.

After some testing, Wuming came to the conclusion that the so-called 'immortal weapon' is the transcendent person.

All life forms below the Transcendent can be killed instantly with one punch, while the life forms and immortal weapons above the Transcendent have no effect at all.

To be honest, Wuming was a little disappointed.

Mainly the life forms below the awakened ones. Even if he doesn't use the 'immortal weapon status', he can easily kill them instantly. There is no need for the 'immortal weapon status' at all.

As for the opponents above the Transcendent, they are in the Immortal Weapon position.

The format doesn't work.

It's useless!

But it can’t be said to be completely useless.

If you encounter a 'Personality Killer', there is still an advantage to having a high level. At least the Dragon Shell will not be instantly killed because of its low level.

"By the way, Renmei, try this weapon!"

Wuming suddenly remembered the weapon he forged for Lin Renmei, and immediately controlled the dragon shell to take out a staff sword from Dream City.

The shape of this staff sword is very ordinary. It is a black round-headed staff sword. The staff is rounded at the top and pointed at the bottom. It looks like a special large black needle.

Lin Renmei took the staff and sword, gently pulled out the sword, and asked, "It looks very ordinary."

"Use it for a while and then evaluate." Wuming said in a conceited manner.

Lin Renmei sheathed her sword, nodded and said, "Well, I'll try it later, thank you!"

"You don't need me to introduce what abilities it has?" Wuming said amusedly.

Lin Renmei looked at Wuming and said nonchalantly, "You can say it or not."

"It's too cold and has no meaning at all." Wuming protested dissatisfied.

But in the end, I couldn't help but show off, and introduced: "This sword is called Black Star. The weight will change according to your strength, so it feels very good in the hand."

"At the same time, its sword grid contains multiple ability gems. When you swing the sword, you can take the opportunity to activate various abilities."

"Especially the ability of the Death Flying Knife to be dismantled, which can give the knife the ability to reduce the target lifespan, but at the same time you have to pay an equal amount of lifespan. This ability is very suitable for you, so I forged it countless times and added it to all This ability.”

"Also, Renmei, you need storage ability, and I have arranged it for you."

"The gem at the end of the sword hilt has a storage function, which can provide you with a space equivalent to a football field. If you want to increase the size of the storage space, you can also use the potential to trade gems. You can choose this aspect yourself. "

"In addition, the sword body is made of the Great Sun Determining Divine Needle, and there is an unimaginably huge space inside. Have you seen the starlight on the sword body? Once you hit the enemy, you can control the gravity of the starlight to seal the enemy into it. Within the sword itself, it can be considered a relatively easy-to-use ability, mainly used to deal with some enemies that are more difficult to kill.”

"Also, there are sixteen basic runes hidden in the scabbard. Every time you draw the sword and look down at the runes, the sword can be given special effects of sharpness and armor-breaking.

As a result, there is also ultra-high temperature energy inside. If necessary, aim the mouth of the scabbard at the target and shoot out heat rays for bombardment. "


"Okay, okay, I'll just have to figure it out on my own. If you tell me all this, I won't be able to remember it." Lin Renmei was a bit confused about whether to laugh or cry.

Mainly because the sword made by Wuming is too exaggerated and has too many abilities.

"Okay, I still want to say..." Wuming said with some regret.

But before she finished speaking, Lin Renmei stopped again, then she took the staff and sword and said with a smile: "Just treat the remaining abilities as a surprise, don't talk about it anymore."


What else could Wuming say, so he could only suck his milk angrily.

After finally forging a super artifact, it was really uncomfortable not to let him show it off.

There are obviously hundreds of abilities waiting for him to introduce, damn it!

"Let's go, let's find something to test the sword!" Lin Renmei then stretched out her hand to pull Wuming and immediately flew towards the land.

Wuming complained: "Test the sword? Who do you want to find? You can't kill innocent people!"

"Don't worry, I have already thought of something to test the sword with." Lin Renmei smiled.

The two flew over the land and then flew all the way. After a few hours, they flew to a mountain.

"You don't want to use this mountain to test the sword?" Wuming looked at the towering mountain and asked.

Lin Renmei held the cane sword and was eager to try: "No?"

"Whatever you want!" Wuming said indifferently.

It's just a mountain.

This world is not like the previous life, where various wild landscapes can be developed as tourist areas.

And the battles of alien beasts often destroy various mountains.

If Lin Renmei doesn't use this mountain to test the sword today, maybe tomorrow this mountain will be hit by some alien beast.

"Then I'll do it!"

Lin Renmei held the hilt of the sword with one hand and the scabbard with the other, and the next moment she drew out the sword and swung it.


The sword swept past, and the mountain remained the same.

"Good sword!"

Lin Renmei looked at the mountain, smiled and sheathed the sword.

She didn't have much experience in using weapons, and even if she held a staff sword, she would only swing it with brute force, but this sword concentrated her strength.

Because of the concentration, this sword slashed out a presence similar to sword energy.

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