I Contracted Myself


Although the mountain has not fallen, it has actually been cut off.

Both Wuming and Lin Renmei knew this, so Lin Renmei said it was a good sword.

Next, Lin Renmei conducted many tests on the mountain, and did not stop until the mountain collapsed.

"Okay, go back. If you don't go back, Jingyao will come find you." Lin Renmei said with a smile, holding the staff and sword.

Wuming nodded and said, "Well, let's go."

Now Su Jingyao really treats him as a baby. She knows that he has a dragon shell and there will definitely be no problem, but she always likes to worry about it.

The two returned to the rescue team headquarters, and Wuming separated from Lin Renmei and returned to his room alone.

Sure enough, Lin Renmei was already waiting in the room, and she was slightly relieved when she saw him coming back.

After some greetings, Lin Renmei went to help Wuming put in hot water to take a bath, while Wuming himself sat on the bed, thinking about the dragon's shell.

Under his forging, the Dragon Shell did have the status of a transcendent. The problem was that it was not a true transcendent, just an empty shell without self-will.

Therefore, the superpowers possessed by Dragon Shell have not undergone qualitative changes and are still the same as in the past.

"It's a trick after all."

Wuming was rolling on the bed, thinking helplessly.

Those who transcend need to transcend themselves. Dragon Shell has no self at all, so how can it transcend itself?

What is not there is nothing.

Even if you use basic runes to simulate weapons to overcome the tribulation, it will only give the dragon shell the status of a transcendent, but it is still not a transcendent.

Of course, the boundary between the Awakened and the Transcendent is not particularly clear, and the strength gap is not so large that it cannot be crossed. With Dragon Shell's current combat power, ordinary Transcendents are really no match for it.

The reason why Wuming wants Dragon Shell to become a true transcendent is to upgrade.

Nowadays, the legend of the Dragon Shell is constantly increasing. When the legend is enough, the Dragon Shell can be upgraded to the ancient dragon level, which is the upgrader.

Now the Dragon Shell is a half-empty transcendent, and I don't know if there will be any problems with the upgrade. This is what Wuming really cares about.

It can be said that the dragon shell is his biggest reliance. Before he grows up, he needs to rely on the dragon.

shell to protect itself.

There must be no problem with the Dragon Shell, that's why he attaches so much importance to it.

Unfortunately, there is too little he can do now. He can only wait until his body can run and jump, then find ways to improve the Dragon Shell, and try his best to make the Dragon Shell a true transcendent.

"Also... the Hidden Dragon's rebirth method also needs to be improved..."

Wuming looked at his little arms and legs, and finally made a note on his schedule.

Today's Hidden Dragon transformation method is good, but it is really painful to have to re-grow from a baby. He still needs milk, and wants to eat barbecue, fried chicken, and Coke, but his body does not allow it.

"Captain Wuming, there's a situation!"

While Wuming was waiting for Su Jingyao to help him take a bath, Chen Weihua walked in quickly.

Wuming looked at Chen Weihua, and then looked at Dragon Shell, who said, "What's going on?"

"The missing investigator died at about the same time!" Chen Weihua said immediately.

Before, investigator Zhong Dian was just missing and could not get in touch with the rescue team, but everyone knew that investigator Zhong Dian was still alive, and now the other person is dead.


Dragon Shell immediately activates the ability to reset the eye.

Then the chest of the Dragon Shell opened, and Wuming floated into the Dragon Shell. The Dragon Shell said, "I'll go take a look too."

"What's the use of staying here to take a shower and go and watch?" Chen Weihua refused.

The status of the target resurrected by the reset eye will be restored to the moment it was recorded, so investigators will not have any clues at all.

"Okay, if anything happens, remember to tell me." Wuming said helplessly.

Everyone thinks he is a child, although he is indeed a child.

In a flash, several days passed.

Wuming found that he could crawl. He began to crawl around, trying to exercise his body.

At the same time, he also paid attention to the follow-up of investigator Zhong Dian. Investigator Zhong Dian did not provide any clues. He himself did not know how he died.

But he is a man of ideas.

Before resetting the eye record, he had already made a decision in his mind that he must leave a mark before he died. As long as he found the mark he left before his death, he could pass the place of death.

Deduced what happened.

The rescue team specially sent two teams to search the location of investigator Zhong Dian's previous mission and look for the marks left by Zhong Dian before his death.

Who knew, they actually found it!

And I found a thin book under the mark, which recorded a lot of garbled characters.

When the book was brought back to the rescue team headquarters, the investigator easily deciphered the garbled code and obtained the detailed content.

"So that's it. There is an organization that captures a lot of hours for fighting, and the last ones that survive are absorbed into the organization." In the room, Wuming was wearing a panda costume, holding a milk bottle in his hand. After listening to the reports of Su Jingyao and Chen Weihua, if there was any Thoughts.

If he guessed correctly, this organization is probably the Infinite Organization of the Lord of Darkness!

"In other words, that investigator planted an informant in the Infinite Organization?" He looked at the two of them in disbelief and asked uncertainly.

This is too awesome.

No one knows the horror of the Dark King better than him, which forced him to have no choice but to "reincarnate".

"That Zhongdian probably doesn't know the situation of our organization. He is just fulfilling the investigator's last wish." Chen Weihua said with a smile.

In the future, that Wudan Zhongdian will continue to provide them with all kinds of unlimited intelligence.

After they get the intelligence, they can look for opportunities to assassinate the members of the Infinite Organization and cut off the hands of the Infinite Organization as much as possible.

Even if the Dark King is very strong, it is impossible for him to do everything himself. In this way, many worlds will be spared from the harm of the Infinite Organization.

The most clever thing is that Wudan Zhongdian doesn't know about the rescue team. He subconsciously just tells the dead investigator Zhongdian what happened.

It's probably like telling the tombstone about your current situation.

The Dark King's ability is very terrible, but if even the informant himself doesn't know that he is an informant, even if the investigation is carried out after the incident, it will not be found on Wudan Zhongdian.

However, in order to ensure the safety of Wudan Zhongdian, Wuming decided to wait a few years before taking action.

Firstly, Wudan Zhongdian had just joined and a member was targeted, which would definitely arouse the Dark King's suspicion. Secondly, Wuming also needed time to develop.

After discussion, everyone unanimously agreed to wait until Wuming's body was five years old before taking action.

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